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I have had a letter from sparks. He has been sentenced to 3 years. The charges where the jury couldn't reach a verdict were changed to Not Guilty. He sends God's Blessings to you all......MH
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
I have had a letter from sparks. He has been sentenced to 3 years. The charges where the jury couldn't reach a verdict were changed to Not Guilty. He sends God's Blessings to you all......MH
Hi mh, Please excuse my ignorance on your message but I don't understand how he has been sentenced when given a not guilty?, although I am aware he was awaiting sentence and as I was reading your message I thought a miracle was happening for him , and realising that his charges were somewhat reduced to bear sentencing upon im sure this was the worse end sentence that has been passed.
My heart has totally sunk and he must be mortified and his loved ones that have stood by him throughout face this terrible outcome.
Perhaps there is going to be an appeal, but meanwhile our empathy is all we can offer.
May God watch over him , and let the pain go away and one day he shall shine and rise again ...
My sincerest regards b.m.h
Hi mh, Please excuse my ignorance on your message but I don't understand how he has been sentenced when given a not guilty?,
Just in case MH doesn't read this for a bit, have a look at #298 in this thread where Sparks explains the jury's verdicts (which on the face of it seem very perverse)
Just in case MH doesn't read this for a bit, have a look at #298 in this thread where Sparks explains the jury's verdicts (which on the face of it seem very perverse)
hi ch,
Yes I found that and now I see whats happened . I still consider the sentence is harsh and a sad end to such a long battle.
Doesn't demonstrate any confidence to others in similar positions.
I still consider the sentence is harsh and a sad end to such a long battle.
Doesn't demonstrate any confidence to others in similar positions.
Regards b.m.h
I'm not sure if the sentence couldn't have been even harsher. As you say... a sad end to a long battle, with the affects to his health and family and the heartache along the way being extreme - no person considered innocent should have to put up with that as so many on here do or have.
You can't have confidence in what amounts to an undermining of the justice system for political gains by the CPS - you have to fight this thing tooth and nail, both in the preparation of your case and in selecting the best legal team you possibly can.
I'm not sure if the sentence couldn't have been even harsher. As you say... a sad end to a long battle, with the affects to his health and family and the heartache along the way being extreme - no person considered innocent should have to put up with that as so many on here do or have.
You can't have confidence in what amounts to an undermining of the justice system for political gains by the CPS - you have to fight this thing tooth and nail, both in the preparation of your case and in selecting the best legal team you possibly can.
Oh sparks... I really hope your are ok where ever you may be....
I to think 3 years is a harsh....poor guy...At least it's not 3 years inside... He should be out in 18 months hopefully.
Words cannot describe how I feel for you Sparks - absolutely shocked and saddened. Just cannot believe it. I hope CPs read some of the threads on here and get a true feel for what they are doing to us.
Hi mh, Please excuse my ignorance on your message but I don't understand how he has been sentenced when given a not guilty?, although I am aware he was awaiting sentence and as I was reading your message I thought a miracle was happening for him , and realising that his charges were somewhat reduced to bear sentencing upon im sure this was the worse end sentence that has been passed.
My heart has totally sunk and he must be mortified and his loved ones that have stood by him throughout face this terrible outcome.
Perhaps there is going to be an appeal, but meanwhile our empathy is all we can offer.
May God watch over him , and let the pain go away and one day he shall shine and rise again ...
My sincerest regards b.m.h
He had 6 charges - found guilty on 3 and hung jury on 3. he was waiting sentencing on the 3 guilty verdicts. When he was sentenced for those, the ones that the jury couldn't decide on were changed to NG - the liar had decided she didn't want a re-trial.....
He has started the groundwork for an appeal.
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Hi mh, Please excuse my ignorance on your message but I don't understand how he has been sentenced when given a not guilty?, although I am aware he was awaiting sentence and as I was reading your message I thought a miracle was happening for him , and realising that his charges were somewhat reduced to bear sentencing upon im sure this was the worse end sentence that has been passed.
My heart has totally sunk and he must be mortified and his loved ones that have stood by him throughout face this terrible outcome.
Perhaps there is going to be an appeal, but meanwhile our empathy is all we can offer.
May God watch over him , and let the pain go away and one day he shall shine and rise again ...
My sincerest regards b.m.h
He had 6 charges and was found guilty on 3 - hung jury on 3. When he went for sentencing (for which he got 3 years) the court had changed the 3 remaining charges to NG. There was no retrial for these as the liar decided she didn't want to go through it all again - guess she was scared in case she got found out RF is hopeful he will be out in 18 months.
he has started to get the paperwork ready for an appeal.
Thank you for your good wishes for him and I will send them next time I write... MH
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
I have just found out that I have been accused of serious sexual offences of an historical nature, and like others on here that I have read my life is in turmoil.
Historical cases have very little evidence as such it will be your word against theirs .However material on your PC would bolster the polices case against you.The police interview is a mine field they will have a plan of how they intend to trip you up .Be very careful what you say thing will be used completely out of context and they will steer you into damaging remarks ie you are bad tempered are you not (violent threatening controlling) you like sex a bit rough like don t you(you used force and would rape)Whatever they ask carefully think about your answer does it put me in a bad light.If you have some vital information do not tell the police they will find ways of countering it .THE POLICE AND THE SS THINK YOU ARE GUILTY NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY OR DO
save it for the jury if it goes that far they are more open minded