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Please help !!! Fiancee falsely accused of historic rape
Thanks for your message MATT... Firstly congratulations on being proven not quilty x I'm thankful that Max and Emma are known to you, this gives me hope, although it being a tiny bit .
There will be a lot of people here who will appreciate that. Please don't put yourself to too much trouble.
I hope that you find it therapeutic in some way too.
If you post it in a new thread in the falsely accused section, it will be easily found by our other members.
Thanks for taking the time to post.
havent posted for a while, but have been reading theads and posts. I managed to convince my fiancee to go on the weeks holiday, and even though the up and coming trial was on his mind he did relax. He next appears in in Aug to plead NOT GUILTY....then the date will be set for trial.
I have to admit we are both petrified.
Hoping that the solicitor will recieve the files from the prosecution so at least we will be able to start to pick away at there sick lies....
Im trying to be strong and think positively, but am failing miserably at the moment.... you see i cant see how a jury will believe that the ex and her 2 daughters are lying, due to revenge and the knowledge of compensation !!!!!!!!!!! thats the only reason we can give......god help us/him
Hang in there Mia. There will be days when you feel devoid of hope, but there will be days when you can focus on the positives. As you said, when the statements are given to your sol, you can focus on unravelling the lies and contradictions.
We are all with you
My fiancee met his Barrister Emma yesturday, and im glad to say he was very impressed with her. Emma told my fiancee at the end of there meeting, that she thought he seemed a realy nice genuine man, and that she will do her very best for him.
Emma instructed our solicitor Max to gather other information asap...ie; the ex wifes medical records that go back even futher/far as they can get.... she also said that all the charactor statements are brilliant, and she feels the ex wife will be easy to show her for what she is...a liar etc;
Fair to say my fiancee is slowly beginnning to think a little positively x
I can understand your concerns and paranoia.
Been there as has my family. Had 2 trials that lasted 20 months first 6-6 second 12-0. Needed the first trial really to understand the underhanded deceit and conniving that the CPS and police went to. Thought I could help with the antics used in court that's all. Sorry that you feel i may from the "other side" but understand. On hear to look for some ideas and moral support as I have decided to take action against the police and possibly my false accuser it has taking a while to come to terms with the horrendous episode and only just decided to fight back. I will not post on your thread again.
Just a point for my own reference. the comments after my post were "if you don't know them......" well if you know everybody posing why use a forum?