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accused for suspision of rape

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  • If you really want to work and get some money coming in,you will find some...

    A few months ago your excuse was not to have a car.
    Non,je ne regrette rien.


    • Originally posted by Boys don't cry View Post
      If you really want to work and get some money coming in,you will find some...

      A few months ago your excuse was not to have a car.
      yeah i thought i can get a job with out passport, i have been offered two jobs but didn't get it because of passport.

      my solicitor told me to call him on Monday, he will talk to the police about my passport. if it didn't work then i will try to get any private solicitor to try to get my passport back. so i can get on with my life.

      i sold my car few days ago because i needed some money and can't afford insurance with out a job..


      • Because of the furore over illegal immigration it is almost impossible to get a job without proper documentation and proof of identity which usually means a NI number or proof of EU citizenship at best, work permit or passport at least.

        Without any of these the only option is to work for someone who is prepared to flout the law with commensurate pay and conditions
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


        • Stressed out

          I hope you didn't get offended by my last posts but I want you to realise that nothing will come to you if you don't react.
          I know your story so well and you didn't need all this...

          I thought that a driving licence and a national insurance number would be enough IDs to get you a job:

          I wish you all the best.
          Non,je ne regrette rien.


          • Originally posted by Boys don't cry View Post
            Stressed out

            I hope you didn't get offended by my last posts but I want you to realise that nothing will come to you if you don't react.
            I know your story so well and you didn't need all this...

            I thought that a driving licence and a national insurance number would be enough IDs to get you a job:


            I wish you all the best.
            no not at all, i am not offended. in fact you were right about getting any job.
            driving license and NI number only allowed you to work but passport is for, that they want to take sure i am eligible to stay and work in this country.
            when you send your passport to home office, they send you a letter which allow you to work.
            my letter has expired 4 months ago and home office said, we can't anything. your application is under process. that's mean police has my passport.
            police also took the passenger's passport too and he meant to go second year in uni but he didn't go because he couldn't get loan because police has his passport as well so he took a gap year.

            my sol said to call him on Monday, he will speak to the police.
            i will tell everything to solicitor and hope he can convince police that they never found any big evidence against me like no dna etc. hopefully will get some good news.


            • stressed out

              hey all

              happy Christmas to you all

              got a call from investigating officer, he left a voice mail, saying that i can go to police station and pick up my stuffs which they kept it from my car.
              they put every ting thing in a separate bag and put a item number on there.


              • stressed out

                Just found out that the "friend" got re-bailed and told to come back in march on the same day and time of my bail. like we both got called back on the same day and time, does it mean it is possibility that we going to get charged? I am feeling very scared and keep thinking about it.

                cops told him the same thing that they send his mobile for forensic search.

                One of my friend also told me that, he didn't have sex with the girl but she gave him oral sex for 10 seconds with a condom on. she was underage so whatever he did with her, is rape.

                now its depends on what evidence police got against him, could be rape or sexual activity with her?

                but as i never touch her or never took part in any thing but still we both got called on the same day and time.

                what you all people think, what could happen?


                • Don't read too much into having the same date & time for rebail. If you and your friend have the same OIC, it might be just for his convenience.

                  If you're still worried nearer the time, you could ask your solicitor to phone on your behalf beforehand to enquire what is likely to happen.

                  Regarding your other query, the definition of rape was broadened (I think in 2003) to include any sort of penetration of the female.
                  'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                  • bail day next week

                    well my bail date is near by, a week to go.

                    since my last post till now, had a few discussions with sol and OIC.

                    i emailed OIC regarding my passport and he called me and bit stressed goes, did i take your passport from your house and i goes no, he goes ohhhh i thought i might have replaced it.
                    then i said, no one of your officer who took my interview called home office to keep a hold on passport and he said ohh that's because peoples can leave the country and i said well i need to copy of my passport.

                    after a day, i mailed him with my home office ref, he mailed me goes, he going on holidays but i can contact to home office and ask for the photocopy and if they need any authorization then tell them to contact me. well home office didn't listen to me.

                    after he back from holidays, i mailed him and he said, he made a contact and will be getting the stuff which i requested on last Saturday and will pass it on to me.

                    anyway the reason for last bail on 15dec was, they send phone for forensic search so hope they have got it back by now,

                    shall i call my solicitor and ask him to contact police and see what is going to happen next week?


                    • stressed out


                      just found out from solicitor, he called in police station and they said, i am going to get charged tomorrow.

                      solicitor couldn't get hold on the investigating officer so someone else in police station have told him.

                      sol don't know what they are the charges they put on me.


                      • sorry to hear the Stressed - be prepared to have a number of charges brought against you - if the case is on the weak side then they will throw any number of things at you - not all will necessarily stick.

                        Keep as calm as you can and the members here will guide and advise you here.
                        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                        • Originally posted by RFLH View Post
                          sorry to hear the Stressed - be prepared to have a number of charges brought against you - if the case is on the weak side then they will throw any number of things at you - not all will necessarily stick.

                          Keep as calm as you can and the members here will guide and advise you here.
                          they have not found my DNA on her, so no rape and sexual activity with her.

                          so i assume, they going to put charges like ( inciting and causing) or (aiding and abetting) or (intent)

                          does only the investigating officer knows about the charges or any officer in police stations knows in Serious Sexual Offenses Unit?

                          i am just really scared feel like, all life is ruined.


                          • its fine to be scared - and no - your life is not over - its just gone in a different direction.
                            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                            • Originally posted by stressed out View Post
                              i am just really scared feel like, all life is ruined.
                              Really sorry to hear this but like RFLH said - your life is not ruined - it just seems like it at the moment. There is a long way for you still to go and at least - though small comfort - tomorrow you will know what you are dealing with and can really begin to put a strong case together. Up til now you have been trying to defend yourself from an invisible enemy. Now it's out in the open you can be much more focused and pro-active. Sending and
                              "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


                              • Sorry to read about you being charged Stressed out.

                                You are young and must consider this as an experience.
                                Make sure you get a proper solicitor and don't forget:We are here to help you.
                                Take care and keep faith.
                                Non,je ne regrette rien.

