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That is the most unprofessional, immoral, outrageous, uncaring, unfeeling, selfish, nasty, unethical, callous, improper and inexcusable thing I've ever come across
Hang in there sparks - bananas at the ready........x
I agree - if the roads were blocked they might as well have stayed there
Tomorrow, I hope you get the right decision and an end to all your turmoil , yes, bananas ready for action
If the jury were out for half an hour and came back I'd be a little worried although maybe it'd be a straight NG.
If they were out for a longer period of time then I would be reading it as a positive as at least they're taking it all seriously and debating the points.
An over night shot has got to be a good sign as at least then they have time to mull it all over in their heads and make sense of what's been going on, what the probabilities are and what they should find.
Sorry babe - it's his story not mine...... and he did say he'd post this evening.....
Oh... I know.
Babe? HA HA HA... Oh my... Was just the other day there, Friday in fact, that I got asked for ID in the supermarket. Lady thought I looked younger than 25... Friday last week was a good day.
Yes Whatsgoingon, I can wonder about, and go outside for a cigarette, I am not from the area so unfortunately I am on my own, the judge also made some mistakes in summing up to the jury surrounding some points of law, the prosecution corrected him and he had to call the jury back to change some things he had said, some thing to do with points of law,
Myhome, thank you so much for your call, it is good to be able to talk to some one and talk about the day, I would not have a problem if you had posted about what was said, I would hate to think any one was chewing there nails of waiting for me,lol.
it took nearly 3 hours to get home a distance of about 4 miles, the whole town was completely grid locked and it ran into rush hour as well making matters worse, I think the judge should of continued till pm so the back log of traffic could clear, as it was no one would of got home any earlier any way. but tomorrow is another day, and if it goes on any longer I will have to apply for a bank loan to cover lunch because the cafe in the court is ridiculously expensive lol ,
Hopefully this overnighter will work in your favour as each of the members of the jury will now have had a chance to think individually about the facts and what a wrong decision will mean to you.
I'm sure it will. Today is another day.. sorry you haven't got anyone physically sitting with you. We're all here rooting for you though.
Just remember ...you're not alone. All here with mits hovering over the banana button!
I hope it comes to a swift conclusion for you today Sparks. Stand tall.
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
well news is not good, at 12:20pm the judge sent for the jury and asked if they reached a majority decision, so here is the verdict, there was two people making the allegations miss A and miss B,
miss A
Indecent assault= guilty
indecent assault= guilty
indecent assault= guilty
miss B
Attempted Rape= not guilty
Indecent assault= could not arrive at a verdict
Indecent assault= could not arrive at a verdict
Indecent assault= could not arrive at a verdict
now the prosecution have seven days to decide if they want a retrial for the three allegations where no verdict was reached, I guess I will be called back for sentencing on the three Guilty.
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..