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I never knew sparks as I wasn't a member at the time but after spending the last hour reading his posts and members on here I soon got to know what a lovely man he is. From reading his first post to his last was really touching how through all his emotions from one day to the next he continues to think about others. Such a remarkable man I be forever thinking about him and praying for his release asap.gutted for him God bless him.
I've read this thread from start to finish. What a horrible situation played out over a long period. I can't begin to imagine how awful it must have been to not see his children whilst also going through this. Does anybody know if that is likely to change for him upon release? I honestly hope it does.
He is due out this year. He will go into a hostel where they will pester him to do an offence related course. I am hoping to get the appeal lodged in the next couple of weeks, because once that is done they (probation) should refrain from doing that, as he will then officially become an "Appellant".
Thank you for your kind remarks. I will pass them on to him when he rings me.
Sparks has just rung me and I passed on the messages from those who have posted on here. He was really pleased that you took the time and trouble to do that.
I hope to send the Appeal application to him very soon.
I sent off the Appeal bundle just now. He has to sign the application form and send off the bundle. Fingers crossed it gets to him on Monday or Tuesday and we can get this show on the road.....
Brilliant! Let's hope it's strong enough for an appeal to be granted and it's giving him real optimism.
I think it's particularly important for someone with children who's been wrongly convicted to clear their name, even if they end up doing all their time anyway.
Unfortunately it seems that probation has liaised with SS. It's unlikely he will ever be able to see his children regardless of whether an appeal will succeed or not. Like many in this situation, his wife (it is believed) has been pressured into divorcing him. Time will tell though.... no one can know what is in the future.