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Posting from abroad

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  • #16
    How could I be so dumb, when she was on the phone i thought she was going to do something stupid, she keeps txtn me. Im going to be locked up for this my solicitor will go nuts when I call them in the morning


    • #17
      Maybe not your brightest moment, but what's done is done so there's no point beating yourself up.
      Honesty is the only way forward in this case.
      Explain that you thought your ex wife was going to harm herself and they may let you off lightly...
      "Be sure your sin will find you out"

      Numbers 32:23


      • #18
        I was due for a "committal mentioning" on Friday, meeting my solicitors n barrister on Thursday for a conference meeting.

        Got a call today from my solicitors saying, the prosecution are withdrawing all charges!! It's not even going to the mentioning. I still have to turn up at court on Friday but I'll only be there 30mins or so. I'm happy of course I'm happy but I just can't believe this has happend.

        I was (still am I guess till Friday) charged with Rape, sexual assault, attempt to pervert the cause of justice, breach of an intervention order X 2 and damaging police property (punched in a door at the police station)

        I was going to plead guilty to the last two charges as I deffo had breached the order and I obviously damaged the door and it's on video but there even dropping them charges.


        • #19
          great news u r lucky mate congratsbanana:
          Last edited by whatisthis; 28 August 2012, 08:07 PM.


          • #20
            this is wonderful news Lampy!

            Well done.

            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


            • #21
              Good news! Glad your immediate ordeal is over:

              False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


              • #22
                YAYYYYYY!!!!! So happy for you.


                • #23
                  I don't even know why the charges have been dropped now 3 days before a committal hearing, my solicitor says the judge may ask the prosecutor to explain in court on Friday but probably not.
                  And for them to drop charges of which I am clearly guilty just adds to my confusion???
                  All my solicitor told me on the phone was "your barrister had some intense discussions with the prosecutor and there gonna withdraw all the charges"

                  I'm really dirty on Victoria police over this, locked up for a week with 2 guys who had killed ppl 1 for culpable driving & the other recalled to finish the last 2 years of a manslaughter charge, I am relived truly I am but I just feel empty & hurt ATM.

                  This forum has been a godsend to me & if anyone needs the help of good solicitors in Melbourne I'll be happy to recommend the one I used

