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accused for suspision of rape

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  • accused for suspision of rape

    I called my sol before I go for my bail and he rang police station and goes that my bail has been extended for 2 months now. Reason he said was, police still waiting for some forensic results.

    last month before I got bailed, officer told me, he waiting for some forensic result and hoping to get it soon. he still haven't got it or they have to take the case for atlest 6 months before give their decision.

    when I got arrested, they bailed me for 6 weeks.
    second bail was 4 weeks
    Now they give me 2 months bail.

    don't know either to take it as a good or bad news?
    Last edited by stressed out; 15 October 2012, 08:59 AM.


    • hi stressed
      no one can answer how long it will take or how your case will go. Police will take time to investigate we all know it is very stressfull waiting game just try to keep your mind busy as everyone has been advising you.
      just hang in there and calm yourself you can look at internet how to deal with stress it will help.


      • accused for suspision of rape


        I have got an update for my case, my sol called me this afternoon and told me all this:

        1) I was on curfew, so now my bail has changed and police took the curfew out.

        2) about my passport, investigation officer told my sol that he will have to speak to his boss and will let my sol know in few days.

        3) about my car, today i got my car back, i had to pay 150quid to release my car but will get my money back once i got NFA, that what my sol has told me.
        I went to pick my car, it was all back with dust and powder, police did finger print all over car body, handles and inside interior. even my glasses and aftershaves.


        • It is nice to read good news from you Stressed out.

          Take care.
          Non,je ne regrette rien.


          • accused for suspision of rape

            Originally posted by Boys don't cry View Post
            It is nice to read good news from you Stressed out.

            Take care.
            thanks boys don't cry.

            I am actually feeling bit lighter because truth is coming out slowly and I know, it will still take more time.

            before I called my solicitor this morning, I didn't go sleep last night, I was making notes and questions and picking lie's up from the accuser statement. but anyway I have to go to police station to sign a new bail so I will try to contact my solicitor to discuss the progress of this case.

            I just can't wait to get my passport back and start a job.


            • Hi Stressed out,

              Just wanted to thank you for posting on some of our other members threads.

              They will appreciate your encouragement and doing this may also be of help to you.
              'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


              • stressed out

                there is a small update.

                I was re-bailed last week, sol told me, he will book a appointment for me to go to police station and sign a new bail. as the curfew is off.
                investigation officer called me and goes, I have to come police station to sign a bail but, after two hours, two officers came to my house and told me to sign the bail.

                is it normal that officers come to your house to get bail signed?

                second thing,
                i did some research about my sol, his profile shows, he fight the crime cases over 30 years experience, as no where shows, he fight sex offense cases. but he has some sol in his firm who deal with sex offense cases.
                his firm called.

                Quality Solicitors
                Gruber Garratt.

                did anyone ever heard of them?


                • I agree could be a wrongful imprisonment and/or abduction charge and also being part of a joint enterprise to enable another person to rape an underage girl does anyone know what the maximum sentence is for such a crime even though his friend might have been the rapist but they might be acusing him of going along for the ride ?


                  • I read this whole thread sounds very very serious


                    • You should hire a lawyer who does sexual assult cases If would have to gamble I would say this case will go to trial.Thats what happens when you pick up an underage girl you didn't think was underage the goverment does not like it because it is their job to protect minors it's a very big issue because you are basicly saying you picked the girl up in your car,she was saying she was raped in the back but your claiming you are not an accessory to commit statutory underage rape


                      • Originally posted by erin View Post
                        I agree could be a wrongful imprisonment and/or abduction charge and also being part of a joint enterprise to enable another person to rape an underage girl does anyone know what the maximum sentence is for such a crime even though his friend might have been the rapist but they might be acusing him of going along for the ride ?

                        it can't be abduction because no one forced her to get into the car, in fact she jumped from railing to get into the car.
                        I didn't tell them to have sex in my car and i didn't know they are going to do it. if i knew, then i wouldn't park in a public place, in front of houses.
                        girl asked for the condom and i have it to her not him.
                        in the victim statement, the girl is lying so much.
                        how can they, get me involve in to this, they will never find any my dna on her because i didn't even touch her.
                        no one knows the age of the girl, passenger told me, he know her that's why he got her into the car. when he finds out the age, he told her to get off from the car. so i am sure, he didn't know the age either until she told him and he told her to go.

                        will i not get a credit for telling police truth? passenger lied and goes, he wasn't with me but i told the truth.
                        but still what maximum sentence can i get?


                        • No I am not an expert im waiting for my trial but i don't think the police will give you any extra points for being honest with them maybe if you bribe them with doughnuts maybe that would work


                          • it's horrible for you your situation sounds like a mexican standoff im really sorry for you but it's a lesson in life to hang out with the right people "show me who your friend is and i will show you who you will become" we live in a very dangerous jungle.It's sad the lack of right's we have at the mercy of lawyers who probably would say oh well how easy it HOW EASY it is to even be falsely convicted like a lamb being attacked by a starving lion WACK LIGHT'S OUT GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL.............................................. .....get a good lawyer


                            • when you gave her the condom did you give her a condom that you opened or did you give her the condom still in the closed package?


                              • Originally posted by erin View Post
                                when you gave her the condom did you give her a condom that you opened or did you give her the condom still in the closed package?
                                This wouldn't make any difference.
                                It would be like asking her:"Are you going to use it now or is to take away?"

                                They were snogging in the car,Stressed out gave her the condom and went out of the car.
                                The jury wouldn't believe he didn't know what was going to happen.

                                But you are right by saying that the police won't give him extra points for telling the truth.
                                They only want to prosecute.
                                I am sure he did the right thing by being honest but I experienced it as well so is Whatsgoingon?'s son.

                                If you are innocent and honest ,at least you won't make mistakes in Crown court because you know and tell the truth.

                                By the way Stressed out,I hope you won't reach this stage.
                                Non,je ne regrette rien.

