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I want my bananas

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  • I want my bananas

    yes after 2 days of a trial were she showed herself up the jury went out for 30 mins and came back with a NOT GUILT

    on the way home one of the jury came over and shuck hubbys hand and said we didnt doubt you right from the start.
    nothing she said added up.

    all i can say in our case justice was done

    i feel tremendous

  • #2
    That's awesome, so pleased for you two!! I'll let you go celebrate now but any chance in a few days could you message me tips on being a witness/ tips for my boyfriend three weeks till his trial

    Anyway enough about me, you and your husband go enjoy yourself, I'm glad they saw through her lies!


    • #3
      we feel to shattered to do anything so we chilling on settee and having take away

      ok ask me anything and i will answer.

      i was a witness the barrister was scared of using me as my mouth tends to run away with me, so basically answer the question cleary and add NO EXTRAS
      and i must of done good as the prosecuter did not cross examine me i couldnt beleive it i was gob smacked


      • #4
        I am beyond chuffed to read this - absolutely brilliant news!!

        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #5
          Well it's been a long haul for you both & glad your user name was unjustified! Pleased to be able to post the bananas

          'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


          • #6
            it was the most amazing feeling to hear them two words NOT GUILTY

            i just hope i can now help others with my experience as this site has been my life saver especially during the night when you cant sleep or think.

            think i may have a good sleep tonight


            • #7
              im buzzing for you guys well done


              • #8
                Originally posted by NOHOPE View Post
                it was the most amazing feeling to hear them two words NOT GUILTY

                i just hope i can now help others with my experience as this site has been my life saver especially during the night when you cant sleep or think.

                think i may have a good sleep tonight
                Fantastic news!! How long was ur ordeal (from start to today)?

                Mine is being pushed to trial, although, even the prosecution can't understand why it's even in court. They did say it would take a strong prosecutor to stop it fm going all the way.


                • #9

                  2 days of trial and 30 min for the verdict.

                  I am so happy for you two.

                  Here are your bananas:

                  Well done and take care.
                  Non,je ne regrette rien.


                  • #10
                    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                    Numbers 32:23


                    • #11
                      Dancing banana time xx


                      • #12
                        thank you all so much, it might mean nothing to others but i have waited so long for those bloody dancing bananas, ha something so simple yet what i have dreamt about.

                        brokenman in answer to you question this horrible ordeal all started last september so 11 very long stressfull months.

                        i wanted the trial date so badly but the weeks leading upto it as it was getting closer i wanted time to stand still.

                        i have to say the last 3 days have been a bloody nighmare but we had some fantastic friends and family with us in the court every single minute and we could not of done it without them.
                        i was the last witness to be called so couldnt go in till the end but the solicitor has now told me this was mainly due to him not really beleiving i would behave myself.
                        when we seen him afterwards while we was waiting for the verdict he said ( in jest ) he was gutted as i was a brill witness and there was no fireworks.

                        i have to say the prosecution didnt really do a good job at all some of the jury were rolling there eyes with some of the questions he was asking hubby.

                        my hubbys statement has not changed since day 1 but they still managed to twist a few things but hubby stayed calm and actually said no let me go back and just confirm what i mean he would then say his answer agaqin.
                        she on the other hand did get confused couldnt remember and her and partner couldnt even remember who rang the police, im sure i would remember if i had been assaulted.
                        they both got aggresive and angry which does put them in a bad light.

                        the final thing our barrister said was ok miss ?? you know and i know this is a false allegation he then sat down and she never said i word.
                        i would of been shouting no it isnt so thats the last the jury heard from us on that day which gave them something to sleep on.


                        • #13
                          Over the moon for you


                          • #14
                            The truth will always out!!!


                            • #15
                              [wow!!! so happy to hear this!! am late but here are my bananas

