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as I said to faith, a relatively short ordeal for me. Thank God indeed. However, this morning, I'm now only too aware of the suffering of all FA victims. I'm trying to read as much as i can of as many posts as I can to see where there's a chance I can help. I'm here for good. My world is now changed.
Thanks for your kind offer of sticking around and helping others. As you can see this issue is widespread. We tend to get at least one new member daily; sometimes more.
It is depressing, but try not to get down about it. it is very generic and No Further Action in the vast majority of cases means just that...case closed.
It will only be re-opened if DECENT evidence comes to light...or it could be used against you if later another allegation is raised by someone else.
Oh yes, very normal behaviour in the circumstances...I do the same,leave a paper trail. Determined never to be in the situation again...
Just have to master the art of walking on eggshells for the rest of my life...good times!!
Walking on eggshells, - good phrase..
I like casehardened's comment. too ... 'to try to seize and enjoy every single moment of my days' on the 'Has a false accusation been of benefit to your life?' thread.
Thanks Faith. The basic building blocks of the very foundations of human psychology were so suddenly and swiftly removed.....
Trust me enjoy your life and be very carefull because life is still a jungle some people are like animals or worse some are just plain evil...........................your lucky bro I been waiting for 2 YEARS FOR MY ****ING TRIAL .There will be no justice for me I put on 20KG got high blood and feel not only mentally sick but physiclly im screwed my health is gone and im a 60 year old 30 year old. Even with NFA I am disgusted at the animal that has falsely accused me I see her as Human waste I don't want it anywhere near me she is living cancer she wanted to destroy a man because she is evil SO married12weeksago ENJOY your life your lucky you did not have any kids with your mentally ill wife.I also think you would be crazy to ever speak to her again.Good luck with your future
I will back up what Wunderland said.
In a way you must consider yourself lucky that it has been dealt quickly.
No children involved and just what seems to be a big (but short)"mistake".
It is a sad experience for you but you can start again and I am sure that all the women are not as ... as the one we unfortunately met.
@Wunderland:I can't imagine waiting for 2 years to go to court.
One was long enough.
Did you put your weight by binge eating or eating more?
I remember stuffing like mad as well,this is normal it is a way to compensate.
Even now I feel sick and always wondering "Why?".I know the answer but I can't believe that some people are so evil.
I do hope that you still keep faith and in a way you will feel relieved when you will stand in Court.
The worse is to wait without knowing,feeling that noone seems to understand.
But you must stay strong and know your defence scenario by heart.
Take care.
It's not always so easy to just move on.
Regardless of the length of a case or the fortune of having the right result, an allegation changes your way of life forever, no matter what the circumstances.
Thanks mate yeah simply eat because is helps numb me.................................yes im probably the only person on here ........I swear it will be 2 years of my life in limbo court will be most very welcome
Life is like a box of
Chocolates when things are going
Well you watch yourself because your feeling great when I'm on trial for ****ing rape I did not do I buy the whole chocolate section of the store and let myself go I guess people mourn differently some people get drunk some people smoke 3 packs a day my way of dealing or should I say coping is eating I think as well it's a kind of self harm thing hahahaha ok 7 weeks and 6 days to go I just flew out of town to a tropical city in my country very beachy and sandy nice resort now I need to work out how not to eat but try lose some weight because I fear hospitalization or heart attack is next it scares me how everyone is saying its important how you look in the courtroom I put on 30kg and have lost hair and become slightly grey from the enormous stress the past 2 years I hope my appearance won't affect my innocence