Well I've actually only seen her twice in the three and a half years that me and my bf have been dating! Her parents live in the same town as my parents so I've not had to see her much. I hope I don't see her again whilst I'm back for summer though! The sickest thing though was her parents who she was with today have no idea that she's made these alligations!
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I don't know really, don't know if they would believe her or not, they don't know what she's like at all though they thinks she's a little angel. (they are highly religious) they would be quite embarrassed I think because they are a friend of my mothers. Dont think she's telling them though because I don't think she wants her parents to know about half the stuff she did during the time she dated my bf (drugs, cheating, sleeping around) as well as the fact it's a bunch of lies.