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accused for suspision of rape

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  • but isn't possible that she might just want to use the condom for like suck.... or masturbating? because intercourse in the back seat is hard specially in my car which wasn't really big and I didn't see my car moving or anything but forensic evidence will prove that but i really hope, they didn't do it because even if it was consent but still she was underage and its a crime to have any kind of sexual relationship.

    She might have done but usually those who have sex with anybody and everybody just are not bothered about STDs. She may have asked for a condom to prevent pregnancy and for no other reason. It is assumed that it would be for sexual purposes and for sexual intercourse.

    If nobody knew how old she was why would your 'friend' suddenly scream at you to 'just drive because she is underage?' He must have known for him to do that.

    I doubt if he knew her age before because she got angry when she got off from the car so i think, she might have told him or he probably asked her age and she might have said, she 15 and he got angry and told her to get out off from the car. the question is, when he finds out her age, weather they had intercourse or not.

    So it appears that YOU were not aware that the girl was underage until AFTER the event. Hopefully the girl's report is the same, in that she told him AFTER she got out of the car. That will support your version of events.

    Why did he get angry and tell her to leave the car? Was that after she told him her age?

    does it mean that, police think, we might have kidnapped a girl and where on of us raped her? but the girl have told the cops that, my friend was talking to her and asked her to get into the car. (( so that's prove that i didn't force her and hope there is CCTV there to prove it))

    I initially thought that the police might consider charging you with wrongful imprisonment and/or abduction and also being part of a joint enterprise to enable another person to rape an underage girl.

    As you have been told so many times on here, the forensic examination done on the girl will show whose DNA was inside of her. As you say you did not have sex with her, then if what you say is true (you say it is) then your DNA will not be found so you cannot be charged with rape.

    The next step for the police is to clarify (or decide, depending on how good an investigator the OIC is) whether the girl was raped (did not consent) and if they believe she was:

    1: that you knew your 'friend' had the intention of having sex with her without consent

    2: that you enabled your 'friend' to have sex with her without her consent by allowing him to use your car and

    3: they believe that you provided the condom to your friend (not the girl) to enable him to have sex with her.

    4: that you knew she was underage.

    Please may I ask you to stop asking the same questions on here? They can only be answered a certain number of times before people get fed up.

    I know you are very worried and very scared, but asking the same questions or telling us the same thing over and again will not provide different answers.

    All you can do is to wait and see the outcome. I know that is easy for me to say, but in reality that is all you can do.
    Last edited by Rights Fighter; 9 September 2012, 01:23 PM.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • accused for suspision of rape

      Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post

      So it appears that YOU were not aware that the girl was underage until AFTER the event. Hopefully the girl's report is the same, in that she told him AFTER she got out of the car. That will support your version of events.

      Why did he get angry and tell her to leave the car? Was that after she told him her age?

      yes i didn't know her age until she went off and i asked my friend what happened then he told me, she is underage and its a crime to do any kind of sexual stuffs. i really think that, when she told her age to my friend, he got angry and told her to get off from the car. he didn't know her age when she get in the car but the way they were talking and kissing and all stuff it seems like they both know each other because no one asked each other name and i have told this to cops as well that i think, they both know each other or he probably knew her before or seen her somewhere.

      does it mean that, police think, we might have kidnapped a girl and where on of us raped her? but the girl have told the cops that, my friend was talking to her and asked her to get into the car. (( so that's prove that i didn't force her and hope there is CCTV there to prove it))

      I initially thought that the police might consider charging you with wrongful imprisonment and/or abduction and also being part of a joint enterprise to enable another person to rape an underage girl.

      As you have been told so many times on here, the forensic examination done on the girl will show whose DNA was inside of her. As you say you did not have sex with her, then if what you say is true (you say it is) then your DNA will not be found so you cannot be charged with rape.

      cops can't say that we kidnapped her because she got in the car herself and cops will never find my DNA on her because i didn't even do anything so true i won't get charge of rape.

      The next step for the police is to clarify (or decide, depending on how good an investigator the OIC is) whether the girl was raped (did not consent) and if they believe she was:

      In my last 2 interview's police didn't ask me any of them question about him having sex with her. they only asked me to tell them how we met her and what happened till she went off. they were thinking, its might be one of us who raped her. after 6 weeks of bail, they might have done the parade and viber thing. and forensic evidence would have prove as well. do you think, in my upcoming interview, they might ask me these questions you described below??

      1: that you knew your 'friend' had the intention of having sex with her without consent

      answer: I didn't have a clue they both going to have sex in until i went out for toilet and came back to the car to drive back. she asked the condom and i gave it to her. .

      2: that you enabled your 'friend' to have sex with her without her consent by allowing him to use your car and

      answer: that is not possible because they were snogging for 15 mins and they were happy together and if she didn't want to do anything with him she could have scream or come out from the car and as i parked outside the public houses and at night time, even a small noise you can hear really good so people;s would have come out. if sex happened then it was consent.

      3: they believe that you provided the condom to your friend (not the girl) to enable him to have sex with her.

      i have told them that I gave the condom to the girl. it was in the boot so i opened the boot and she got her hand out from the back side to pick it up. . i didn't have a clue they going to have sex because it could be oral or masturbating and that. i have told exactly like that to cops

      4: that you knew she was underage.

      answer: i didn't talk to her much when she was in the car. so i didn't have a clue how old she was but the only thing i know is, she was tall so she don't look under 16 and that's what i have told the cops.

      it is possible that she was angry when she get out from the car and afterwards, police car was passing so they might have asked her and she was angry and she goes, one of two guys have raped her because of the anger or revenge from my friend because the way, he told her to go.

      Please may I ask you to stop asking the same questions on here? They can only be answered a certain number of times before people get fed up.

      i am really sorry

      I know you are very worried and very scared, but asking the same questions or telling us the same thing over and again will not provide different answers.

      All you can do is to wait and see the outcome. I know that is easy for me to say, but in reality that is all you can do.
      i am going on my bail next week. so before i go, i have few questions that i would like to ask you about the interview and how to answer there questions.

      can i make my own notes and take it to the police station to speak to my solicitor about it? and can get answers from him?
      he is a duty solicitor so can i still make an appointment with him to go and see him to the office?
      Last edited by stressed out; 9 September 2012, 02:15 PM.


      • please read through your thread - you will find the answers there.

        It doesn't matter how many ways you ask the same questions - the answers will always be the same.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • By the way Stressed out here is the exact definition of rape.

          Under section 1(1) SOA 2003 a defendant, A, is guilty of rape if:

          _ A intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of B (the complainant) with his penis;

          _ B does not consent to the penetration; and,

          _ A does not reasonably believe that B consents.

          I know that you are not directly involved with it but:
          You did write about oral and don't tell me that the condom wasn't for the intent of any kind of penetration.
          (I thought about the balloon as well)

          You did mention several times scratches?
          If the girl doesn't consent it is enough(No need to struggle back).

          You were not in the car so you cannot know exactly what happened in it.
          The police will have at least the DNA to know if there was penetration or not.

          You have the right to have a solicitor in the office and to ask him questions personally from your notes.
          Try to keep them just between you two.

          RF and RFLH are right and I do understand what you are feeling at the moment but
          none of us have the answers and unfortunately we can't predict the future.
          The only thing you can do is to be patient but try to get busy.

          Any news about your jobs applications or do you intend to go back to Uni?

          Take care
          Non,je ne regrette rien.


          • accused for suspision of rape

            Originally posted by Boys don't cry View Post
            By the way Stressed out here is the exact definition of rape.

            Under section 1(1) SOA 2003 a defendant, A, is guilty of rape if:

            _ A intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of B (the complainant) with his penis;

            _ B does not consent to the penetration; and,

            _ A does not reasonably believe that B consents.

            I know that you are not directly involved with it but:
            You did write about oral and don't tell me that the condom wasn't for the intent of any kind of penetration.
            (I thought about the balloon as well)

            You did mention several times scratches?
            If the girl doesn't consent it is enough(No need to struggle back).

            You were not in the car so you cannot know exactly what happened in it.
            The police will have at least the DNA to know if there was penetration or not.

            You have the right to have a solicitor in the office and to ask him questions personally from your notes.
            Try to keep them just between you two.

            RF and RFLH are right and I do understand what you are feeling at the moment but
            none of us have the answers and unfortunately we can't predict the future.
            The only thing you can do is to be patient but try to get busy.

            Any news about your jobs applications or do you intend to go back to Uni?

            Take care
            yeah i did say about scratches and bruises, in most rape cases, girls got scratched or even have any bruises but she didn't have any. but anyway i really want the truth comes out.

            the interview i was talking about, they offered me job but my passports in home office for indefinite stay and i was hoping to get it back 2 weeks ago because home office have to return the passports in 6 months but they haven't send it yet. i got a feeling, one officer did ask about my passport and i have told them, they in home office so to confirm that, he called home office. but i don't know what exactly he said to them.

            it is possible he said that don't return there passports until case is solved. if this is the case then whats the point of applying jobs. by the time, this case be solved, it be the time of new graduates finishing uni. so the companies prefer new graduates on me. so basically this thing, might have just ruined my life. in the end, i didn't even do anything.

            and yes i applied a job in Holland and they offered me a interview because i got really good degree and good grades in GCSE's and A level's, they wanted me to give my last interview in Holland as they pay for the ticket and hotel and everything. As i have passed the other two interviews which was 1st and second stage but when i told them about my passports, got a rejection because they want to see my passport.

            oh well that's why now there is no point of applying jobs.
            Last edited by stressed out; 9 September 2012, 10:29 PM.


            • Originally posted by stressed out View Post
              yeah i did say about scratches and bruises, in most rape cases, girls got scratched or even have any bruises but she didn't have any. but anyway i really want the truth comes out.

              the interview i was talking about, they offered me job but my passports in home office for indefinite stay and i was hoping to get it back 2 weeks ago because home office have to return the passports in 6 months but they haven't send it yet. i got a feeling, one officer did ask about my passport and i have told them, they in home office so to confirm that, he called home office. but i don't know what exactly he said to them.

              it is possible he said that don't return there passports until case is solved. if this is the case then whats the point of applying jobs. by the time, this case be solved, it be the time of new graduates finishing uni. so the companies prefer new graduates on me. so basically this thing, might have just ruined my life. in the end, i didn't even do anything.

              and yes i applied a job in Holland and they offered me a interview because i got really good degree and good grades in GCSE's and A level's, they wanted me to give my last interview in Holland as they pay for the ticket and hotel and everything. As i have passed the other two interviews which was 1st and second stage but when i told them about my passports, got a rejection because they want to see my passport.

              oh well that's why now there is no point of applying jobs.

              I think you were turned down for the Holland job because the passport is a much essential part of the job to prove you are entitled to work there as well as going there for the final interview. Maybe in the UK it is a different case?? you can still apply for jobs with your visa status being valid without your passport being returned yet.


              • accused for suspision of rape

                Originally posted by fighter View Post
                I think you were turned down for the Holland job because the passport is a much essential part of the job to prove you are entitled to work there as well as going there for the final interview. Maybe in the UK it is a different case?? you can still apply for jobs with your visa status being valid without your passport being returned yet.
                yeah but Holland job was a really good opportunity for me but anyway its just a bad time.

                yeah but my passport in home office and visa will run out next year so i was eligible for indefinite stay because my dad is European. i meant to get my passport 2 weeks ago but i think police when rang to home office, they probably told them to keep an hold on the passport until this case will be solved.

                it is the same case, they need to have a look on the passport before offered the job. indefinite stay is a grantee that i won't be leaving this country so i can work for the company for a long time


                • accused for suspision of rape

                  hello all

                  I was doing some research but I didn't get what i was looking for so thought probably anyone here can answer me as everyone helped me so far.

                  you all have read my case, I just want to know that:

                  how would police find out
                  1) if the girl got raped or
                  2) she had a consent sex or
                  3) she didn't even had sex but liying that she got raped?

                  she met police after 20 mins and they must have taken her for medical test.

                  she had no scratches and bruises.

                  how would police find out if it was a normal sex or rape or nothing. and how it works?


                  • stressedout, these questions have already been answered.
                    The only advice left on offer is to hang tight and wait to see what happens and to listen to the advice of your solicitor in any future interviews.
                    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                    Numbers 32:23


                    • Originally posted by stressed out View Post
                      hello all

                      I was doing some research but I didn't get what i was looking for so thought probably anyone here can answer me as everyone helped me so far.

                      you all have read my case, I just want to know that:

                      how would police find out
                      1) if the girl got raped or
                      2) she had a consent sex or
                      3) she didn't even had sex but liying that she got raped?

                      she met police after 20 mins and they must have taken her for medical test.

                      she had no scratches and bruises.

                      how would police find out if it was a normal sex or rape or nothing. and how it works?

                      For goodness sakes how many more times do we have to answer these questions - again and again? I know you are stressed and worried but repeating the same questions to people who are going through the same trauma is not helping you or them.

                      Why not start posting up to support others and see if that takes your mind off your own case for a short while?
                      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                      PAFAA details ~


                      • accused for suspision of rape


                        I just got a call from cops that i meant to be going for bail today but they says, it has been changed so i have to go back on Thursday afternoon. they didn't tell me the reason and they says, i have to let my duty sol know that it has been changed. don't know if it is normal.

                        Anyway, i am going on Thursday but don't know i am not feeling scared because i have thought about all aspects of this case which is going against me.

                        1) I didn't do anything with the girl like no rape, no touching, no sexual activity, no drinking, not talking sex or anything like that.
                        2) I never forced or told her to get in the car, my friend did only asked her to get inside the car
                        3) no finger prints, no DNA, no biological substance will match with the girl
                        4) I never told her to perform sex with him
                        5) i never told my friend to have sex with her
                        6) i never had any intention to do anything her because i parked outside public houses

                        the only thing i did was, handed over the condom which right fighter already told me, is not a crime to give condom to someone.

                        so basically i didn't do anything so i shouldn't be scared to face all these problems because i know the truth and i have said the truth and truth will come out.when i will go for my interview again, i will have my confidence and will say proudly that i am not guilty at all and i have done nothing wrong. i will keep my face high in the interview.

                        police think that one of us raped a girl, well it wasn't me so i will never be guilty.

                        it is just the matter of time like everybody have told me here and hopefully when its all over, i will be here share my all sort of experience and will help other peoples.

                        I have wrote down some questions about my case and made some notes which i will discuss with my solicitor before my interview. so i can get a better idea where is this case going if i haven't done anything from the above i said.

                        i only have one question to ask from all of you

                        when the cops ask me questions, do you all think, it is good to answer point to point like yes or no OR shall i answer with yes or no with explanation?

                        for example

                        if they ask me, did i know that my friend is going to do sex with her?

                        1) I can say NOPE


                        2) I can say NOPE because if he is going to do sex with her, he would never tell me to park my car in front of houses. He would tell me to go somewhere quite where no one can hear or see.

                        which answer would you all prefer.

                        oh yeah there is other thing the cop told me about my pen drive in the car, i told him that i need it and he said, he had a look in it. its all my assignments, my project notes and research. he said, he will give it back to me.
                        about car he said, he will ask me few questions about it and will make a decision weather to release my car yet or not after interview.


                        • We cannot tell you what to say. It is not up to us to say which answers we prefer.

                          We have answered your questions over and over again.

                          I know you are worried and things are going over in your mind but you need to remember that people on here are also going through a terrible time. We cannot keep repeating our advice or comments every other day.

                          Good luck on Thursday.
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • accused for suspision of rape

                            Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                            We cannot tell you what to say. It is not up to us to say which answers we prefer.

                            We have answered your questions over and over again.

                            I know you are worried and things are going over in your mind but you need to remember that people on here are also going through a terrible time. We cannot keep repeating our advice or comments every other day.

                            Good luck on Thursday.
                            yeah i understand that you all busy and that.

                            i will just answer what they ask and if they want to know in detail then i will just simply tell them.
                            yeah your right and once it all over, i will be here helping other peoples and tell them my experience if ever needed.

                            thanks and i really hope it will go well and i will come out with a good news. i will let you all know what happened and how did it go.


                            • Originally posted by stressed out View Post
                              if they ask me, did i know that my friend is going to do sex with her?

                              1) I can say NOPE[/B]


                              2) I can say NOPE because if he is going to do sex with her, he would never tell me to park my car in front of houses. He would tell me to go somewhere quite where no one can hear or see.[/COLOR]

                              which answer would you all prefer.

                              The best interview technique is to appear to be trying to be helpful without giving an answer that leads to further questioning:

                              1) You say "No, I really had no idea what he intended to do with the girl" (sounds more helpful than "Nope")

                              If you answer as in (2) the officer will come back with "why would he ask you to park in front of the houses?" and you've got to go on with further explanations.
                              'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                              • He's already given those answers before, though hasn't he?

                                Remember this forum is sometimes viewed by the police so best not to be seen to be 'coaching' to much.
                                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                                PAFAA details ~

