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This must be so satisfying for you, but as has been said previously, how on earth did it get as far as trial? The CPS should be made more accountable for their decisions
my word - they've researched their statements well then!
Its sounding god for you, long may it last and here's to a speedy and correct conclusion.
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
That does all sound good! Thank God the justice system has got unlimited funds to throw away like this and that the impact on your life and that of your family's still hasn't been 'timed and motioned' (and doesn't seem to come into the equation anyway)
Hope you're having a lovely sunny day again today.
Sounds like good news so far. Really hoping for your bananas next week. Thankyou for taking the time to share what has been going on in court - I think it really helps others who are facing this experience.
Best wishes
False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.
Today went as we expected. "victim" 3 gave evidence and fell into the trap that was set for her yesterday. She was that shown up that she became aggresive and called my barrister a div!
Then it was my turn on the stand. I stood proud and confident and finally got the chance to get the truth out there. All was going well until the prosecutor went that bit too far and had to be told by the Judge to back off. However by this time it was too late and I broke drown and cried like I had never done before. Unfortunately all the stress and upset of the last 19 months came tumbling out at once. I was so bad that the judge had to ask the jury to leave the courtroom until I could compose myself.
The crowns closing speech came next and he used that to attack me once more as is expected. So on Monday it is the defence closing statement, the judges summing up and then the jury will go out!! My barrister who has done an absolutely fantastic job said she is confident we will win as all the "Victims" were terrible under cross. However she has told me to take a "Nasty Bag" on Monday just incase. Which has made me rather worried and nervous again.
Anyway fingers crossed the right verdict will now follow!
Well done, Shattered. You have done all you can. The "nasty bag" IS "just in case". I`m sure you will get the right result. The "victims" sound like awful people, and the jury will see right through them.Try to relax and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Next week - bananas galore! xx
Well done Shattered! Slip a bottle of your favourite celebation stuff in that bag.... seems like that's going to be more appropriate than spare undies and shirts! Going back to Angry and Frightened's comment - they do seem like a rough bunch. I think one thing that most people on here can be considered 'guilty of' is having associated with the wrong sort at some time or other (mostly un knowingly.. )
Have a lovely week-end.
Thanks for all the support and well wishes. This forum has been a great source of comfort for me over the past 19 months. I havent posted or got involved on here very much, but I have spent many hours here reading and following other peoples stories. Some ended in victory, others in sadness and I have celebrated and cried with you all. All in all this is a great place for all those who have been falsely accused to come and share their stories, feelings etc. Keep it up everyone because you are all needed by people like me. I honestly believe I would have gone stark raving or done something stupid if I didn't have this site to turn to.
Anyway, next week my verdict will come in and hopefully it will be the "Not Guilty" that it should be. So the next time you hear from me will either be many years down the line upon my release from a prison sentence I didn't deserve or to request some yellow fruit
Going back to Angry and Frightened's comment - they do seem like a rough bunch. I think one thing that most people on here can be considered 'guilty of' is having associated with the wrong sort at some time or other (mostly un knowingly.. )
Have a lovely week-end.
You have hit the nail on the head there. The only thing I am guilty of is having a wife who purchased Avon products off of these nasty, wicked girls mother. They really are the lowest of the low. They make the Gallaghers of Chatsworth Estate look like snobs
Well I was hoping the next time I posted on here would be with the news of a not guilty. However the jury are still out. My barrister couldn't have given a better closing statement if she'd tried. The judges summing up was also very good. He seemed to emphasize key defence points.
So back to court tomorrow to play the waiting game. I tell you, I have never been so scared or stressed in my life. I just hope that the jury return the right verdict.
***Edit*** I should add the the Jury didn't go out while around 3:10pm and were then released for the day at about 4:10pm so ony had an hour of deliberations before the court finished for the day.
Last edited by shattered; 3 December 2012, 06:30 PM.