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Falsely accused of rape, lost all my friends, now struggling to cope

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  • Falsely accused of rape, lost all my friends, now struggling to cope

    Last year, I had a one night stand with a girl from my social group after a few drinks. At the time, I did not know she had a boyfriend, and only found out the next day. Three months later, I was told by senior members of the social group I had to leave, as the girl had told everyone I had gotten her drunk and forced myself upon her.

    It is now six months later, and 90% of my friends have abandoned me. I know in some ways I am incredibly fortunate in that there were no police charges. Apparently the girl's boyfriend insisted she go to the police, but I heard nothing from them, which makes me think either she did not go or the police did not feel it was worth pursuing. However, I am still feeling incredibly isolated as a result. I find it hard to trust people, and I find myself paranoid that people I meet will have heard the rumors. What should I do to get over this stage?

  • #2
    I am assuming that the sex was consensual?
    Bear in mind that if the girl was extremely drunk, then she may not have been sober enough to give consent

    You are lucky that no charges have been brought...but also bear in mind that it is never too late for this to happen.

    I am assuming that the girl is not going to the police as she knows it is not true?

    You've had your fingers well and truly burnt and I am sure that you will think twice before any more one night stands. This is no bad thing.
    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

    Numbers 32:23


    • #3
      The sex was consensual. We both had a lot to drink, but she was sober enough to make it clear she wanted sex and to take me back to her place. I have learnt my lesson though - I don't think I will be close to any woman for a long time, regardless of the circumstances.


      • #4
        As CS has said - it could be that this will come back to bite you in the future.

        A hard lesson to learn, its a shame that more don't think of the consequences before they end up with a record or inside.

        It really isn't worth the risk for a bunk up.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..

