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  • #46
    Originally posted by lonley place View Post
    Only hoping I can keep calm when they visit

    Originally posted by Boys don't cry View Post

    Before the meeting,ask if you are entitled to have a solicitor.
    If the 'chat' is not in a police station then there is no entitlement to a solicitor i.e. no public funding would be available for one to be present, though obviously there is absolutely no reason why LP couldn't ask her own solicitor to be there.
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


    • #47
      One police interrogative tactic is to leave lots of spaces... they know it's hard for most people not to fill these in... don't! Think of your favourite things instead! or just go into blank mode. Good luck!


      • #48
        Originally posted by RFLH View Post
        just remember to answer ONLY the question - don't try to elaborate and give them more information to use against you. They will go back to your daughter and tell her what you've said - it gives them chance to 'embroider' her statement to fit what you've said.:
        That's just unbelievable! If Jo public were to hear of such antics happening in Iran, Afganistan or anywhere else he'd be horrified!


        • #49
          Thanks for the tips everyone. In one way its lucky I have been questioned my the police before so I have an idea of the games they play and how they can so easily twist what you say to mean something completely different. My biggest fear is letting my man down ...goodness I know hes innocent and daughter is being lead by her boyfeind. Can't tell you how much I want to wake her up from the brainwash shes had LP
          Together We Can Beat This Hell


          • #50
            hope you're feeling better


            • #51
              Feeling better at the moment,Just going to go with the flow, answer the questions they ask
              and give them the number of the ex son in law as he has some good info which paints this in a
              different light. The rest I will be keeping to myself for now.

              Together We Can Beat This Hell


              • #52
                Well Well...its surprising what you find out from the most unexpected places. OIC came today as arranged
                and I answered the questions asked which corroborated what hubby said in his interview. OIC said that daughters now boyfiend is well known to them for FA of abuse or rape within his own family and other things. They obviously couldn't say too much, but she did say that she would interview daughters ex which would also confirm our statements. After which she would present the file to her inspector with the recommendation that my hubby would be NFA'd as there is no evidence to support daughters claim.
                The appropriate agencies are already involved with daughter and granddaughter as they are very aware of the issues involved there too.
                Is this too good to be true ?? my confidence is zero at the moment and I am awfully paranoid, but OIC seemed like she was being as honest as she could.
                I won't really believe it until the NFA has happened though as nothing is certain until its there in hubbies hand !
                Together We Can Beat This Hell


                • #53
                  I know a lot of posters have, and always RIGHTLY will, commented on the fact that you have not to trust the Police and to pass everything through your solicitor. They are correct BUT there are occasions when putting the info in their hands is useful. It is hard to get a 'good cop' but they do appear from time to time and it appears that you have landed one.

                  I would take what has been said as extremely positive and RELAX.

                  I would be far far more frightened for what may happen to your daughter. Although the boyfriend is manipulating her and making her do things it is HER head that everything falls on! She is liable. If the Police feel that she has wasted time or indeed if they extract a confession from her then JAIL is more than likely. Where the hell does that leave your grand daughter???

                  I know the nastiness of the situation is plain to see but what you should do now is leave the Police/Prosecutors/you Solicitor to do whatever it is they are going to do and begin focusing on how you can 'help' your grand daughter. Your daughter has been an idiot but that is absolutely no reason for your grand daughter to suffer and suffer she is now going to. Even having Social Services involved is putting marks against her future!

                  What happens if your daughter goes to jail?

                  I would sit and discuss this with your hubby. I would also consider talking with your solicitor (if you can get a hold of em!!!) about what options are available should she end up being charged with something. Children disappear into foster care quickly and you need to ensure that that does not happen should the worst happen.

                  I am sorry that you find yourself in such a blooming mess. You will be beyond hell at the moment but remember that your sweet little grand daughter has done nothing wrong and will need supporting far more than any adult involved.

                  Wow... A signature option!


                  • #54
                    Thanks for the support of everyone here We have already discussed and put everything in place whatever
                    the outcome of this sorry mess. Our main concern apart from the FA has always been our granddaughters
                    well being. Should our daughter be prosecuted, if we and g,daughters father can't be the ones to help then there is a very well qualified person in the wings who has worked within the system for a lot of years.She will fight tooth and nail to give G.Daughter a home and all the support she may need. I know there's a lot more to this than we know and the OIC is more concerned for daughter and G.daughter's safety than I realised until today. So hopefully both of them will get the help they need.
                    Together We Can Beat This Hell


                    • #55
                      LP, you sound very "together" and that's great.
                      As L1 said, we all warn members not to trust the police but occasionally there are ones who can see through the lies. Fingers crossed you have got one.
                      Thinking of you.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Saffron View Post
                        LP, you sound very "together" and that's great.
                        As L1 said, we all warn members not to trust the police but occasionally there are ones who can see through the lies. Fingers crossed you have got one.
                        Thinking of you.
                        Yeah, well it's blooming hard to spot a good one these days. Some are sooooo convincing that you take a chance and they turn out to be one of the bad ones where as others seem that nasty it's a surprise when they turn out good!

                        Everything about your posting, LP, and everything about the details within the posts seems to indicate a completely methodical approach to things so I am certain that whatever happens everything will be perfectly laid out and thoroughly analysed. I can only hope that the areas you cannot sort are able to sort themselves.

                        Wow... A signature option!


                        • #57
                          Thanks Lawlessone. All we can all do is wait and see where things go. I am keeping a positive slant on this mess and just doing what I can to keep the man I love in one piece. We are lucky to have positive friends and family around us, its helping a lot having their support too.
                          When this is sorted, the FA and her boyfeind will discover we are stronger than they thought.
                          Together We Can Beat This Hell


                          • #58
                            Its a week on from my statement which was taken down by oic in a notebook and not on official form
                            oic told me she would be typing it up and returning for me to read and sign the official copy on Monday last week,she hasn't done this yet. Is this wheels turning slowly or an indication of no further action.
                            I was told that daughter did a video interview, does this mean she can't alter her statement to fit ?
                            Together We Can Beat This Hell


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by lonley place View Post
                              Its a week on from my statement which was taken down by oic in a notebook and not on official form
                              oic told me she would be typing it up and returning for me to read and sign the official copy on Monday last week,she hasn't done this yet. Is this wheels turning slowly or an indication of no further action.
                              I was told that daughter did a video interview, does this mean she can't alter her statement to fit ?
                              I would contact the station and chase it up.

                              The video interview I believe is made available to the defence. It can be pretty invaluable.

                              It may also be the Police setting your daughter up for a fall...

                              Your situation is pretty strange in so far as it is most likely that someone will face a trial but with no ideas of who. You're just going to need to continue with what you've got and bide your time til you see how things work out.
                              Wow... A signature option!


                              • #60
                                Thanks Lawlessone, I will chase it up today. LP
                                Together We Can Beat This Hell

