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Hey Sparks
We had a good out come and we are still here and waiting to give you your bananas.
Its hard to know what to do when your case is resolved, I have thought that still being around after a no crime result maybe a little difficult for people still living the hell to accept. But here we will stay to offer support and prove there is an end to the hell. x LP
This just made me cry - it is so kind of you to stay involved and give hope. You and the others who do, provide a glimmer of light in the darkest days imaginable. I can fully understand those that want to cut loose though.
Thank you, Myhome and not for the first time I might say, intact you are an example of the people I was refering too, so much so that Anyone on here who would like to add me on FB I would consider it,
Awwww - thank you so much sparks........that's really lovely of you to say and has cheered me up....
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
This just made me cry - it is so kind of you to stay involved and give hope. You and the others who do, provide a glimmer of light in the darkest days imaginable. I can fully understand those that want to cut loose though.
That's a really lovely thing to say ITJ
The trouble is..... that even when the court case is over and if you've had a successfull outcome, it doesn't stop there. Everything you're going through while you're on bail, waiting to be charged or NFA's, then court etc.... accumulates and it takes a while to recover.
I feel last year hardly existed for me. I'm a keen gardener, and I severly neglected this last year and other hobbies and projects. We also discovered who are friends were, who we were wiling to trust etc. I'm not sure anything can be as it was again. Maybe that's a good thing, sometimes you need to have a major event such as this to question things in your life.
So to want to walk away and start again or take the time to restore a level of 'normality' , re-new ties, review relashionships etc is perfectly normal and everyone should do what they feel is best for themselves and there families. Then if they can spare a bit to come on here , that's great!
Also, there's nothing stopping members having genuine contact with each other which can be a real plus.
Will miss Sparks (and others), but would be so happy to know you come out of this well, that you can be re-united with your family, that your health is stable etc etc
I remember so well the day the police knocked on our door and took my hubby for interview.
The fear of the unknown was immense, the emotion were everywhere.
Then the waiting began and life was in limbo. Not only had my hubby been accused, but accused by our daughter
whom we loved dearly. We lost contact with our grand daughter.
If we can help just one person in the same position .....our experiences will not have been in vain. LP
I remember so well the day the police knocked on our door and took my hubby for interview.
The fear of the unknown was immense, the emotion were everywhere.
Then the waiting began and life was in limbo. Not only had my hubby been accused, but accused by our daughter
whom we loved dearly. We lost contact with our grand daughter.
If we can help just one person in the same position .....our experiences will not have been in vain. LP
That is so sad... and that little girl is growing up without her grand-parents. I wonder if 'the powers-that-be' stop to look at the global picutre and the true and long term effects of these cases? Under UK legislation, do grand-parents have rights as regards thier grand-children? Could you apply for rights of visit to a family court?
WGO....Sorry I gave wrong impression, I was reflecting on the beginning and the path to the end.
My hubby was no crimed in Feb this year.
We both have contact with our grand daughter now and I have contact with our daughter, but hubby hasn't reached the stage where he wants contact with her yet. x
I'm so pleased to hear it! I can understand your husband's position regarding your daughter, though. How much can you forgive , even from your own children?
Tuesday is my plea hearing, I am hoping a trial date will be set, it was August last year when I first heard of the allegations against me, how my life has changed, this time last year I was in Kenya on holiday, I had a job a wife two beautiful children and excellent health, God what a difference, And the nightmare is still unfolding, on a strange note had these allegations not been made I would not of been in the UK and received the medical care that I got when I had the heart attack, 45 minutes after calling the ambulance I had 2 stents inserted and was already in recovery, God does work in mysterious ways, I am currently trying to contact former employers in the hope of getting character references, not easy to explain to people what their for, I have been away from my family now for nearly 6 months and yet Social Services continue to keep my children on the at risk register, amazing that someone can destroy a person or family with a lie and be paid for it, if by chance I was found not guilty would I have reason to rejoice, I do not think a prison sentence could be worse then what I have already received, it is TRUE you are guilty till proven innocent.
Hi Sparks, it is strange how one little lie can influence the rest of your life, but bizzarly , in your case, it may even have saved it!
I hope you're not too worried about the plea hearing, you're one step nearer to proving your innocence.
You should be given the date for the trial, in my son's case there was a 4 months gap between plea-hearing and trial.
Don't forget to take any emergency medication and it might be an idea to inform the clerc in the court-room of your health problem. We found every-one who worked at the court very approachable and pleaseant (apart from the prosecuting barrister).
I think it's really important to have someone with you for support and to spend a bit of time with you when you come out.
You're not allowed to take any electronic devices in or camera etc, and you'll be checked when you go in. If you feel up to it and if the trial is going to be in the same place, you might want to check everything out, (where the loos are, cafeteria etc) so that the place is familiar to you next time.
I hope I haven't stated the obvious or things you already knew. Look after yourself well in the next few days, do things that will bring you peace and well-being.
Hi sparks - really hope that everything goes well for you on Tuesday.........
It is strange as you say - that you were here to receive good medical care because of the FA!!!!
It is a horrible long time to have to wait but as WGO said - it's a day nearer proving your innocence, being reunited with your family and rebuilding your lives again...
here for you..... xx
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
Social Services phoned and said I can not have computer contact with the children anymore, skype etc.
I am at the end of it, what is the problem with seeing my childrens faces, their Mother is there.
I left my family not because SS decided I had too but because I wanted to protect them, all I wanted was to answer these alligations, prove my innocence and rejoin my family, SS have convinced my wife that while I am still in a partnership with her the children will remain on the at risk register, they now have decided that even though my wife and children are in a different country I cannot have visual contact with them, the reason they gave is they say because of the abusive nature of my relationship with my wife, she is now not deemed capable of supervising my contact with them, I phoned my wife to get clarification and she was very upset, she said no matter what or why the children should come first and if that means they come off the register then so be it, I was so upset but now I agree she is right their future and protection is whats important no matter what I feel about it, and if that means cutting all contact then so be it, so to my issue, I live for my family without them I do not want to be here, and the SS worker says no matter what the verdict is they will still be involved, its a no winner I am convicted without trial, I have put nothing in here I want removing I am innocent and proud and if I loose my family to protect them then I will, you people that read a story and say yes he is guilty before knowing the whole story remember it could be you next, and to all you people men women children who decide for what ever reason to fabricate an alligation such as mine, one day you will answer to a higher judge.
to everyone who has listened to my ramblings sorry but thankyou for all the support, last thing fight and fight again and when you think thats it FIGHT again.
Last edited by Faith; 24 June 2013, 06:39 PM.
Reason: Poster's Safety