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Hi all! Just a quick question. My brother said to my husband last night - "even when this is all over, you still wont be allowed home, as SHE lives next door".
Surely, if he is NFA`d, he will be allowed home! Either they charge him or let him go? But having now realised how this justice system works, Im not sure. Please help! Thanks.
There should be nothing stopping him returning home.
There will be nothing stopping her making new false allegations too.
She has tried for rape, perhaps violence next.
Be sure to let the Social know of her impending windfall so she can enjoy it to it's fullest as suggested by another poster here (what a BEAUTIFUL tactic ).
Good luck.
Police and subsequently the CPS "take every piece of evidence and try to extract the most negative connotations for their presentations in court". It's their job to help Judges fill those jails.
Haha, yes I think it was me that made that comment ( about reporting it to the social), and I DAMNED WELL WILL!, if SHE makes any money out of this!
Thanks for your quick reply, has put my mind at rest. Still hoping and praying for a N FA, but in another way, if money was not a problem, would love to see that lying, self centred, physco ***** in front of a decent barrister!
Originally posted by Angry and frightenedView Post
Hi all! Just a quick question. My brother said to my husband last night - "even when this is all over, you still wont be allowed home, as SHE lives next door".
Surely, if he is NFA`d, he will be allowed home! Either they charge him or let him go? But having now realised how this justice system works, Im not sure. Please help! Thanks.
If he is not charged then there will be no bail conditions. So I believe he should be allowed back home .
At the moment though concentrate on what is happening - you are awaiting a decision from the Crown. Gather evidence if you can while you wait so you are prepared should the worst happen.
Thanks, RF, am gathering evidence all the time! Unfortunately, most of it is heresay. If only the police would talk to the neighbours, they would quickly build up a picture of this "victim". Dont know if we are still awaiting a decision off the crown, or wether they are still "investigating"!
I think you mean hearsay hon. Lots of people get it wrong though!
"A heresy is any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs. In certain historical Christian, Jewish, and some modern cultures, espousing ideas deemed heretical was punishable by law".
As the Crown are able to introduce hearsay evidence then so are defence although it's more difficult. Do not expect the police to properly investigate as usually they only gather evidence to ensure a conviction. Don't give them too much info that might help your case as they could put the kybosh on it.
Is the solicitor helpful? Could he or she ring the police just to get an update?
Haha, RF, thanks for the English lesson . You learn a lot on this site!
No, the sol is not helpful, never returns our calls. All our hopes are resting on the dna evidence. Either he did or he didnt, surely not too hard to prove in this day and age. But there again, obviously it is!
Hi everybody, hope you are all as well as can be expected.
My husbands bail date is on Friday, it will be almost 6 months since he was FA`d and we have heard nothing. Really praying he can come home for Christmas, but cant believe this is going to happen.We feel as if this is going to drag on for ever. Meanwhile, she will be sat having a lovely Christmas dinner at home with her family
I mentioned somewhere, in an earlier post, that we heard that she was going to drop the "charges", but did not believe that was likely to happen, have heard nothing as such, since, but was told that she said to same person that she "may have been mistaken" (regarding the rape"). WTF? How the hell can you make a mistake like that!
What I would like to ask is - Should we tell the police this persons name, and ask them to interview her, as it is ALMOST an admission of lying? We do not know this person ourselves. I know it is best to run it through the solicitor first, but there is almost no chance of getting to talk to him. Or, just leave it and wait to see what happens on Friday? Many thanks
Hi AC...I was in the same situation of shall I shan't when I gave my statement as we had similar info too.
We decided to give the oic the name in the end as anything which might stop a court case would be a bonus. Its one of those decisions only you can make. Best of luck for Friday, fingers crossed you will be together for Xmas. LP
Many thanks, LP, for your reply. Hope you are ok. It is so hard to know, as lay people, what would help, what would make no difference or what would be detrimental, isnt it? Without this site we would know nothing and still be believing, blindly in British justice!
You are right, we stumble along praying we are doing and saying the right thing. This site is the lifeline for so many falsely accused people. We are lucky as our solicitor is a friend who has been in our position too, so he is willing to do that bit more. I decided when this nightmare began that all I can do is be there for my hubby and fight tooth and nail for him. I respect the decisions he makes on what he wishes the oic to know, hence I passed on the persons name who had what we believe to be helpful info.
Gut instinct told me I was doing the right thing...I hope you get a sudden flash of instinct too.
Take Care. LP
Originally posted by Angry and frightenedView Post
My husband has just phoned his solicitor, he was in court, but he spoke to his secretary. She said he has to attend his bail hearing tomorrow for a "short" interview. What does this mean? Does it mean they havent come to a decision yet? After 6 months? Why leave it so long? Or could it mean he is going to be NFA`d? Why can they not tell you anything? Hope somebody has any idea. Thank you
I suppose as your husband's solicitor secretary said:He will only have to go for a short interview.
So in my opinion they do not have all the facts yet and he will be rebailed.
I wish I was wrong and I feel sorry for your family.
Everytime you are rebailed is like receiving another hit and you just want this situation to end.
Just remember that being rebailed is unfair but it is still more pleasant than being charged.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Thanks BDC. I think you are right. Amazing how they realise they need more info right on the bail date! They could have interviewed him weeks or months ago. I thought they were supposed to resolve this as quickly as possible, not drag it out for their own benefit. We also have info that we are going to run through the solicitor, not that it will make any difference this side of Christmas. Will know more tomorrow. Thank you