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accused for suspision of rape

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  • #61
    stressed out, hope your solicitor's letters have calmed you down a bit. It is worrying but again I would say it is your friend who is primarily accused and thankfully there is CCTV to show that he was the passenger. Hang onto the positive aspects of the situation because the waiting game is hard. Avoid scaring yourself and getting ahead of things, stick to the bail conditions and try to go back to your normal routine as most people who has been through this will advise.


    • #62
      accused for suspision of rape

      Originally posted by fighter View Post
      stressed out, hope your solicitor's letters have calmed you down a bit. It is worrying but again I would say it is your friend who is primarily accused and thankfully there is CCTV to show that he was the passenger. Hang onto the positive aspects of the situation because the waiting game is hard. Avoid scaring yourself and getting ahead of things, stick to the bail conditions and try to go back to your normal routine as most people who has been through this will advise.

      thanks for your mail back fighter.

      yeah felt light after reading solicitor letter, but he wrote that i believe, the passenger and girl had consent sex when i never said that in interview. " i said, i was outside and my car windows are tinted so i don't know if they had sex or not and the car didn't move.

      shall i call him and tell him??

      today, the passenger brother came to my house but i was not in but tomorrow he will come again along with his father and ask me what happened? i don't know, should i meet them or not?

      if i do, shall i tell his dad, to tell the friend to call his solicitor and speak the truth if he had sex with her or not because cops will find out from forensic results and the parade thing anyway and he will get into more trouble.


      • #63
        Originally posted by stressed out View Post
        today, the passenger brother came to my house but i was not in but tomorrow he will come again along with his father and ask me what happened? i don't know, should i meet them or not?
        You come across as an intelligent man so I'm quite sure you already know the answer to this question. Check the conditions of your bail, almost certainly it will preclude indirect as well as direct contact with potential witnesses.

        However, it is reasonable to expect that you will have discussed the circumstances surrounding the allegation with your family so if they then subsequently discuss these with his family (and indeed add their own opinions about what your 'friend' should do) this is not something that is within your control (nevertheless to underline this last point you should be well away from your house when they come round)
        'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


        • #64
          no - do not talk to them, in fact contact your solicitor and get it logged that they are approaching you,
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #65
            His family and your friend should be able to contact you only via solicitors.

            If they insist and if you are scared,you could even ask yours for a "non molestation order".

            Make sure there is always someone with you or if unfortnately not,try to record everything.
            Non,je ne regrette rien.


            • #66
              accused for suspision of rape


              I called the serious sexual offenses unit and asked for my car, as I have already told that my car has been seized 2 weeks ago. one of the officers called me back and goes, you can contact us on Friday which is today, I called them and he goes, it might take more 2 weeks and goes might have to do an interview with me? which will be my third interview, which is weird?

              I have no transportation to go any where, I got some job interviews coming next week which I really can't afford to miss them and can't go with out my car.

              Is there anything I can do? like speak to my solicitor to force them to give my car back? Or anything else i can do?



              • #67
                Stressed out

                I am sorry for your car but yes you can ask your solicitor to ask them for it back.
                If they can't soon enough I am afraid you will have to ask one of your family member to bring you to the job interview.

                But you can go even without a car,there must be some trains or buses,you can even put a bicycle on a train.

                You know about google map so you'll have to plan your journey.

                I had no car for more than a year and still managed without one.

                When you want you can especially for a job interview.

                By the way,I really wish you the best of luck for it,you deserve it.

                The police needs to collect their evidence and they don't care about the rest.

                (Did your friend's family come to visit you?)

                Take care.
                Non,je ne regrette rien.


                • #68
                  accused for suspision of rape

                  Originally posted by Boys don't cry View Post
                  Stressed out

                  I am sorry for your car but yes you can ask your solicitor to ask them for it back.
                  If they can't soon enough I am afraid you will have to ask one of your family member to bring you to the job interview.

                  But you can go even without a car,there must be some trains or buses,you can even put a bicycle on a train.

                  You know about google map so you'll have to plan your journey.

                  I had no car for more than a year and still managed without one.

                  When you want you can especially for a job interview.

                  By the way,I really wish you the best of luck for it,you deserve it.

                  The police needs to collect their evidence and they don't care about the rest.

                  (Did your friend's family come to visit you?)

                  Take care.
                  I will call my solicitor today and ask him to contact to police about it.
                  true but if interview is local then I won't mind getting a train but they are really far, and 3 in a row. so will be hard to manage.
                  nope they didn't come after that, I think he probably have told the truth by now.
                  today when i called the cops, he goes, we collecting evidence from other peoples and will do an interview again with me?
                  but I didn't get it, what people's he want to talk to?
                  and why would he want to do an interview with me again when I have already given 2 interviews? is it normal?

                  there is one more question going into my head so thought to ask you all, after the forensic search on a girl, if they found the passenger finger prints on the girl clothes or bit on body but they didn't find any DNA or intimate sample on girls, where they can't tell if she been raped or not? what would happen then? any ideas?


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by stressed out View Post
                    and why would he want to do an interview with me again when I have already given 2 interviews? is it normal?

                    there is one more question going into my head so thought to ask you all, after the forensic search on a girl, if they found the passenger finger prints on the girl clothes or bit on body but they didn't find any DNA or intimate sample on girls, where they can't tell if she been raped or not? what would happen then? any ideas?
                    You may just have answered your own question; they haven't released your car so they may have found some forensic evidence relevant to the case, and want you to formally confirm in interview what they think has happened.

                    This ties up with my earlier thoughts that they want you to be a prosecution witness.......
                    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                    • #70
                      If your job interviews are far and in a row,you must have some real friends who could help you.
                      Don't worry too much about the police interview as long as you keep telling the truth and the same story.
                      Take care.
                      Non,je ne regrette rien.


                      • #71
                        accused for suspision of rape

                        Originally posted by Casehardened View Post
                        You may just have answered your own question; they haven't released your car so they may have found some forensic evidence relevant to the case, and want you to formally confirm in interview what they think has happened.

                        This ties up with my earlier thoughts that they want you to be a prosecution witness.......
                        yeah true casehardened, they might have found any finger print or DNA of the passenger and want me to confirm about it in interview. there is other, will they come to my house again? or if they want to take an interview, it will be when i will go for bail?

                        if i become a prosecution witness, does it mean there will be on charge on me?

                        will it go in my CRB or any sex offender record?


                        • #72
                          accused for suspision of rape

                          Originally posted by Boys don't cry View Post
                          If your job interviews are far and in a row,you must have some real friends who could help you.
                          Don't worry too much about the police interview as long as you keep telling the truth and the same story.
                          Take care.
                          I am not be able to get in touch with anyone because i don't have my phone. the cops said, it might take few weeks but he said, i will get my car first, then phone, then my clothes. they even took most of my clothes.

                          i am not worrying about interview, as whatever i said was true but the only thing i am scared of, that i don't want my picture to come in newspaper or internet. that thing is just killing me inside whenever i think of that :-(

                          other thing i want to ask, they never asked me how and why i got condoms in my car. but if they ask me, i will tell them truth that, my ex uni mate, left it in my car but i don't know if they going to believe me for that.

                          i want to ask about forensic search of my mobile phone, will they go through pictures and videos which still on it or deleted? because i have some personal stuff but nothing dogy. but i don't want anyone to look at it. is there anything i can do about it?


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by stressed out View Post
                            yeah true casehardened, they might have found any finger print or DNA of the passenger and want me to confirm about it in interview. there is other, will they come to my house again? or if they want to take an interview, it will be when i will go for bail?

                            Unless there is extreme urgency for some reason (usually media interest) for everyone's convenience this will be when you answer bail. If they notify you that you are to be interviewed, as other members have advised , do consider getting a specialist solicitor to be with you

                            if i become a prosecution witness, does it mean there will be on charge on me? (do you mean no charge?)

                            This is something which needs to be made clear and preferably in writing; if the interviewer suggests it, ask for a private consultation with your solicitor

                            will it go in my CRB or any sex offender record?
                            Your arrest and the reasons for it will be logged in the CRB; also under present legislation your DNA & fingerprints will be kept on record (so don't put yourself at risk of a further accusation ever again)

                            Originally posted by stressed out View Post
                            i want to ask about forensic search of my mobile phone, will they go through pictures and videos which still on it or deleted? because i have some personal stuff but nothing dogy. but i don't want anyone to look at it. is there anything i can do about it?
                            I don't know enough about the technical bit to give you a definitive answer but my understanding is that unless data is deleted with wiping or is overwritten, it can be retrieved.

                            However the police will not be looking for 'normal' porn but for images to confirm the girls accusations.
                            'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by stressed out View Post
                              I am not be able to get in touch with anyone because i don't have my phone. the cops said, it might take few weeks but he said, i will get my car first, then phone, then my clothes. they even took most of my clothes.

                              other thing i want to ask, they never asked me how and why i got condoms in my car. but if they ask me, i will tell them truth that, my ex uni mate, left it in my car but i don't know if they going to believe me for that.

                              I hope there are other ways of getting in touch with some of your friends -- like email, social networking sites and personally visiting them. Please dont let this situation stop you from taking interviews to lessen the damage it does on you. Hopefully one of your family member can offer to drive you to interviews if buses/trains are expensive.

                              I think the police didn't ask you how and why you got a condom because it is "normal" for guys to have condoms --not a crime. As I have said earlier, try not to scare yourself too much because it will just bring you down.


                              • #75
                                accused for suspision of rape

                                Originally posted by Casehardened View Post
                                Your arrest and the reasons for it will be logged in the CRB; also under present legislation your DNA & fingerprints will be kept on record (so don't put yourself at risk of a further accusation ever again)

                                I don't know enough about the technical bit to give you a definitive answer but my understanding is that unless data is deleted with wiping or is overwritten, it can be retrieved.

                                However the police will not be looking for 'normal' porn but for images to confirm the girls accusations.

                                I don't have any images or videos related to the girl but after she went. i dropped the passenger off and i went home. after that i texted him that you told me that she is 15 so i was scaring him by text like why u went out with a 15 year old girl and he got scared and start asking me, what if police finds out. i replied that don't worry nothing gonna happen, you didn't do anything with a girl and police only take action when you rape someone but you didn't had sex with the girl and he also said in a text, that its good i didn't do anything.

                                we were texting like that.

                                will police go through them texts? i think, if they go through it, they will find out that the passenger was with me but he did not had sex with the girl.
                                Last edited by stressed out; 11 August 2012, 11:07 AM.

