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accused for suspision of rape

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  • stressed out

    hey all

    little update, i went to magistrate today and bailed to appear in a crown court

    solicitor read the evidence papers and they found NO DNA and nothing in the car. but found a cig outside which have my and passenger dna on it. they also found open condom raper but i told my sol that, its a old raper, friends were playing with condoms as putting raper in car exhaust pipe and making balloons. i know childish but its true. the raper is there since ages.

    she said, this kind of cases can go to court only on her words but we have advantage that no dna has found but evidence do come to us in pieces and this is the early stage.

    passengers solicitor told him that she lied to police that she was virgin. medical evidence shows, she was not a virgin. i told my solicitor that she said it in the car that she had sex with her bf when she was 13 in the open field.

    plus his solicitor said, a BBC reporter went to her house and she is ready to give a documentary thing, his solicitor think, its a good thing but how?????

    i don't understand how can a documentary be a good thing??


    • Originally posted by stressed out View Post
      plus his solicitor said, a BBC reporter went to her house and she is ready to give a documentary thing, his solicitor think, its a good thing but how?????

      i don't understand how can a documentary be a good thing??

      I cannot believe that the BBC would interview the complainant before a guilty verdict is delivered, if that happens. I can only imagine IF THAT IS TRUE that there may be another assailant she has accused, so a Crimewatch feature.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • stressed out

        Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
        I cannot believe that the BBC would interview the complainant before a guilty verdict is delivered, if that happens. I can only imagine IF THAT IS TRUE that there may be another assailant she has accused, so a Crimewatch feature.
        appologise, i didn't get that.

        I can only imagine IF THAT IS TRUE that there may be another assailant she has accused, so a Crimewatch feature

        will it be a good thing for me or bad?


        • How would I know? We don't know whether it is true that the BBC are set to interview her, and IF they are, what it is for. I am merely suggesting possibilities as to why they would do so prior to trial and conviction.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • abit of update.

            today i went pick up the evidence statements from my solicitor.

            in her statement, it was bunch of lies. the story she told the police when they saw her walking, she said me and passenger, got out of the car and graped her and forced her into the car.

            then in her video interview, she said, she jumped from the railing to get into the car because passenger told her in a angry tone. if he said it in a angry tune, why would she sat in the car, seriously bull****.

            she said passenger raped her for 2 mins but she don't know if he penetrate or not. she said, she opened her legs proper and he was in the middle, that s seems like a very big car that a 5.10" person can do that, wow but my car is like a normal hatchback

            i actually came home and i tried it in my car as she said in the statement, i couldn't fit in proper, and i m only 5.9"
            she have lied so much in her statement.

            she said, i stopped the car and passenger got in the back of the car and started kissing her but she is lieing there as well, they both were snogging while i was driving.

            she said, the passenger raped her for 2 mins, and she was wearing leggings, but there was no dna found on that side.

            right the forensic evidence police found are:

            1) no semen detected from inside of her.
            2) no injuries n stuff
            3) no dna found that can tell she was in the car and also no dna found in car of passenger either.
            4) they found few condoms in my boot and found a raper as well. but the raper i assume is bit old because friends were playing with condoms with my car exhaust pipes and they chuck in there.
            5) they found my cig which shows i smoked
            the also found a cig which shows her and passenger dna so i assume when he was smoking, he kissed her so thats why both dna found on her

            so basically CPS can prove that, passenger was there that's why his and her dna found on 1 cig. and i told the truth about him.

            other thing, they took statement of her mum and her mum said, she is scared and don't go out and that but her friend also give statement that early night they were drinking vodka and wondering about in the park and, her friend gave the same statement as her, word by word same. this is ridiculous. police took her friend statement in feb and all that stuff happened last in august.

            why they making her so innocent and to us like, we animals or something.

            the thing against me she said, i moved the passenger seat forward to let him rape her but she said, she sat behind me in her interview and she was sitting behind my seat so why would i move the passenger seat forward.

            anyway what you all think, does CPS has a moderate case against me? because case is depends on evidences like medical and forensic evidences etc init
            Last edited by stressed out; 8 April 2013, 10:07 PM.


            • Hi,

              I have been following your story from the beginning, and my view is still the same; you have done nothing wrong but you are implicated because you were there.

              The CPS undoubtedly want to prosecute your friend and you are collateral damage, as the army might say.

              I've no idea whether you will be tried as co-defendants or separately (this is a question your solicitor may be able to find out for you) but undoubtedly the prosecuting barrister will argue that the rape would not have taken if you had not provided transport and venue, so to speak.

              I think you must assume that your friend will go to trial and therefore so will you (from the CPS viewpoint it would be wrong to charge him and not you) and consider what you will say in replies to cross-examination when you are questioned on this point. You might find it helpful to write things down as and when you think of them, much as you have in your last post.

              NB You don't have to defend your friend's actions that's for him and his barrister, you've just got to explain why you drove the car to the location and why you didn't stop him (not to us, but in court!)
              'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


              • Originally posted by Casehardened View Post

                I have been following your story from the beginning, and my view is still the same; you have done nothing wrong but you are implicated because you were there.

                The CPS undoubtedly want to prosecute your friend and you are collateral damage, as the army might say.

                I've no idea whether you will be tried as co-defendants or separately (this is a question your solicitor may be able to find out for you) but undoubtedly the prosecuting barrister will argue that the rape would not have taken if you had not provided transport and venue, so to speak.

                I think you must assume that your friend will go to trial and therefore so will you (from the CPS viewpoint it would be wrong to charge him and not you) and consider what you will say in replies to cross-examination when you are questioned on this point. You might find it helpful to write things down as and when you think of them, much as you have in your last post.

                NB You don't have to defend your friend's actions that's for him and his barrister, you've just got to explain why you drove the car to the location and why you didn't stop him (not to us, but in court!)
                thanks for your mail.

                but i don't think they even had sex in my car. they way she explained, there is no way sex can happen. but anyway they have not found dna of his in her so wouldn't that be enough? but i also want to mention, in the statements, they never said anything about forensic search of clothes. solicitor told me that, evidence to come to us slowly.

                I forgot to mention that, there was a witness, she was in her room opposite to where i parked my car so she can see everything clearly and she said in the statement that i was out of the car and went bit far like few cars away where i standing for a bit, ( i went for urinate ) n that's the reason i stopped the car. witness also said, i smoked outside the car. opened the boot and gave something inside ( that's a condom which i gave it to girl) but the girl lied that i gave it to passenger.

                witness also said the girl looks like 18/19 form about 30feets away. she said, she saw the girl walking angry out of the car and no struggle to stop her and she thought, must be a couple argument.

                your right, CPS might says, rape wouldn't happened if i didn't proved transport and venue, but truth is, they were proper snogging and stuff in the car while i was driving. and she was not stressed at all. they were doing that stuff for over 15mins before i stop my car for urinate. i didn't tell them to do anything. i thought they both mature enough.
                Last edited by stressed out; 9 April 2013, 01:19 PM.


                • Up dates

                  a little update.

                  I went crown court yesterday, they have set the dates for plea and trail.
                  plea in July and trails start in November.

                  cps said, they will have all the evidence by 5th may and will give it to my defense team.

                  barrister said, as only read little bit of her account as first she lied to police that we dragged her into the car and then she changed her statement but he said we will have all evidence by 5th may hopefully.

                  he asked me to provide him all my and family background information.

                  In the court, CPS said they charged me because i alleged this crime, bull **** that is.
                  they said, I told in my statement that everything was consensual.

                  they don't understand, how the hell I know, she was underage or anything. I didn't even know her name until magistrate court day

                  barrister said, in my friend's case, there legal team might challenge the DNA because they only found on a piece of cigarette not on her .
                  I personally think if they do that, that would be childish because the only chance is one in billion. jury would know, he is lying.

                  barrister said to me to look for anyone who can be my character witness, I don't know, who to find?

                  also have a good news, i got my passport back with permanent residence card so i can apply for jobs as much as i can lol
                  Last edited by stressed out; 17 April 2013, 03:57 PM.


                  • Hi stressed out - great news about your passport... Hopefully now you can also start to build your defence with your barrister - good luck
                    "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                    • good news

                      hi all
                      hope you all good.

                      I just got a good news, thought to share it here, since got my passport back and i have applied in few universities for masters and apparently all universities offered me a place so life is getting back on track.

                      but i am still very worried about my trail in November. solicitor getting all evidence next week.

                      can anyone tell me, if it is true, after my defense team got all evidence, they will make a defense statement and send it to CPS. then CPS decide either to proceed further or not?? I might be wrong because on my last crown court date, they decided to go for trails and it has been set as well.


                      • It is best for you to be mentally prepared for the trial to go ahead rather than hope it is discontinued; the shock will be worse if it then isn't.

                        However the good news about being accepted at university could be a sort of 'character witness' for you, when next see your solicitor ask him how this can be introduced in court.
                        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                        • Well done on the work front!

                          On rare occasions the CPS will drop a case on the basis of a defence case statement. The DCS sets out briefly what your defence is (without giving away your evidence unless the CPS cannot argue it) and what disclosure the defence needs.
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • Great news about uni courses - hope your trial gets thrown out too - but if not then you will be able to prepare a good defence......good luck
                            "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                            • Originally posted by Casehardened View Post
                              It is best for you to be mentally prepared for the trial to go ahead rather than hope it is discontinued; the shock will be worse if it then isn't.

                              However the good news about being accepted at university could be a sort of 'character witness' for you, when next see your solicitor ask him how this can be introduced in court.
                              My barrister actually told me on my last court date to think about my character witness for myself and he also need a background history of me and my family like what they do for living etc.

                              what is character witness? can it be a letter from my college and university? because I don't think uni professor will come to court to be witness, as my uni is well far.

                              i don't mind getting letters from my work places, guy/girls mates, family, university and college and few social place's where i did few course and hopefully will be doing masters.


                              • Originally posted by stressed out View Post

                                what is character witness? can it be a letter from my college and university? because I don't think uni professor will come to court to be witness, as my uni is well far.

                                i don't mind getting letters from my work places, guy/girls mates, family, university and college and few social place's where i did few course and hopefully will be doing masters.
                                The letters of acceptance will be fine and will create a good impression of you for the jury.
                                'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'

