My barrister did score some good points his comments were short and punchy he said we only need to express the main points and keep it short and to the point.The prosecution went on for the best part of 40 minutes constantly calling me a liar because my statement was exactly the same as my examination by the prosecution
she said he must have rehearsed this statement for years to get it so perfect.All she did was attack me as being an aggressive controlling person and a liar yet her statements were full of inconsistencies which she could not remember she alleges she was raped every day for years even times I was not there and had no opportunity even when I was in hospital .It is the judges direction on Monday then jury is out .I am beginning to feel frightened now because juries don t listen to facts and make huge mistakes sending innocent people to prison.i always thought that if it went to appeal a level headed judge would conclude the convictions were unsafe
and quash them to think this person will get anything from 22000 to 100000 out of this just for crying a bit and telling a pack of unsubstantiated lies.I am now look for a good barrister to take on an appeal which i will immediately launch .Is it true that she cannot claim compensation while the appeal is going on?I hope so because this is what have motivated her just money and spite.
I will try to write again or get my son to write about the out come on Monday
We need to take these case to human rights because there is no justice in these cases .I have big health problems so i cannot see me surviving long in prison anyway it is like a death warrant .I have survived 7 major life threatening illnesses now I don t think I can win this one .I will be a death sentence to me .My poor family will suffer too .There are places so dark in ones life that the colour black would be pale in significance
signing out sadman
she said he must have rehearsed this statement for years to get it so perfect.All she did was attack me as being an aggressive controlling person and a liar yet her statements were full of inconsistencies which she could not remember she alleges she was raped every day for years even times I was not there and had no opportunity even when I was in hospital .It is the judges direction on Monday then jury is out .I am beginning to feel frightened now because juries don t listen to facts and make huge mistakes sending innocent people to prison.i always thought that if it went to appeal a level headed judge would conclude the convictions were unsafe
and quash them to think this person will get anything from 22000 to 100000 out of this just for crying a bit and telling a pack of unsubstantiated lies.I am now look for a good barrister to take on an appeal which i will immediately launch .Is it true that she cannot claim compensation while the appeal is going on?I hope so because this is what have motivated her just money and spite.
I will try to write again or get my son to write about the out come on Monday
We need to take these case to human rights because there is no justice in these cases .I have big health problems so i cannot see me surviving long in prison anyway it is like a death warrant .I have survived 7 major life threatening illnesses now I don t think I can win this one .I will be a death sentence to me .My poor family will suffer too .There are places so dark in ones life that the colour black would be pale in significance
signing out sadman