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  • #76
    Really feel for you - it must seem like the injustice is just going on and on.....
    "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


    • #77
      Originally posted by Boys don't cry View Post
      My parents and I are in the same boat:
      They haven't seen their grandson for nearly two years now.
      I just started visits in a center,will miss him another xmas.

      If I am lucky I should be able to meet him in the community next year.
      Fathers rights...yeah right!

      Falsely accused,unanimously found Not Guilty,still fighting...

      Why are your parents not allowed to see their grandson, BDC, surely none of this is anything to do with them? Who are they trying to protect? This justice system is sooo wrong! Hope you get better visiting rights for your son next year x


      • #78
        It's nothing to do with them for sure.

        My bail conditions before the trial were not to have any contact direct or indirect with my wife.
        If my mother would have managed to see him (she was the only one who knew about the accusation) it would have been indirect contact.
        I am confident as well that my ex wouldn't have let her see him.
        Everyone here know about bail conditions and the last thing you would want is to breach them.

        The day after I was released from Crown Court,she applied for a non molestation order.
        I cannot go near the house and still not allowed to have any contact with her.

        I still meet her in County Court because I legally fight to see my son.
        I asked my barrister that my parents would like to see him as well but he answered:
        -You are the first one on the list and it must go progressively.

        I have nothing against the justice nor the police.
        Only against false accusers.

        I feel for you LP
        Non,je ne regrette rien.


        • #79
          Thanks BDC, We will be carrying on regardless how ever hard it is to cope as I am sure you will too.
          Thanks to the support here we have the joint strength to fight on. LP
          Together We Can Beat This Hell


          • #80
            Hi All, I really hope you all had a peaceful Christmas. Just a quick update from me....
            We had a visit from the OIC and I signed my statement. She told us she is on leave until after the
            new year break and on her return she would be speaking with her inspector as she has no evidence apart
            from daughters word, Hubby has more people making statements against daughter and oic is looking to drop the case.
            I really hope this is the glimmer of hope we have been waiting for.
            Keep strong my friends
            Together We Can Beat This Hell


            • #81
              Hi LP
              This is sounding very hopeful for you - sending fingers crossed and Angels that you have the New Year that you're hoping for
              "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


              • #82
                So hurt and angry

                Oh this sound promising, but I guess this is all still terribly hard for you, and your husband,I really hope that someone can get to your daughter and give her the help she so clearly needs .
                Happy new year to you all and please let's all hope and pray its a more peaceful one ,take care and keep us posted!


                • #83
                  Thanks myhome and hurt and angry LP
                  Together We Can Beat This Hell


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by CharlieT
                    Consider these if you will: Maxims of Law:

                    He who instigates a crime is worse than he who perpetrates it.

                    He who does not repel a wrong when he can, induces it.

                    he who does not forbid a crime while he may, sanctions it.

                    If one falsely accuses another of a crime, the punishment due to that crime should be inflicted upon the perjured informer.

                    What otherwise is good and just, if it be sought by force and fraud, becomes bad and unjust.

                    I agree false accusers are the perpetrators but the Police quite often, from experience and research instigate it, rather than 'investigate' it. I know I refer a lot to Maxims of Law but these are common sense laws based up truth and scripture.
                    I would like to welcome you to the forum Charlie and your posts are a real pleasure to read,you are intriguing me with your book.
                    Unfortunately my english is far worse than yours but I have a good excuse.

                    I do agree with you but my point is that if firstly "we" were not falsely accused by these persons we wouldn't have to face all this turmoil.

                    I won't write about my story but being falsely accused was just the beginning of a nightmare and even after being unanimously found not guilty.

                    I also have the evidence from a witness statement that my ex lied to the police.
                    In Crown court the jury asked her a question and my ex's answer was totally different from her police interview.
                    During her video interview the police officer asked her if she wanted to mislead them...

                    My legal fight isn't finish for different but important matters.

                    You were perfectly right when you wrote:

                    The best advice I can give to anyone facing false allegations, especially if you have been charged, is to inspect every piece of evidence there is with a fine tooth comb. Rip it apart and put it back together. Read everything, the statements, the occurrence reports, everything.

                    I did exactly the same.
                    It was hard and painful to read,I sometimes felt sick but in the end I wrote pages with references against her lies,I peeled the statements,words by words to help myself.

                    I do not understand why the police didn't investigate her lies.

                    The reasons I personally don't have anything against the police and the justice are:

                    The police:

                    Officers,I believe only do their jobs.
                    A member of my family would be genuinely raped,I would urge the police to find the offender.
                    Unfortunately some twisted souls are using the law against innocent male victims and your female friend's story is so true:
                    Maybe it is harder for me because I have the equipment.

                    The justice:

                    I told the truth from the beginning until the end.
                    I made the mistake not to have a solicitor present during my interview.
                    I worked hard for my defence,I found material evidence,I had an excellent witness.
                    I was found unanimously not guilty.

                    (I would agree with Ivor that Max Clifford won't be a porte parole for the falsely accused and if Dominique Strauss-Kahn is cleared of his pimping accusations we might have another one ).

                    I wish you all the best regarding your book.
                    Last edited by Boys don't cry; 30 December 2012, 05:14 PM.
                    Non,je ne regrette rien.


                    • #85
                      "She confirmed to me that Police gain 'points' on their personal profile for each arrest, charge, conviction etc, especially when it comes to sexual offences. So it confirmed to me that all we are is pawns in their game. That's why I don't believe the Police do their jobs but they believe they do."

                      As My hubby's solicitor said to me after the trial when I backed him into a verbal corner, "It's a numbers game"
                      To whit I replied, "We are pawns in the State's game of russian roulette".
                      He had no answer to that unequivocal fact.


                      • #86
                        Lord Denning, when speaking about the miscarriage of justice involving the Birmingham 6 said; "It is better that innocent men are in prison than for the integrity of the justice system to be impugned".
                        By this he began the process of destroying Clause 39 of the Magna Carta, roughly translated; 'a man shall not be arrested, tried or convicted on the unsubstantiated word of an accuser'.
                        He also suggested that had the Birmingham 6 been hanged the issue of miscarriages of justice would not have arisen and perhaps it would have been better had they been hanged.
                        Better for who? The justice system most certainly.
                        The innocent languishing in prison or as Denning preferred - dead?
                        Answers on a postage stamp.


                        • #87
                          I'm trying to help a guy who is serving 15 years for crimes that were never committed. He called today and he cannot get his head around the fact that being innocent has no place in a court room.

                          I am sure that somebody posted on here something a high court judge recently said, that innocence is not to be found in the British Justice system, only those who are guilty or not guilty. I'll try to find it.....

                          I know that in common sense terms not guilty should equal innocent but tell that to Social Services......


                          "Innocence as such is not a concept known to our criminal justice system," said Lady Hale last year as the supreme court ruled on what, according to the law, constituted "a miscarriage of justice". "We distinguish between the 'guilty' and" the 'not guilty'. A person is only guilty if the state can prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt."

                          In our cases guilt is not always proved 'beyond all reasonable doubt' and these days that is out of the window. Judge's directions have changed so that the jury are directed that they now only 'have to be sure'.
                          Last edited by Rights Fighter; 31 December 2012, 07:10 PM. Reason: To add link
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • #88
                            Fed Up

                            Hi All.....The waiting game is really getting to hubby at the moment, I really wish the oic wouldn't keep saying things like..."The case will go to the inspector next week with the view that the case be dropped as we have no evidence" and then nothing happening. I know the wheels turn slowly but this is like being torchered and nothing I say in support to hubby seems to help. Best wishes to everyone for the New Year. LP
                            Together We Can Beat This Hell


                            • #89
                              Hard as it is, the least torturous role for you is to dismiss the OIC's words.

                              He can give his opinion when passing the case forward, but it is not ultimately his decision if a charge is made
                              The waiting game is the worst aspect...believe me when I say there is an end to it.
                              Take Care
                              "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                              Numbers 32:23


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by lonley place View Post
                                Hi All.....The waiting game is really getting to hubby at the moment, LP
                                Hi LP - the waiting is really awful. You've probably tried this but do you both "keep busy" doing things you enjoy so you're distracted and concentrating on something else? Keep strong MH
                                "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh

