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myhome, you are not alone in experiencing these dark days, I think every one of us knows exactly where you're coming from.
We can all attest to the fact that it isn't black all the time...it's like a rollercoaster. Some days are unbearable and others, you are focused and full of purpose.
Things can, and do, work out the right way, I promise you.
Please visit your GP for support.
My apologies for joining this thread quite late. I too have severe mental health problems (severe bipolar) and it is this issue about which I know most (or infact anything at all!)
Do NOT under any circumstances come off prescribed medication suddenly and without a great deal of support from your GP. Coming off Fluoxetine suddenly will more than likely bring back your symptoms and then some. You will feel fine for about 2 weeks then it will be back. Try to space out diazepam and maybe take half of one ( 2mg, 5 mg or 10 mg?) unless you have an over whelming need to self-harm.
Regarding self-harm. It is of course a massive release but try to take the diazepam before the urge reaches it's peak. As you have a cpn you must have been in the MH system for a while so should be able to recognise the symptoms.
See your CPN as a matter of urgency. Counselling can be done with her/him if they are a qualified worker and not just a support worker. If they are a support worker ask them to bring up your needs at their next team meeting (or before as a matter of urgency).
When suicidal, phone the Samaritans. It really does help. When suicidal feelings rush in, use the diazepam. It is there to be used - just not abused.
Kind regards
False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.
Rights Fighter;34828]What makes you think you wll have to sell your own home to pay for a defence? You might be eligible for public funding
Thank you for your reply. I'm assuming that to defend my case is going to cost me a small fortune as if it went to trial it would be 300 miles away from my home and I'm assuming also that I would have to pay my solicitor's expenses as well as costs.
Thanks you for the link to the calculator; I will use that and find out.
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Thanks for your advice largactyl1, lawlessone and faith. My CPN is now off on maternity leave; they will allocate me another urgently but that will take over 2 weeks... I'm seeing my GP again on Thursday and I'm so fortunate that he is very supportive and helpful....
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
A late welcome from me but I can confirm the posts of the other members.
Most of us have experienced what you are living or a case similar to it.
You must keep faith and be strong.
Talking about your situation to your family,friends and samaritans will be a relief for you.
If you are not happy with one of the last you can change the receiver.
You will get positive and negative thoughts but in the end you must aim for your innocence.
Try to keep busy,go out,meet your friends and family...
and take care of yourself.
The other county police force must have had the tapes for a week to 10 days. I'm now scared of everything - the phone ringing, the post arriving.... a van passed my home yesterday - it had red and yellow chevrons on its rear doors. I immediately thought it had come for me. It passsed by then drove away - it wasn't even a police vehicle... I cry lots and having had a nervous breakdown 5 years ago I recognise the signs and so don't want it to happen again...
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Sorry you're feeling so edgey, I can understand it though... I'm pretty paranoid about internet spies! having had a nervous breakdown means that you're possibly more vulnerable than others but also means you are more likely to be able to avoid it. If you're seeing yuor GP or mental health professional tell them whats happening to you and about your fears. It may be that your medication needs to be modified. I find it's very easy to get bogged down with fear, and when I take note of it I realise that no-one is putting that fear onto me, I'm doing it to myself . Does that make sense? It's then possible for me not to do it to myself. Try it.
Sorry you're feeling so edgey, I can understand it though... I'm pretty paranoid about internet spies! having had a nervous breakdown means that you're possibly more vulnerable than others but also means you are more likely to be able to avoid it. If you're seeing yuor GP or mental health professional tell them whats happening to you and about your fears. It may be that your medication needs to be modified. I find it's very easy to get bogged down with fear, and when I take note of it I realise that no-one is putting that fear onto me, I'm doing it to myself . Does that make sense? It's then possible for me not to do it to myself. Try it.
WOW. True.
Well put as well!
Not a lot can be added to that apart from things don't change you just learn to deal with them better. I still get worried all the time but I can brush it off a little easier. When you're innocent and faced with the potential consequences of being called guilty everything in life changes.
I can relate to that. After having the 5.30m, smashing the door in, routine from the police, every time I saw a police car, no matter how far from home I was, Was convinced they had come to arrest my husband. And Have never had mental health issues - well as far as !
I know
Originally posted by Angry and frightenedView Post
I can relate to that. After having the 5.30m, smashing the door in, routine from the police, every time I saw a police car, no matter how far from home I was, Was convinced they had come to arrest my husband. And Have never had mental health issues - well as far as !
I know
No, didnt actually smash it in, just felt like it! They were so loud, they woke up the whole estate and the estate next door! Having said that, we can not use the front door now as my sons key broke off in lock, can not afford locksmith, wonder if hat had anything to do with it? Maybe we can claim expenses off police - lol!