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  • #91
    Thanks for the replies, we have kidnapped dil's dog for an hour so we are off for a walk.
    Fingers crossed hubby will return to positive mode soon. LP
    Together We Can Beat This Hell


    • #92
      Our furry four legged friends can do so much to help us when we go through traumatic times. Maybe 'kidnap' said furry friend again a few times a week?
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #93
        Going to do just that RF..We WILL get through the downs and we WILL win this fight...Not that I believe there are any actual 'winners' of FA. LP
        Together We Can Beat This Hell


        • #94
          A bit of canine therapy and fresh air will do you the world of good!


          • #95
            Don't you call it the hair of the dog therapy?

            I am sure it will do you good as well to go out to walk and talk.
            Keeps you healthy as well.
            Try to stay busy it is the best remedy.
            Take care.

            I like your new year's resolution:We WILL get through the downs and we WILL win this fight...
            Last edited by Boys don't cry; 4 January 2013, 09:52 AM.
            Non,je ne regrette rien.


            • #96
              Thanks BDC In our case it was chasing the dog !! Least we slept well after all the 'Jogging'
              Glad you like our mantra ! LP
              Together We Can Beat This Hell


              • #97
                Exercise gets the endorphins flowing - they are the feel good factor hormones. So do more of it and preferably with a four legged furry friend for company!
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #98
                  I spent loads of time walking my dog when going through it all and he knows all the inns and outs of my case
                  They seem to know when you are sad.


                  • #99
                    Hi All, Seems like I only post when things are low, sorry but things are low again. ex Son in Law rang 2 weeks ago to update us and say the oic has contacted him and he gave his info over the phone, and she said she will contact him 'if' she needs a signed statement. We have heard nothing at all since that last post I made, still I suppose no news is good news. So need a conclusion either way to this hell. I can't even find out if grand daughter is ok, and we both have a strong need to know where the hell our daughter/fa'er is coming from and why she has done this !.
                    First time we have both been down at the same time so its hard to bolster each others confidence at the moment. Thanks for listening. LP
                    Together We Can Beat This Hell


                    • Hi LP - really sorry you're down again - it's such a rollercoaster of emotions....It's doubly difficult when you're both like it at the same time. Half the battle is recognising that - which you have. The next thing is to challenge your feelings and emotions. It's difficult but not impossible.

                      First, when you recognise that you are down, say so to each other - that acknowledges your feelings and emotions so you both know.

                      Next, consider these two choices:-
                      i) you can accept you're down and let it overtake your whole day and colour everything you do, or let it stop you doing anything at all OR
                      ii) you can accept you're down and then "take it out with you." By that I mean, you fight the feelings of lethargy and go out - right out, away from the physical environment you're in, to the park/beach/cliffs/woods/moors/cafe/game of pool at the pub/crazy golf - anything. So, say to your mood, "Right, Dark Mood, we know you're there but you're not going to stop us having a nice day. We're going out and you can come with us if you want, but frankly, we'd much rather you b*****ed off. See you later if you're still around." Then GO OUT!!!
                      The second one is the hardest but also obviously the most therapeutic - my CPN said to me that the very time you really can't be bothered to go out/exercise is the time it will be of most benefit......

                      This is a link to an amazing little book and so worth the read - it's easy to read and I'm sure you'll recognise many of your feelings in the illustrations..........
             My CPN lent it to me and it was such a relief to recognise my feelings and emotions so cleverly described and illustrated. It is a very heart warming book and takes about 15 mins to read - but soooo worth it....
                      Hope you're on the up again soon...... sending these....
                      "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                      • Just want to add a note to this thread so if anyone reads it they know the outcome for us was very positive. Our banana's are in another thread.
                        We finally had a phone call from the OIC we couldn't quite believe it when we were told hubby has no case to answer. Good news indeed !!
                        As I have said in the other thread...we are sticking around on this forum we will offer whatever support we can to others falsely accused. LP
                        Together We Can Beat This Hell

