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They've got all the time in the world... it's a full time permanent job to them and individuals are low priority. BDC is right though, another bail date, however gut wrenching is better than being charged. Take care
Thank you, WGO, Yes, I appreciate that, but I imagine they only want more info to bolster their case. Obviously got nowhere with the DNA, otherwise he would be charged by now. But we have done their "investigating" for them and will put all our info before the sol, see what he thinks. Still think they "want" to charge him, but do not have enough evidence. Bring it on!
good luck for tomorrow, i really hope they give NFA. my case is going on since july as well and my bail day is this Saturday.
i really wish and pray for NFA.
Thanks so much, stressed out, I m really, really thinking of everybody on here, that is going through the same situation as we are. So much is so wrong, thinking of you all xxxxx
Well, so much for a short interview. Not long got back. My husband has been charged with "attempted" rape.
None of her DNA was found on his private parts. She did have an internal, and none of his semen or DNA was found in her or on her. She did have semen in her knickers, but it wasnt my husbands, they dont know whose it was. What they did find, and we dont really understand yet, was a small piece of "cellular" dna on his boxers, which apparently, wasnt from her vagina, but from her skin. When she got him out of bed, he only had his boxers on.Also, when he asked the dc, about her screaming and hitting him, the dc said the FA didnt say any of that, but his sol had told my husband he saw that. Maybe changed her statement already? as my sister in law had told HER husband that she heard no screaming, and she hears everything that gos on round there. How the hell can she stand up in court and say he raped her, ejaculated into her etc, but they are not charging him with rape, just attempting to? None of us get it. Just devastated!
Hiya, so sorry to hear that a charge has been brought. It seems a bit mad that another blokes DNA was found in her pants and yet yr husband has been charged, surely a jury would find that incomprehensible also. Once this has sunk in, it's time to get your fighting boots on - have you a specialised solicitor? This whole thing can surely be ripped to shreds by someone who knows what they are doing.
Good wishes to you
False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.
Oh so sorry to read this, it's horrible to think that there are such crazy, wicked people out there,but then this site proves this every week!
I read your original post and it seems to me that the first account she gives cannot be backed up at all ,not by DNA, forensics or witnesses, my goodness why once again are the cps running with this?
Please just write down every single thing you can think of; everything you see, hear, remember, you never know when a year from now it might just be the final nail in her coffin.
Take good care of yourself and look after each other, this might take a long time to sort out but I'm sure it will work out ok in the end, mostly people who behave in this way have a habit of tripping themselves up .
Thank you both. We, nor any of my family can, as yet, get our heads round any of this. She also said that my dog was asleep on her sofa! I really dont know where she is coming from, my son saw and heard my husband frog marching her out of the door, and a few mins later, he realised the door wasnt locked, so went down to see if my dogs had got out, one had, so he went to fetch him in, from the end of the path,and then saw his dad coming from her house, dog never went anywhere near her house!
I truely cannot understand how she reported him for rape, they are not charging him for rape, but attempted rape! So, in effect, they are BOTH saying it wasnt attempted rape, one is saying it was rape, the other is saying nothing happened! No, we have no specialised sol as yet. The duty sol was there, but not all day. He rang my husband just before he was charged, to tell him he was going to be charged, but to say nothing at all, just sign what he had to, basically answer yes or no, not to elaborate and he would write to my husband to go through what happens next. No idea if he is experienced in this kind of thing or not, or if any member of his firm is. My husband knows enough tho, thanks to this site, that his chosen sol MUST be experienced in sexual offences. The one good thing is, that now SHE has to stand up in court and lie. Up til now it has only been my husband, myself and my family that has had any upset. Now - she gets taken out of her comfort zone. Its ok to say these things on a phone, when you are drunk (drugged up)?, but completely different when sober. A half decent barrister will take her to pieces! Maybe thats why she wanted to drop allegations, she knew it was going to court? By the way, the sol gave name of the woman who this cow had told that she was going to drop "charges", to the police and said "you will interview her, wont you". My husband said, although they said yes, you could see they had no intention of doing so.
A & F ...So sorry to hear the outcome of today. Was really praying hard for a good outcome
Take time to absorb today and let your mind cool...Then fight like crazy !. Here for you if you need big shoulders. LP
Thanks, LP! My husband is back to work tomorrow, me Sunday, so will have to get together soon and get this sorted. We will DEF be fighting hard, they have left us with no other choice. But, do not have a good feeling about this. Just do not trust anybody. My husband and myself are both very quiet people that keep ourselves to ourselves. Unlike them from next door. He thought they were his friends, he has stepped in before to help her when she was having hassle off another neighbour.I have never felt at ease with her, think she prefers the men. Wish I knew when I was interviewed by police, what I know about her now. She will be loving all the attention, we are dreading it. At the moment, I just think we cannot go through with this. In the car coming back I was almost physically sick. Now, I just feel like crying, but I know tomorrow, I must be strong.
This woman originally accused your husband of rape; hopefully when you both get to see her original statement this will be confirmed.
It is therefore incredible that he has been charged with attempted rape and the only inference is that no evidence has been found to show the rape occurred. One of our previous mods, LS, used to say that it was quite difficult to prove that one hadn't attempted to do something and this undoubtedly is why the CPS have gone down this route.
As you rightly said it is vital to get a specialist solicitor on board, one who will hammer this point as to why the 'victim' originally alleged rape when apparently it didn't ever happen. They should easily be able to break her under cross-examination and expose her lies, but it is important that he studies her statement carefully and highlights the inconsistencies for the solicitor to work on.
So sorry this has happened and it doesn't make sense; but nothing that you read that have happened to people on here (me included) makes any sense....thinking of you - be strong
"Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh
I am sorry to read about today's result but your husband will now have to defend himself and find evidence.
You are a wonderful woman to fight for him.
Try to get some sleep and keep faith.
He will have to remember everything.
Tell him to tell the truth and write as he will remember and will forget.
Last edited by Boys don't cry; 14 December 2012, 10:57 PM.