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My story in Edinburgh

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  • My story in Edinburgh

    Hello I just want to tell you about my experience. And now i would like to tell you what to do..
    As many of you or your friends I was falsely accused of raping one crazy 20 years girl.
    We spent 5 days together and I went on holidays then when i came back police officer met me in Airport. He was rude and wanted to show me how stregth he was. There were male and female officers during the way to police station they interviewed me( it was against the law). After our arriving they asked me if I needed lawyer I answered "no" as I was 100 percent sure that I was right. And thought that lawyer will be costly for me. Then they decided to not to release me and for 3 days I waited for bail ( it was the most horrible days i was afraid so much). Then they took my passport and i had to visit police station every week and not to leave scotland even to england. I waited to 10 month before they said the trial day and after 3 months my lawyer told me that my case was lifted. Then nobody appologized for my stress and my familys.
    If you or your family will be in the same situation try to not speak with police without your lawyer it is important, if you released on bail then write letters to lift your conditions they can deny you but not always. I asked my procurator to give my passport back firstly they deny me after high court granted me permission, then dont accept any accusation. Thank you

  • #2
    Hi Scot,

    Thank you for taking the time to post up about your experiences and the eventual outcome; especially the advice regarding always to have a lawyer present during the interview. Legal aid will always be available for the police station interview.

    Many members are presently going through the same process and to read of your positive outcome will be a great boost for them.
    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


    • #3
      Hi Scot

      Thanks for showing the courage to share your story. I am glad that it worked out in the end for you but, as with everyone damaged by false accusations, this will live with you forever.

      Please come back if you need support during the recovery process and thanks for offering yours.
      Members going through the process at the moment will take comfort i the thought that justice does sometimes prevail (eventually!!)

      Take Care.
      "Be sure your sin will find you out"

      Numbers 32:23

