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Falsely accused and losing my marbles

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  • Falsely accused and losing my marbles

    Hi guys ......... Due in court in a few months , like so many here my life is falling apart . I have a question I denied having sex with the girl that accused me of rape . I had no solicitor when te police initially interviewed me . I admitted to sleeping with her and then got a duty solicitor . We had slept together about a year previously . Does the fact that I lied to the police way against me ? And will the police be monitoring my emails and phone calls ? Goin out of my mind here . Paranoid and isolated ....... Only my sisters and a few friends are aware of this accusation and they are all miles away . I've since lost my job and may well lose my house too . I can't believ the CPS are still perusing this as she has lied before ............. Ffs my head and life is a mess

  • #2

    Any advice would be greatful.......


    • #3
      I don't quite understand your question, although that may just be me not reading properly.
      When did you say that you didn't have sex with the girl? in the initial interview without a solicitor? Was there then a further interview where you conceded that you in fact did.

      They won't be monitoring your phone calls and emails. Now is the time to be looking for a specialist solicitor, in case you are re-interviewed or charged.
      "Be sure your sin will find you out"

      Numbers 32:23


      • #4
        Sorry I didn't write that very clearly , in the first interview I denied sleeping with her . I then admitted to having sex with her and asked for a solicitor . I was charged a few months later and now have a barrister and am due in court soon . We had slept together a year previously . my world is falling apart !


        • #5
          I got sacked from my job and am now unemployed ......... Can't get a job until this is sorted , now being persued by legal aid despite having no money !! This girl has single handedly ruined my life !


          • #6

            Sorry for asking, but why you lost your job?

            And another thing is that, you will wait whith new work until your case is finished. You said that your friends and family members are miles away. In my opinion you should move on and go find another job. Keep busy and you will see that you will feel much better


            • #7
              Where are you based, just a county will do
              Have you got a specialist legal team working for you?

              Why did you initially lie about sleeping with her?
              "Be sure your sin will find you out"

              Numbers 32:23


              • #8
                I'm up in Yorkshire ......... And I lied as I panicked I guess , they offered me a solicitor but they said it may take a while , and as I thought only guilty people need solicitors I agreed to being interviewed without a solicitor . I have a barrister who has experience in rape allegations


                • #9
                  So hurt and angry

                  So sorry this is all happening to you, it must be terrible not to have anybody around you , it certainly is a terrifying time, I guess you can see that you are not alone and this forum will be a constant source of help and advice , but I do agree that it maybe the best thing you can do at this time to move away and try to rebuild a little of your life, this will probably not go quickly away so you must start to make some plans to keep yourself sane, I wish you all the best and keep in touch on this forum .


                  • #10
                    Hello struggle,
                    Im sure your lawyer will explain that you were scared when the police where interviewing you I to have a trial starting in feb 13 and have been waiting for a very long time.Just some tips

                    1.You can let your situation totally destroy your life or you can be strong and show them you are innocent in my opinion don't waste your time
                    2.My lawyers told me to be carefull what i say over the phone or email because they have had a lot of clients tapped but they said it was unlikely but still there is an active investigation so just use caution but don't allow paranoia to ruin your life
                    3.It is very important to even do part time work to keep your mind busy.
                    4.I promise you it is not as bad as you think once you get legal help be friendly with your lawyer and they will want to help you because your a nice guy.
                    5.Tell family and friends you will be surprised how they rally around you.
                    6. the most important thing to do is will be ok


                    • #11
                      moving away may not be the best option. We did that and then had to make round trips of 300 miles for each answer to bail and eventually prison visiting.

                      A lot of people make the same mistake over not having a solicitor present at the first interview - they infer that if you haven't done anything then you don't need one. Apart from the fact that you're scared and confused. But if you have one on board that you trust then that helps a great deal.

                      Welcome to the forum by the way!
                      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                      • #12
                        Thank you guys ........ Not sure how to reply to threads individually but here's a generic thanks and smile to all . Its funny how the smallest things can be taken out of propotion . When I wrote the initial thread I had 7 views but no replies so my paranoid mind assumed you all thought I was guilty ! Sad but true. Funny how the actions of anonymous people can have an affect on me . But I guess we are all frail during this sort of ordeal .
                        Anyway thanks again for the advice and responses .
                        Am looking forward to the end of this year as the past two have been a nightmare ........ On top of losing my job and this looming court case I got burgled and with no money for insurance ......... Bring on 2013 !!!! ........... Hugs to all


                        • #13
                          Remember that a lot of anonymous visitors who dont have profiles come onto the site. The views are not necessarily 7 members reading your story and deciding not to reply.
                          "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                          Numbers 32:23


                          • #14
                            Lying to the police in interview can result in an 'adverse inference' direction by the judge in summing up the evidence. The Crown of course will also have a field day with it.

                            It's possible that your barrister will request what is known as a 'Lucas Direction' which relates to lies to the police, that may help. Google it.

                            If you have a barrister who specialises in such cases then I would assume you have an experience solicitor. It's too late in the day to change now unless you can afford to pay around £45K to go private. Even then the judge would probably not be amused as the courts time has already been taken up it seems with preliminary hearings.

                            Originally posted by Struggle View Post
                            ''''''''When I wrote the initial thread I had 7 views but no replies so my paranoid mind assumed you all thought I was guilty ! Sad but true. Funny how the actions of anonymous people can have an affect on me .

                            To be perfectly frank, we have no idea whether you are guilty or not guilty. We were not there at the material time.

                            As Faith has pointed out, this is a public forum and we know that the police and CPS sometimes view the posts. It's possible that at least one of the views might have been them. On the other hand your first post was confusing so some may not know what to put.

                            Others on here have problems of their own and do not answer each and every post.
                            Last edited by Rights Fighter; 16 September 2012, 10:15 AM.
                            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                            PAFAA details ~


                            • #15
                              Dear Struggle,
                              I as well had severe paranoia as well for months after i was first charged I was in complete shock what's funny to me is you sound like me im guessing you are feeling like any day that nothing bad happens is a fantastic day i was so shocked because all of a sudden you go from being a gentleman and when they charge you it is the most traumatic period I can't stress enough that you need to take it easy if you are suffering I would go see your doctor and medication has helped me to cope your as the weeks roll by things will get much better and after you prove your innocence you will start a fantastic new life just listen to your lawyer and don't worry to much about the police to much just work on writing your story down everything that happened that night and double check with your lawyer but I think the police cant ever read or touch it as you have client privilege so the police can't take it as well the police are not allowed to listen you your conversation with your solicitor as well now is a good time to recindle relationships I have survived because my siblings have given me so much love and understanding be strong this is the worst thing that can happen to a man but if your strong through the hards times then the good times will come

