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Scared and confused.. False allegation of historic rape!

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  • Scared and confused.. False allegation of historic rape!

    I don't know if anyone can help, i feel like I'm in a nightmare, I was arrested for rape of a male child. I used to baby sit 10/12 years ago over a two year basis. I was assigned a duty solicitor, the police explained to me that I have been accused of while I was baby sitting for three boys *I made one child give oral, *(they didn't ask me questions regarding the other two boys so assume they have not accused me of anything), I answered that all the charges where all untrue, until I started investigating I wrongly believed that such rubbish and *without evidence these lies would come to nothing apparently I could be wrong.*

    The whole statement was very clinical and exact in it's manor of how and what time I supposedly did these horrific crimes.. This troubled me a lot as I have had not contact with the family and it feels like its planned..*

    My major issue is that after investigating I have found that I was actually 15 at the time not 18 as they said and only babysat for 9 months not 2 years and I only babysat one day a week after school .. After that another male babysitter took over. All solicitors I've spoken too say don't go to the police with this information as it will be used against you, but how can that be true?

    I am at a utter loss for what to do but I am determined to fight these allegations. I have spoken to 3 solicitors in total two very highly regarded in the industry they have both said that I have to wait till the bail date in November and wait and see if I'm charged..

    *I obviously don't want to do this and would *personally want the truth to come out before that and not in court dragging my family and girlfriend through hell because even when I'm proved innocent there will be a stigma attached to me and them.

    I don't have that much money to my disposal and I cant afford Chris Saltrese or the other one as much as I would love to. *I don't know what do to. Does anyone know a solicitor specialising in this area that can help in central London ?

    Thank you*

  • #2
    Since you have put roughly where you are - someone may be able to recommend a solicitor close to it.

    People are right - do not give this evidence to the police - they will move the goalposts and make the fiction fit the fact.

    Welcome to the forum by the way.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Thank you, I'm just horrified someone could accuse someone of this .. I feel sick every day and I feel like there is no hope..


      • #4
        Hi & and sorry to hear that you have such an accusation made against you.

        Originally posted by Malistos View Post
        All solicitors I've spoken too say don't go to the police with this information as it will be used against you, but how can that be true?
        With such a great discrepancy in the reported and actual facts, the police will re-interview whoever it was that has made this accusation querying these discrepancies; in the course of the questioning they will divulge what you have told them.

        The danger is then, rather than the accuser throwing their hands up and confessing they made it all up, they may well then suddenly 'remember' the 'correct' details as given by you, citing stress & trauma for the incorrect memories.

        If your powder is kept dry and the matter goes to trial, the barrister can use this information to discredit the accuser's evidence and thus show that either their memory is defective, or that they are lying, whichever seems most appropriate.

        I can fully understand why you wish to get the matter disposed of before it gets to charge and this is of course a judgement call which only you can make, though it would be best to heed the solicitor's advice, especially as they are all in agreement.
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


        • #5
          Thank you for explaining that.. I just got told don't say without a reason why.. I have also been asked if I can think of a motive of why I'm being accused .. I don't want to lie or make something up but I can't think of any reason.. The only thing I can think of is that it was the other babysitter .. Shouldn't I let the police know that?


          • #6
            do you know who the other babysitter was?
            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


            • #7
              Unfortunatly I don't know his name only that he was a family friend.


              • #8
                Have you told your sol that someone else used to babsit the boys after you?
                What were the boys like? Can you think of a reason why they would fabricate such an allegation?
                I am not interrogating you, but thinking about these questions now could well prove vital to your defence.
                Welcome to the forum.


                • #9
                  Interagate away, any ideas most welcome.

                  Have you told your sol that someone else used to babsit the boys after you? Yes but he said I shouldn't tell the police

                  What were the boys like?*
                  Hype active I left them too it, they played while I watched tv and texted my then gf and friends. I have already spoken to my friends who can confim this even though I doubt it will do any good.

                  Can you think of a reason why they would fabricate such an allegation?*
                  None, which is the issue


                  • #10
                    Your sol is absolutely correct. Never ever give the police anything which might help to prove your innocence. As others have said, they will then re-interview the complainant, who will then change their account, claiming they were "confused by the trauma."
                    Hyperactive children don't necessarily grow into disturbed adults. As you said, it is possible that they were genuinely abused by the other babysitter, and that, being very young, they simply muddled up the babysitters. Or even, if the other babysitter was a family friend, they are too worried to implicate him, so have chosen you as an easy target.

                    I would suggest that it is vital that you find out who the other babysitter was. I'm afraid I have no idea how you would go about doing that - maybe your sol will have some ideas.


                    • #11
                      No idea how to do that. What the views on hiring a private investigator .. Is that legal?


                      • #12
                        PIs are used in some cases. You might have to pay privately, though.


                        • #13
                          To be honest I don't think I can afford that plus I don't know what use they will have. Going back to one of my original questions. Does anyone know of a good lawyer specialising in this who would accept legal aid in London?


                          • #14
                            these are mentioned in another thread

                            Mr Gerry McDonald (Higher Rights Solicitor)
                            EBR Attridge LLP Solicitors
                            436 High Road
                            N17 9JB

                            Mob: 07779 239708
                            24hr 020 8808 0774


                            Gerry uses barristers from:
                            Garden Court Chambers
                            Lincoln Inn Fields

                            Julia Krish has 18 years experience in the field of historical allegations of sexual offences and allegations of familial child sex abuse.
                            Google: Garden Court Chambers for list of members and CV's.
                            Last edited by RFLH; 6 August 2012, 06:29 PM.
                            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                            • #15
                              I can suggest a stunnnig trio of solicitors

                              LLM Solicitors LLP
                              Address: 410a Brixton Road,London, SW9 7AW
                              DX:58758 Brixton
                              Tel: 020 7036 8580
                              Fax: 020 7036 8581

