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Sparks, I'm glad there will be no re-trial but it's so damned unfair to be found guilty of something you haven't done. The way you are coping is just amazing.
Love and faith can see you through many a hard time.
Thanks for posting that link, it would be a good idea to put it in a 'stickie' . There's also Fathers4Justice which I'm sure you've come across whose moto is 'Having a Father is a Human Right', which is something officials in various forms choose to ignore, just as they do with the rights of fathers.
I just look at the pictures of my two children and I don't need anymore reasons to try and be strong,
Hi sparks,
I couldn't do anything silly or give up for the love of my children . despite such pain our hearts remain full for them. Glad you not backing down on your innocence
I have read that mandatory polygraph testing for sex offenders is set to be rolled out across England and Wales after a successful pilot scheme, the tests would be used to monitor offenders on probation, well I for one think this is fantastic, but I would like to see it used as maybe an option prior to trial, I think a person who makes an allegation and the defendant should both be offered the option of a polygraph test, my reason being if you are being honest then you have nothing to fear, but I stress that the option should be voluntary and not compulsory and both the alleged victim and alleged perpetrator should both be offered the test, what do you guys think?.
Hope you are doing OK under the circumstances. This is an area that I am interested in as my husband took a polygraph about 6 weeks in. He said it was very nerve wracking but he passed , we sent the results to the IO but have had no acknowledgement, but there again she hasn't acknowledged anything else we sent her either !
As you say they are in the process of rolling them out to assess those released from prison, so they must have some merit, and yet other parts of the justice system appear to disregard them. Double standards in play yet again.
These polygraph tests are far removed from the Jeremy Kyle type seen on TV. The man that conducted my husband's test also undertakes work from teaching unions to assess their members when accused of offences. He seemed to think the results would be passed onto the CPS when my husband's case is considered , but I'm not sure about that.
As for testing "victims", we would be more than happy to pay for my daughter to be tested but I would imagine there is more chance of seeing pigs fly past my window. In this current climate of believe all allegations, you can imagine the out cry if it was even suggested that complainants could be tested.
The true number of FAs is very carefully and deliberately underplayed, as if the general public is so stupid that if the true number of false accusers was revealed it would then doubt all complainants, which isn't necessarily true. Justice should be for all, not at the expense of men who pay a huge price just because the truth isn't politically convenient.
Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Frightened Spouse
The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.
Polygraphs have been used in some areas for the last couple of years or so. One inmate I know had to undertake one to prove he was a low risk and he hadn't re-offended.
There are lots of figures being bandied about as to how accurate they are. Some reckon they are around 95% accurate, others say around 55%.
I know I would rather take my chances with one than a jury if I was ever falsely accused of an offence.
OMG Sparks I am sorry so that they found you guilty on 3 counts that is ridiculous! I have eig reading through this thread and i find your strength amazing. I am glad there wont be a retrial but still devastating you, your partner and your boys. I wish they could see the truth, my heart aches for you all. xxxx
Had my probation meeting, and I called my Sol, who has informed me that my sentence hearing has been listed for a forth nights time,
I asked what she thought might be the out come and I should expect a custodial sentence, so I have 2 weeks to get every thing in order,
Oh Sparks - I am at an utter loss as to what to say to you. So sorry. Try to stay calm. I suppose you have to accept the outcome but at least you know you are innocent. The lying FA has a lot more to answer to. Evil does not pevail.
Had my probation meeting, and I called my Sol, who has informed me that my sentence hearing has been listed for a forth nights time,
I asked what she thought might be the out come and I should expect a custodial sentence, so I have 2 weeks to get every thing in order,
Hi sparks ,
Needless to say we all knew it was just waiting for the date to be set. After such a long time im sure you must have plenty of notes etc in preparation for this .
My wife and I still remain hopeful that in consideration of how the charges have altered so much indicates that there isn't the original strength behind the case and somewhat lightened and prey for the absolute minimalistic penalty , even to the late point of setting you free.
Needless to say we all knew it was just waiting for the date to be set. After such a long time im sure you must have plenty of notes etc in preparation for this .
My wife and I still remain hopeful that in consideration of how the charges have altered so much indicates that there isn't the original strength behind the case and somewhat lightened and prey for the absolute minimalistic penalty , even to the late point of setting you free.
God be with you and our thoughts are with you .
Sparks, I really don't know what to say but Bmh has a good point and I'll pray for that too.
Hi everyone - I've been talking to sparks this evening. He has asked me to apologise to you all for not being on here and supporting but he says that he feels that he shouldn't be offering advice as he feels his advice may be biased because of the position he's in....I did tell him we'd all understand and that there was no need to apologise
His court date to hear what his sentence is, is Tuesday week....doesn't seem like they're in any rush - over a month by then from the verdict...... MH
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh