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falsely accused

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  • falsely accused

    hi all in 2009 i was accused of abusing my sister and step sister over a period of time since i was 3 years old me now been 23 my question was : how can a 3 year old possibly do some think like that . any way i was charged a year or so later we went to court i was found not guilty on all accounts but during the process i had a baby boy with my partner and he was taken from us along with my daughter. we fought long and hard and still lost them. while going through what we had been through i took several over doses walked in front of a bus etc because the stress was unbarable i couldnt stand the lies that had destroyed me took away every think i ever loved away from me once it all finished the two alleged victims admitted lying but no action was taken against them by this time my 2 children were put for adoption so we couldnt get them back just recently on august 2nd 2012 i deliverd my thrid child at home a little boy once we went to hospital we found my son has a severe heart problem and needed urgent surgery or he would die he was taken to a far hospital and social services wouldnt help us with transport etc so we funded t all our self while my son was in hospital and recovering from surgery i was taking time out it was 21st august 2012 i recieved a call from the police another relative has come forward with allegations similar to the prior i went in was interviewd but not charged the alleged victim dont remember when he think he was 3 or 6 ??? but i was not there at that time his mother is a drug user and prostitute who regualy took her children with her they sent me a letter saying they had not enough evidence to charge yet sent it to cps. my son who is still in hospital is now closer to home but we went to visit him today the hospital said social services we had to have supervised visits but there was no staff avalible so we couldnt see our boy i was very angry i went home called the duty social worker called my solicitor and also called the police and made complaints saying how these lies have destroyed my life i have nothing left im not sleeping i have nothing left to wake up for i need help and advice and iv been through this so any advice needed just say

  • #2
    Hi Scorpion, Welcome to the site and I'm sorry you are having such a horrible time.

    You need to start your own thread in order to get appropriate responses.

    Kind Regards
    False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.

