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Thanks everyone for your kind words, they say every thing happens for a reason, and there are others here going through their own hell so the least I can do is remain upbeat for them
Not a particularly good day, the Police from the child protection unit came to do a home visit I was told that they will have to inform the church I go to that I am on the register, its a nightmare that will never end.
When are you back in court? Do you know if this week will be sentence? If you find out it is then telling the church will not (unfortunately) be a problem as you won't be going to your regular place of worship.
No news yet regarding going back to court, I know their wanting pre-sentence reports done and as yet I have not spoken to probation, the church is not my church as I am not from here it was just close enough to get too without getting out of breath, I was just shocked that it was necessary as I am there only 45 min once a week, oh yes Rights Fighter I do hope I get to talk with you tomorrow.
[QUOTE=sparks;43167 the church is not my church as I am not from here it was just close enough to get too without getting out of breath, I was just shocked that it was necessary as I am there only 45 min once a week,
That seems crazy - I assumed you helped out in some way, at Sunday School maybe. This isn't meant to be blasphemous but why Church? Why not Tesco or the petrol station or the Chinese takeaway? It seems ludicrous to me if you just attend the Service or Mass.
Maybe I'm missing something
Let me try and clarify, I only go to the church for the Sunday service, I do not assist there or have any connection to the church, I started using the church because of its proximity to where I am residing, but I agree why not the local store then etc, but I will not attend the Church now as I think that its ridiculous, also should not use the library on weekends, what a shame they do not impose some restrictions on people who make FALSE allegations,