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Well its nearly here

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  • Well its nearly here

    My Hubbys case is due for trial next week and i feel sick to the stomach.

    we have been waiting for this day and now its nearly here i want the world to stop so we dont have to go, i know we have to be positive but my god how do you do this.

    im scared of the questions they may ask me and me making it worse for him.

    all of you who have had your day in court how the hell did you survive

  • #2
    Originally posted by NOHOPE View Post
    My Hubbys case is due for trial next week and i feel sick to the stomach.

    we have been waiting for this day and now its nearly here i want the world to stop so we dont have to go, i know we have to be positive but my god how do you do this.

    im scared of the questions they may ask me and me making it worse for him.

    all of you who have had your day in court how the hell did you survive
    I will keep you guys in my prayers.



    • #3
      I feel for you, it is an awful time - fearing the wort and hoping for the best.

      All I can suggest is for you to answer the question truthfully and precisely, don't be tempted to add bits. Hold your head high and be proud of your man.
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • #4

        I had my five day trial a week and a half ago and yes it is the hardest moments in your life but i focused on afterwards and what i would do with my life.

        You will find strength and fight for your honour and it will all come good.

        Thinking of you.


        • #5
          NOHOPE, my thoughts and prayers are with you for next week. Sending you strength and courage. The dancing bananas are waiting by the bucket load! Take care. xx


          • #6
            This is horrible for you - the conflicting emotions of despair and hope. I really feel for you and hope that you can hang in there, consider your presentation, what may be asked, how you can respond in a calm and measured way without rushing so that the jury can really listen. And I guess let your legal team guide you and do their jobs.
            Very best wishes to you
            False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


            • #7
              thanks for all the support.

              we are in bits at the moment we know what we have to do head high stay positive and so on just hope we can when were faced with it all.

              is there any wives out there who have been in my position just wondering what types of questions they may ask me.

              but we will stick together no matter what the out come is as we beleive in him and know the truth.

              thanks all


              • #8
                You guys must be going through hell!

                Sending you some love.
                Wow... A signature option!


                • #9
                  You can be proud of yourself

                  Maybe some won't agree with me but to be in court was a relief ,the end of mental torture.

                  I wish you both all the best.

                  Take care.
                  Last edited by Boys don't cry; 9 August 2012, 11:14 PM.
                  Non,je ne regrette rien.


                  • #10
                    I agree court was a relief as it finnaly gives you a chance to prove your innocence.
                    Wating with the dancing bannanas !!


                    • #11
                      NOHOPE, I will be in the same position as you next month, as they think I shall be a witness for my boyfriend's trial. I'm totally worried already, I hope all goes well for you! Good luck and all the best! xxx


                      • #12

                        and heyou if i can come back and post sort of questions they asked me i will do to try and help others

                        im thinking stuff like do youtrust your hubby well im going to say what cos at the end of the day he cheated

                        so how am i supposed to answer

                        i dont know just think there going to wrap me up and spit me out.

                        my stomach keeps doing sumersaults so god knows what hubbys is doing.

                        wish it was this time next week and we either have bananas or im asking RF to fight our appeal if possible

                        what a **** 12 month of our lives

                        i know what we have to do
                        stay strong
                        be positive
                        hold our heads up

                        ha just wish we knew how



                        • #13
                          I think it would be helpful if anyone who has been through the court case already could explain what sort of thing the OP maybe facing> I personally feel that re. the4 fact that he was unfaithful is simply that, he was unfaithful - a matter5 for you guys to sort out - and not a court! Being unfaithfull is really sh*tty but it's a whole different ball game to rape. If all adulterous people were dragged into court - the waiting list for cases would be 10 years!
                          Best wishes
                          False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


                          • #14
                            oh i couldnt agree more its ours to sort out not a court of law

                            i dont know any members partners that have been wiotnesses so i cant even private message them.
                            hopefully someone will post up.

                            i have looked through all the stickys on here but to be honest nothing is sinking in as my head is up my rear


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by NOHOPE View Post
                              oh i couldnt agree more its ours to sort out not a court of law

                              i dont know any members partners that have been wiotnesses so i cant even private message them.
                              hopefully someone will post up.

                              i have looked through all the stickys on here but to be honest nothing is sinking in as my head is up my rear

                              Hi Nohope, sending you lots of courage and strength vibes. My partner went to court but I was not a witness because it was a historical rape case. SO sorry I could not help you with what questions they might ask, but i can totally relate to your feelings right now. I do hope you are taking something to help you like calming tablets. It helps as it can take away sudden bursts of fear and panic, which make things easier.

                              I would say stay positive all throughout for your husband, sleep as much as you can, have breakfast and lunch properly. It is the time to fight so make sure your husband is calm and firm also.

                              Lots of hugs! i hope some members who were asked to be a witness will come online and help you with your questions.

