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accused for suspision of rape

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  • I work for Chris Saltrese and have had some success with appeals myself. They now have two offices. The one on my link is

    Chris Saltrese Solicitors
    3 Regent Road
    PR8 2EB

    01704 535512
    Last edited by Casehardened; 14 September 2018, 06:56 PM. Reason: Details changed at Rights Fighter's request
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • Originally posted by extremelystressed View Post

      we are going to appeal and i will need help from you guys to find me the best solicitor as we don't know much about the law in this country? could you guys please help us? I shall really be thankful to you....

      I have posted up details about the solicitor I work for - he is one of the top solicitors in the UK specialising in these cases.

      Don't worry about time - every appeal I have been involved with has been lodged sometimes years out of time. There is a 28 day 'limit' but that can be overcome by requesting an 'extension of time' by the CA (Court of Appeal).

      Hold on in there hon. Standing right beside you.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • Hon - I can just feel the desperation you are feeling for your brother and for your family...don't panic - sadly everything takes time....
        RF is our resident expert and is a wealth of info and advice. Join the pafaa fb as she has advised - you will be able to pm her straight away on there......keep strong
        "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


        • Nice one RF, the boy may have been a fool but he doesnt sound like a real bad un. I thank you.
          Still here


          • This is so sad sending thoughts and prayes your way x


            • Thank you RF for the support and the rest of people here.. I really appreciate this.. And I will be contacting you tomorrow morning through Facebook RF and I will try to get hold of my brothers details to log on to this forum so I can PM you guys.. My family have come up with the decision that we will be going for appeal and we will be giving this case to Chris, My brother also said to go for an appeal and contact Chris .. I really hope that the innocent and the truth wins in this.. I can't thank you guys enough to support me through this worst time of my life... Thank you so much guys...


              • Please PM me when you can too.

                And tell him we are all thinking about him.


                • You made a wise decision to appeal Stressedout, Extremelystressed and family.

                  You can trust RF, she will fight tooth and nail for your brother's case.

                  Keep faith.

                  (I'll pm you as soon as we can.)
                  Non,je ne regrette rien.


                  • You're doing great, I'm sure you wouldn't have it any other way but well done for being such a support to your brother. These things make you see a side to life you can't imagine and would rather not see. I can imagine how tough it is, but thank God your brother has you and your family behind him.


                    • Thanks to CH for passing on my RF email address to ES. I received your email and have replied. Not sure is you check your emails regularly which is why I have posted this on here
                      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                      PAFAA details ~


                      • I've spoken with ES and the wheels are now in motion even though it is a Sunday!

                        Hopeful I can do something to help this poor man. And there was me saying I wouldn't be taking on any more cases for a while......
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • It is good of you to take this one on but certainly on the facts that SO has given us it was an perverse verdict; I fear that the recent high profile cases involving grooming of white girls by ethnic minorities probably played a part in the jury's decision making process.
                          'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                          • That's what worries me about my father's case too. However based on experience and my research of recent cases involving ethnic minorities juries thankfully see sense as well, SO was extremely unlucky. However there is always a chance all the hysteria affects someone's judgement and this frankly terrifies me and may have played a part in SO's case too. I also think his 'friend' changing statement after statement didn't help his case and the judge should have asked the jury to make sure they don't conflate both defendant's guilt or innocence together.

                            Extremelystressed where is the prison? When I go back I will see if I can visit him as well. He must be going through a horrid time. Please message me whenever you have messaging privileges.

                            The following link and whatsgoingon's post sums it up superbly. Raising awareness and keeping safe is a must, however there is a fine line between doing the former and turning everything into a witch-hunt


                            The answer to the question your proposed article is posing is YES! Of course innocent people should remain anonymous!

                            Imaging this, Helen.... you're walking down the street minding your own business, when a little girl trips up right in front of you. There doesn't seem to be a caring adult with her so you automatically go to help her up. She's crying and confused, her knees are grazed and her dress has ridden right up. You rub her knees and straighten her dress out and start asking her where her Mum or Dad is and where she lives. Just then... a mindless busy-body with child pornography and paedophilia on the brain intervenes and insists she accompanies you and the little girl to the police station. There, she recounts a tale which is completely alien to you and a complete distortion of what actually happened, and it suddenly dawns on you that you are being accused of something beyond your comprehension. Before you know it you're officially arrested on suspicion of trying to abduct a minor and attempted sexual assault. You are ushered into a cell and ordered to remove your own clothes and put on a paper pyjama suit and cardboard slippers. Your possessions are taken away as part of the investigation and you're not told if or when these will be returned to you.

                            Prior to being interviewed you are asked if you want a solicitor present to which you reply 'No - I haven't done anything wrong, why should I?' So you are interviewed without a solicitor present, and dazed and confused you find yourself saying things which are twisted beyond all belief. At first you counteract the innuendos and assumptions and even end up getting sarky then quite annoyed ( at which point you are cautioned) , but in the end you feel so deflated you no longer care what's being said you just want it to end. A doctor comes along, tells you to strip off pokes around, takes your DNA, and blood sample.

                            10 or so hours later, in a state of absolute shock , you're told that you have been granted bail pending investigations and will have to report to the police station in 6 weeks. You are let out in the street wearing only the pyjama suit and slippers, it's eleven o'clock on a cold November night - you have no money on you, no telephone as this was retained by the police officer and you have to walk home some distance away. You feel totally deflated as though you yourself have been victim of an aggression.

                            You being a totally normal person whose never been in trouble with the police or anyone else , and on the contrary, tries to help people when you can ,wake up the next morning and think 'That was some night-mare!'. Then you spot the pyjama suit hanging where you took it off and the police station documents with your name on them in your handbag and you realise something very unwholesome and distressing is happening and you don't understand any of it.
                            This is the very beginning of your ordeal... there's a lot more and a lot worst to come.

                            Crikey! You're so wrapped up in trying to figure out what it's all about that you're going to be late for work! So you run out, putting your coat on as you go through the door, you hardly hear your name being called and a couple of flash-lights, then off you go to work.
                            A couple of days later.... you pick up the local paper to read on the train to work and there you are! Not only have they got you at your very worst but your name's there, the road where you live and you're being made out to be a monster from the worst horror film. Your boss calls you in, and there you are again, only now you're sacked. As you go home to your lovely cosy flat you've worked so hard to make your own, you realise that unless you can find another job , you're going to have to move out.

                            But this is STILL the very beginning.... it's going to be at least a year before you go to court to fight for your life and there'll be many more unpleasant times and adventures before then! And as if the horrendous accusations weren't bad enough, what you don't yet realise is that quick buck someone from the papers was making on the back of your misfortunes is going to play you and your loved ones some very nasty turns indeed, possibly for a very long time to come...


                            • Originally posted by Casehardened View Post
                              It is good of you to take this one on but certainly on the facts that SO has given us it was an perverse verdict; I fear that the recent high profile cases involving grooming of white girls by ethnic minorities probably played a part in the jury's decision making process.

                              From what ES says, the judge misdirected the jury in relation to something quite serious (I believe). I can't discuss it on here as this is a public forum and it wouldn't surprise me if the police were monitoring this thread. There may well be other things that might assist too. Without sight of any paperwork I can't come to any view anyway, so will have to wait for that. At least I can now liaise with the family and find out more of what happened at trial.

                              The family are booking every single visit they can. He will get one visit a week I think until he is sentenced in January and they are busy sorting out who can visit and when. At least he has family members and supporters who will visit unlike our other member, Sparks, who has nobody.
                              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                              PAFAA details ~


                              • thank you so much guys, if i didn't find this forum me and my family would have been deeply broken inside right now.. And I am in contact with RF privately and she is being really helpful to me and instructing me in the right direction.. Thank you so much.. once my PM are up and working i will message you guys through that..

                                thank you..

