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Left with nothing...........

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  • Left with nothing...........

    A one night stand is different to when someone ur wife or partner decides to go to police and makes a false complaint that she was raped abused and rest of all the things they come up withand the husband not only have to deal with charges, emotional torture, mental torture anxitey and financial losses, kids home job social status even ur relatives think negative about u, friends, social life they whole way of thinking about any relationship changes, can't trust anyone, isolated, betrayed, angry, revange and the accused become bounded by the system, its like ur fighting with the whole government and agencies, cps, police, cid, social services and

  • #2
    What is happening with your case Sam?
    Are you having a bad day?
    It is like being on a particularly unpleasant rollercoaster...there are horrible dips but they are less intense at times.
    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

    Numbers 32:23


    • #3
      yes dear its a bad day but I have seen worse, I was just think that how one persons words can ruin a family life build by working so hard all my life and now I am left with nothing and will have to start life over again from scratch if got out of these allegations


      • #4
        One man and his solicitor versus the might and resources of THE STATE...

        Anything is possible and at least when there's less people involved there are less mistakes made.

        The impossible only seems that way. Change your perspective and realise that there is nothing holding you back.

        Prison is the absolute worst that the incompetent fools can throw at you and that simply is not going to happen.

        Head up, breath in, count to ten and SMILE!

        Wow... A signature option!


        • #5
          Originally posted by sam View Post
          yes dear its a bad day but I have seen worse, I was just think that how one persons words can ruin a family life build by working so hard all my life and now I am left with nothing and will have to start life over again from scratch if got out of these allegations
          One thing an allegation does is it makes you re-evaluate what is important in life.
          Please don't get complacent at this stage. Whatever people might say (and their intentions are in the right place), prison IS a possibility.

          If you ask someone like LS, they may well tell you that that isn't the worst thing that can happen to you.

          What I am saying is, you only get one chance to fight this battle, so get stuck in. We are all behind you.

          After this **** is out of the way, then you can start thinking about how you move on. It's a long daunting process, but it's not a bridge you need to concentrate on crossing at the moment.

          Sometimes, having the chance to re-piece together your life from scratch can be a blessing in disguise. You will head into life with your eyes wide open and you will be thankful for things you took for granted before.
          Take Care.
          "Be sure your sin will find you out"

          Numbers 32:23


          • #6
            Good words faith


            • #7
              Thankyou faith, lawlesson, billy for your replies which helped a lot. It was infact a bad, its been 6months I am on bail solicitor said he suspects this time cps will reach some decision, it could be anything depending on evidence cps obv, trying to kill time between now and next bail date which is very difficult without stop thinking about the situation but I am moving forward and this will end soon faith and lawlesson brilliant advice lifted my spirit. Bless you and thankyou


              • #8
                What seems to be the worst thing for some of our guys is when they are released form prison into a hostel. That's when even bigger problems emerge. In prison the system is structured and you basically know what is what and when once you get settled.

                It's rather different in a hostel as they keep changing the rules, pressure you into offence related courses under duress of a threat of recall back to prison, if you have family members or friends with children SS suddenly appear from nowhere with threats of taking children into care if the family/friends are intent on supporting the ex inmate.

                Plus of course they can be shifted around from hostel to hostel, just like in prison, if probation feel like it.

                You have to start claiming benefits and get threatened with them being taken away if you do not find a job. Not many people will employ guys with criminal convictions of a sexual nature especially when they involve children.

                Prison can be as easy or has hard you you want to make it - hostel is a completely different ball-game if you are protesting your innocence and that innocence is genuine.
                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                PAFAA details ~


                • #9
                  Hi again Sam.
                  For the ones who followed my case.This week I've been to County Court to try to see my son as it will soon be one year I haven't.
                  They allowed me to start to write to him,once a month in exchange of pictures.
                  My EX wife didn't turn up (of course) inside the court room as she would be too stressed out.
                  My barrister asked them "But how can he be scared about his father's act as he didn't witness anything?The reason is that she is telling... to him"
                  I must go for an hearing in September.
                  If I had to fight against the further allegations it would cost me 5000£.I said that I can't afford this.She can tell anything I won't fight.
                  He reminded them as well that I believe that my ex set me up.
                  I've been through the worse and I have been declared unanimously innocent.
                  I am free,I will be patient and see him again.
                  I feel sorry for him and will do the best to look after him.He is my guardian angel.
                  I had to start from scratch as well,in my 40s,this is so hard.
                  I still need to buy furniture,and so many things,...
                  She just wanted my money,she will be disappointed.
                  When I left Crown court for the rape I thought it would be the end of my problems...
                  Anyway I was please to hear the barristers and Judge saying that rape is extremely hard to prove:It is just one word against another.
                  And the jury believed me.
                  My barrister told me as well that this is a start,it is better than nothing.I could be in jail and then...
                  PS:I am too tired to be angry and I know that she,the police,everyone is waiting for me to.
                  But sorry I won't.
                  Last edited by Boys don't cry; 24 April 2012, 04:59 PM.
                  Non,je ne regrette rien.


                  • #10
                    Thanks RF you are life saver, you are always spoton and advice is invaluable. Thanks for helping everyone who ask for advice and support.
                    BDC I had been following your case specially because your wife accused you I m in same situation and I was glad that u were found not guilty but it still is going on and keep fighting it and I remember ur one post in which u said to ur son"one day u will know I am innocent" hope u will see your son very soon.
                    I have a daughter I miss her a lot and i have some family member who keep telling me that my little angle have been crying to see me but as she is too young to understand all this. today I had a very productive day that's y I'm not feeling very depressed one reason is offcourse all your support which made me feel better thanks


                    • #11
                      Best of luck Sam.
                      If you want I would even come myself to London to support you as I know what you are feeling.
                      Keep strong.
                      Non,je ne regrette rien.


                      • #12

                        Head down onto chest bone, breath out, count backwards from 10 and SMILE.
                        Wow... A signature option!


                        • #13
                          boysdontcry thanks for your support I needed it it helped me a lot I will contact u
                          Lawlesson the breathing technique works brilliant idea thanks


                          • #14
                            I miss my little angel a lot I had to move away from my home town, I havnt spoken to my daughter I will be able to speak to her soon


                            • #15
                              that's good news Sam
                              And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..

