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  • #31
    The more we find out...the more bizarre this FA is getting. Loads of information and defence for our solicitor
    to look at...Again thanks to everyone for the info and support with out it we would still be in our lonely place, and would not have started looking at what others know.
    We still have a long long way to go, but at least we have made an early start instead of being sitting ducks.

    Together We Can Beat This Hell


    • #32
      Originally posted by lonley place View Post
      We still have a long long way to go, but at least we have made an early start instead of being sitting ducks.
      Absolutely LP, knowledge is power, and bizarrely the CPS are more likely to back off if they are aware that their opponents are clued-up (the 51% likelihood of conviction mantra)

      To help this along, if you can think of something that will throw her into a bad light but without giving any of your ammunition away, it could be helpful to ask your solicitor to put this to the OIC (an example of this would be if she has defrauded the benefit system: not really relevant to case but proof of capacity to lie)
      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


      • #33
        I have a lot of information that would place our girl into a bad light, which I won't hesitate to use
        in support of my hubby. So sad that we are having to attack our daughter in this way, but for whatever reason she is doing the same thing to her dad. Sounds so tit for tat but needs must.

        Together We Can Beat This Hell


        • #34
          I agree with Casehardened that evidence which undermines the accuser in the eyes of the CPS will be useful in lessening the chance of a charge


          Give NOTHING to the OIC without running it past the solicitor first. That is crucial
          "Be sure your sin will find you out"

          Numbers 32:23


          • #35
            Thanks Faith ..We are awaiting a call back from out solicitor. Even more information
            has been given to us by her recent ex.

            Together We Can Beat This Hell


            • #36
              We have been informed by our daughters ex husband, that she rang him earlier this year
              just after her now boyfriend told her that my hubby wasn't her dad and that her dad raped her ect.
              She told her ex husband things which confirm she knows her dad is innocent. This is getting more and more
              worrying now. Problem is we can't get in contact with our solicitor, we have been trying for 2 days !
              Can anyone give us a clue whether to give her ex husbands info to the police so he can tell them all that daughter told him ??
              Thanks LP
              Together We Can Beat This Hell


              • #37

                My own view is that if any information came up which would make it less likely for the matter to go to trial, I would hand it over on the basis that the publicity of a trial is damaging, even if a not guilty verdict is guaranteed (which of course it is not)

                The danger is that the police will re-interview the accuser to 'clarify' her statement with regard to the new information and she may then change her story to take this into account (this will not trouble the CPS in any way whatsoever; they are always looking to 'strengthen' their evidence)

                This is why Faith's admonition of running anything past your solicitor is so important.

                I know you're thinking time is of the essence and you say you can't presently get hold of him, but it is highly unlikely that anything will happen in the next few days. As Rights Fighter mentioned earlier, it will be weeks, if not months, before the CPS come to any sort of decision, no matter what information is given to them.

                Keep digging, but keep your powder dry!
                'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                • #38
                  Hi Case Hardened, Thanks for your advice.
                  I will keep trying to contact solicitor, and wait.
                  I'm getting into a panic because I know both daughter and granddaughter are
                  isolated in a house with a dangerous manipulative man. A lot of info has come to light
                  in the past few days and I want to scream and shout at the police for being so blinkered.
                  I am breathing deep and trying to relax....I will wait for solicitor. LP
                  Last edited by lonley place; 23 November 2012, 09:35 AM. Reason: typo
                  Together We Can Beat This Hell


                  • #39
                    Hang in there LP.
                    You have done all you can at this stage. You have dug out some potentially important evidence; made SS aware that your daughter and grandchild may be in danger; you have supported your husband. Take a deep breath and a step back.
                    As others have said, these things take time. Your sol is probably not returning your calls because, in all honesty, until your hubby is charged there is very little they can do. They also do not get paid for any work they do pre-charge, other than visits to the copshop, I believe (happy to be corrected on this!)

                    Try emailing the sol asking for contact. That way you will have a trail of contact, which you may need in the future should you decide to change legal teams.
                    Other than that, try to live a normal weekend. I know it's easier said than done but you have to try to maintain some shred of normality....allowing this FA to consume you leads to madness. Take it from one who knows!
                    Thinking of you.


                    • #40
                      Hi Saffron
                      Thanks for your help. We are off to our caravan for the weekend.
                      Gonna get some "us" time
                      Together We Can Beat This Hell


                      • #41
                        Oh my oh my, panicking now ! Police rang to arrange a meeting for a chat as I am our daughters mother, and I am saying none of the things happened she has accused her dad of.
                        I know nothing in her statement is true, I want to scream and rant at the police for believing the lies.
                        Only hoping I can keep calm when they visit
                        Together We Can Beat This Hell


                        • #42
                          just remember to answer ONLY the question - don't try to elaborate and give them more information to use against you. They will go back to your daughter and tell her what you've said - it gives them chance to 'embroider' her statement to fit what you've said.

                          Try not to kick them in the shins, it doesn't go down well! Tempting though it is
                          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                          • #43

                            Before the meeting,ask if you are entitled to have a solicitor.
                            Keep calm and polite even though...otherwise they will make life difficult for you.
                            Just answer simply and truthfully,don't critisize your daughter nor her boyfriend.
                            If you have evidence against them,don't tell the police about it.
                            Take care.
                            Non,je ne regrette rien.


                            • #44
                              Thanks for the replies ...holding it together for now.
                              I don't know how long for though
                              Will try to contact solicitor tomorrow ask him how much and what I should say
                              Together We Can Beat This Hell


                              • #45
                                So hurt and angry

                                Don't be scared, just imagine them sitting on the loo!
                                No seriously maybe somebody can tell me ,are you allowed to record the police asking you questions?
                                And defo! Don't talk too much it's so easy to get carried away with your anger and they will use your fear and vulnerability at this time, if you need to talk to somebody, talk to us . The police will not say anything to you that will help and the people on this site will know as much as they do anyway. Rest assured they will record everything you say. Take care xx

