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Very new to this....
Originally posted by myhome View PostThanks all - hope you're still upright LP...........
There is no flexibility at all about me working with clients - that's a straight no and if the Board of Trustees had their way I would still be suspended on full pay.
So this means that should other posts become available in the company that involve working with clients I cannot apply for them. So if the training dept is points scored to see who is not going to be made redundant, then I score nothing for working with clients and can't be considered for the post as the post involves delivering training to clients.
I do hope you are ok, it really is so unfair how you are being treated.
Take care, CGU xx
hi - CGU I completely agree with you. The process and the system are target and money driven and have nothing to do with truth and innocence.
In the case of the company I work for, because I work with vulnerable adults, the company has to abide by its Safeguarding policy, and whilst the SMT is under no doubt that I am innocent, they have to treat me as they would treat any other employee - and if this happened to someone else and they were guilty though protesting their innocence and they did something to a client then the company would be liable for not protecting its clients....I have resigned myself to being made redundant in Feb because of the structure of the company, I cannot see any other option for them - or me...."Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Hi ML - thanks hon - was away for the weekend.....
Whilst on leave, another internal job advert came out - sent to only those of us facing redundancy. It involves partly working with clients individually unsupervised so I can't apply for it.
FFS - I have a completely clear ENHANCED dbs check - so as far as the police is concerned I'm safe to work with vulnerable adults and children. The board of trustees of the company is acting as judge and jury.
There is a huge element of unfairness, unjustness and discrimination in this. Everyone else on the list (7) can apply for it but I can't. Neither can I apply for the other one advertised the week before. I am so angry and upset - so just sitting at my desk crying...and despite what I've posted here and on other people's threads, I really don't know how to carry on fighting this. I am not a dangerous raving child abusing sex maniac yet I am being rerated like one at work and I really have had enough of other people sh*tting on my life"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Hi MH,
I am touched by your post and feel there are so many people hurting by what they are going through. Your position is unbearable and the uncertainty of your job must feel terrible.
It is so difficult knowing how to say anything to support you except I am saddened with you and wish your situation would hurry up and improve.
Bestest bestest wishes for you. xxxxx
thanks cigw and ML - it is hard but it's support from you all on here, on t'other one and friends that really helps...I'm on leave now till 6th jan so hopefully that will help................"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Hi cigw - thanks for your kind thoughts. It's been in the back of my mind and I guess sometimes I'm pretending it's not going to happen and other times I've just resigned myself to the fact that it is because realistically, and the fact that despite a clear enhanced DBS check, they still won't let me work with clientsand there are no other posts within the company that don't involve that (the admin team is also facing a cut in numbers)....
With regard to the FA - that's never ever out of my mind - which I guess is the same for everyone on here.......MH
Last edited by myhome; 1 January 2014, 08:25 PM."Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Probable redundancy update
I have been told if/when redundancy goes ahead and the dept is matrix scored to see which of us it is, I will score the minimum points ont he "flexibility within the company" criterion purely because of the FA and not being allowed to work with clients.
Decision will be made on 27th January. There is then a 2 week appeal period and followed by 4 weeks' notice."Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
So sorry to hear this. I hope you will be successful with your representation. Could this be discrimination - the effect of the FA is resulting in a lower score than what you should be receiving if the FA was removed.
Not really sure what I'm talking about but it just does not seem fair that you are being put at a disadvantage. due to a FA which has currently not be proven to be true.
Sending you best wishes
Originally posted by myhome View PostI have been told if/when redundancy goes ahead and the dept is matrix scored to see which of us it is, I will score the minimum points ont he "flexibility within the company" criterion purely because of the FA and not being allowed to work with clients.
Decision will be made on 27th January. There is then a 2 week appeal period and followed by 4 weeks' notice.
Could it not be argued that your lack of actual PHYSICAL flexibility with regards the working with clients is massively out weighed by other areas?
The entire FA scenario actually changes people. It does cause areas of resentment and, I suppose, RAGE!!! but in other areas it actually makes individuals far more thoughtful and analytical.
Personally, take the money and run. Barstewards don't deserve a fine person such as yourself, you're wasted working for them. Onwards and upwards to better things!Wow... A signature option!
Thanks all - change of dates to-day - 1st meeting 20th Jan; 2nd meeting and decision 30th Jan. Matrix scoring takes place in between these dates.
yes CIGW - it is discrimination in way but I don't know if it is a legal way. I'm hoping the sols RF has recommended will be able to help me here.
OMG - not only have I not been found guilty of any crime, I have not even been arrested/bailed or charged - on an allegation of a 5 year period of sexual abuse of a pupil - neither is the Interrogation under caution on my Enhanced DBS check.....
LL1 - mwah.....the only other posts that could be available to me within the company involve working with clients.....
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh