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accused for suspision of rape

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  • #16
    we can't give you a definitive answer - it depends what they find and on DNA - yours will be on the outside of the condom as it belonged to you.

    Do you have a specialist lawyer? If you are asked back for questioning then you need one.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #17
      accused for suspision of rape

      yes, police gave me duty solicitor. i told him everything. he said, you already given intervew before so if they ask you same thing again, just tell them that you have already given your account. solicitor asked me in the end in private if i did anything. i told him truth that i didn't even touch her clothes so rape is far thing. and the girl told the cops as well that only passenger raper her.

      i doubt poilce find condom wrap because it has been thrown really far. i dont know about the condom but i doubt they could find it

      the passenger said, he was not with me but he trhown the cig outside, they could find his fingerpront on it


      • #18
        if you should be charged - change solicitors - duty ones just aren't good enough - you need one who knows about this type of crime.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #19
          Stressed out

          Even if your friend threw is cigarette out of your car window with his fingerprints on :it doesn't matter.
          He was in your car and I am pretty sure they will find out.
          He must have touch the door handle or a seat and he was in your car you admitted it to the police,so this girl.
          If the girl went to the police station only 30 min after having physical contact with your friend ,her clothes will be full of his dna.

          She didn't have to have any scratch nor bruises,nothing to be "raped":

          She might have agreed to go in your car,kisses and so on but unfortunately there is something more.

          You must keep on telling the truth.

          Take care
          Non,je ne regrette rien.


          • #20
            accused for suspision of rape

            thanks for your mail back

            she told the cops after 30mins but cops came to my house after 3 days. and other think, i dont know if my friend did do something with her or not. but i have not done anything with her. and she told the cops that only passanger raped her. she never told him her age, he thought she is 18 but she is 15.

            but police suspect me for rape and after all results, it will prove that i have not done anything to her and did not participate in anything with her. will i be free to go or still can be charged because what ever happens, has happened in my car.


            • #21
              Stressed out

              Casehardened already informed you about what could happen and he has far more knowledge than me.

              You wrote that she never told him her age but you were not in the car so maybe she did and in your post number 14 :

              Originally posted by stressed out View Post
              .But when he finds out, she is underage, he told her to go and she get out from the car and she was angry and told the cops afterwards.

              Take care.
              Last edited by Boys don't cry; 3 August 2012, 04:56 PM.
              Non,je ne regrette rien.


              • #22
                Stressed-out: You say this girl is a complete stranger so how would they know to come to you to arrest you? How did she come to identify you?

                They will have taken samples from you and from the other party and will match it with samples taken from the complainant. When they find a match is no doubt when they will charge somebody. If you did not have sex with her, or even touch her then you should, in theory, have nothing to fear.

                The police medical officer would have taken semen samples from you and the 'friend', checked for vaginal fluids, and as the complainant is supposed to have kissed one of you then I would think they would have done inside cheek and mouthwash samples from her and from you and the 'friend'.

                They would also have taken fingernail scrapings and pubic hair combings.

                They will have to send those samples off and then compare them against the complainant.

                Once those samples are matched to the complainant is when the truth should​ come out.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #23
                  accused for suspision of rape

                  thanks for your mail back.

                  she might have told him her age and she told her to go but i am not sure.

                  but problem is, i have been acussed for the rape and the girl said herself that passenger raped her, driver didnt

                  i am the driver.

                  so it will be proved that i havn't raped her. is there any other charges will i get?

                  about her age, she didn't tell me her age so i ddnt knw how old she is. i ddnt do anything with her and she told the police that the driver didnt do anything.


                  • #24
                    accused for suspision of rape

                    Right fighter thanks for your mail and i really felt good because i didnt kiss the girl and she was sat behind me in the rear seat so she can not have my finger print on her.

                    she even told cops that passanger raped her not driver. n i was the driver

                    police only took my intimate samples and finger prints. they did not take any pubic hair sample or mouth or saliva.

                    my results can never match with her results thats guranteed.

                    thats mean i will be fine? but the only thing fear me is, that they have sex in my car and i gave them the condom when they asked for it. my friend told me after, he did not have sex with her but she saying he did. thats upto results right.

                    so i dont know where i stand now?


                    • #25
                      Stressed out - how did the police identify you as one of the potential rapists if you had never met her before?

                      As regards being charged with rape, it will come down to the forensics. If you semen is found inside of her then that will put you in the frame. You say you went nowhere near her so therefore your semen will not be found anywhere on her person.

                      All you can do is to sit it out.
                      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                      PAFAA details ~


                      • #26
                        right figher

                        they come to me because they look at the CCTV camera and my car was there. they came to my house because i am the registered owner of the car.

                        she only said, driver was medium built, and spiks hairs

                        passenger was skinny, bit fair and normal hairs and thats my friend and i told cops about him and they arrested him same day at night. but he told them lie that he was not with me.


                        • #27
                          right figher

                          cops also asked me in the interview that give us the name and address for the passenger who was with her. i told them truth.

                          my results will not match with her. thats for sure. so i will not be charged of rape.

                          but cops or court ask me, why did i let them had sex in my car when it is illegal in uk to have sex in car in a public place and why i gave them condom, i should have say no to them.


                          • #28
                            OK so there was CCTV. That may well help with the investigation.

                            It is really down to the forensics now and a waiting game.

                            Your 'friend' is clearly not a friend at all. He's allowing you to take the rap for this.
                            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                            PAFAA details ~


                            • #29
                              accused for suspision of rape

                              Originally posted by Casehardened View Post
                              Personally, and again this is only an opinion on my part from what you have told us, I think it is unlikely.

                              But, as BDC has pointed out, your friend is in a much more serious position. If he is charged with rape, depending on what the girl has told the police, it could be argued that you drove them in your car to a place where the assault took place and are therefore complicit in the assault (after all the girl may well elaborate on her account by saying she was forced into your car against her will!) While you didn't rape the girl you could be charged with aiding and abetting the assault by your friend.

                              It comes back to what I said in post #7.
                              girl got in car for her will, no one forced her. my friend was talking to her but i couldn't hear what they talking about. she jumped frm the railing next to footpath and get in to the rear seat. everything is in CCTV camera. no one forced her.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by stressed out View Post
                                cops also asked me in the interview that give us the name and address for the passenger who was with her. i told them truth.

                                my results will not match with her. thats for sure. so i will not be charged of rape.

                                but cops or court ask me, why did i let them had sex in my car when it is illegal in uk to have sex in car in a public place and why i gave them condom, i should have say no to them.

                                Hang on - you are not in court yet! It may never get that far. One step at a time. Let's see what the forensics come back with. If it proves your friend to be guilty then he could also be done for attempting to pervert the course of justice by trying to frame you.

                                I cannot see that you would be prosecuted for handing over a condom in a public place. It was your friend who was about to perform an act that could outrage public decency, not you - so that would fall on him, should he be charged with the rape.

                                Which part of the UK are you in? Just say the name of the nearest town.
                                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                                PAFAA details ~

