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That's good - not long to wait - but a short time to gather every single scrap of evidence you have - soon be over and mid August you can start to rebuild your lives again - don't give up babe - you know where we are.......
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
It was interesting (and disturbing) reading but some of the links as I read through were very scathing against women, in particular feminists.
I have to say that any true feminist would be as disturbed by FAs as much as men are. Many women don't speak up about FAs because they have absolutely no knowledge of the deplorable justice system until it affects them.
My cosy beliefs have been shaken to the core and my faith shattered.
Yes ITJ, I agree with your comment it was a bit disturbing, but information contained in it was useful, by the way thank you so much for your kind words over the past few weeks. ... Shift+R
That's great - really pleased you're as ok as can be..... I seem to be on the way up again.......this constant up and down is bleddy awful!!!!
Take of you and hope you are building a fantastic defence.....thinking of you
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Hi Sparks, I hope you're well and coming on with your preperation and coping anxiety etc.
I just thought I'd share this link with you in case it can help you (I think I've posted it before but can't find it).
It's on Youtube 'How to manage anxiety when public speaking so you can speak with confidence'. http://youtu.be/tG0DP_bGFfg
I think it's really well put across and have used this technique myself and with students and found it very useful.
To have maximum effect, you do need to practice the technique and therefor start before your stressful event.
Hi everyone,
well I am clock watching, counting down the days and hours, the medication for the depression can not be increased because of the heart medication so I have found myself drinking more and worse of all tobacco has doubled, but the worry of the trial is not the biggest cause, I miss seeing my children so much I have to say my emotions are every where, and writing this is reducing me to tears, no matter what the verdict is I can not recover what I have lost, self respect, my family, my health, etc so I do not really care so much in regards of the trial, I am so angry towards the people that brought this pain yet my Pastor says I should pray for them, I am confused and questioning my religion and my sanity, I finished my statement of evidence and emailed it to my Solicitor, still waiting for the copy of my taped interview and the Sol is requesting medical history on one of the FA, days are so long and empty without my family oh and I had an Atos interview a couple of weeks back they scored me no points and say I am fit for work, I guess things will get harder before they get any better but its in the lap of God now, I am seriously considering naming in public my FA`s, after all what else can I loose, the thought of facing the court alone is daunting, but I will be upright and answer with truth and sincerity, I pray my peers see the truth.
So sorry to hear how it's all taken it's toll on you. Keep your health and your religion. Without the first one , at least, you don't stand a chance of regaining family life. Please try and cut back on the fags and booze, for all your sakes. Things do turn around, but you've got to be there to greet the turn when it comes. You've been at least this low before and come out of it.
It may not be possible to stop right now, but you can reduce : stop and think when you want a drink or a fag.. is there anything else I need? Is it that I'm tired/hungry/need some excercise. You can yank yourself out of this, there is hope. Trust .
I am lost for words, so my wife phoned me after telling me more then a week back that our relationship was very abusive, when I questioned her statement she told me to look up the defination of abuse, in the same conversation she said she did not think that contact with the children untill my case was concluded should continue, nearly a week later she phones me to tell me she is locked out and has no credit left on her phone( we are on the same network so calls are free) now she is in Ireland and I am in UK, I spent the best part of three hours trying to arrange that the person who`s car she left the keys in returned them to her, end result she was locked out for four hours with the children, she called me to say when she finally got acess, at that point I asked if I could have a regular time to contact the children and she said yes, forward to today my wife says that during that time I was abusive and I should wait till the court case is settled before I talk to the children, I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that SS are her mentors, they have convinced my wife that I am guilty, the last thing she said to me was I will not risk my children being taken away,
I think you've hit the nail on the head. It could be they've threatened her as far as the children are concerned. Only the two of you really know how your relashionship was, but it's very easy to put ideas into someone's head when they're feeling at their most vulnerable, and I'm sure she's had alot to contend with.
The more I hear of SS antics, the less respect I have for them.
I almost burst out crying myself, reading the misery you are going through. I know what it is like not having any contact to kids. You feel as if it tears your heart out. But all the more reason to fight this ti the bitter end. I know we are now in a better situation than you since yesterday, but believe me, I do know how you feel.
You need to be strong, get your health sorted so that when you come out on the other side, you will be fit and healthy, at least for your kids!