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Please help !!! Fiancee falsely accused of historic rape
YOU BEAUTY!!!!!!!!! I'm so very pleased for you Mia. I hope you and your family are celebrating this victory and showing those FA's that you will not be beaten. Well done to you all. xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you all for your support throughout this nightmare !!! I can't put into words the strength you all gave me when I was at my lowest.... Jury took just over an hour to reach not guilty on all counts. That hour seemed like a lifetime.... I've never been so happy to see a dancing banana x
Congratulations to you and your fiance Mia, let's hope you can get on with the rest of your life now. I'm sure you could do with some more of these.....
A massive thank you to everyone one for the Bananas... I cant believe this time last week were waiting for the jurys verdict !!!!! Time had stood still .... when we came out after pulling ourselves together [as you may imagine, we were all blubbering ..lol] 6 of the 12 jurers were waiting outside. I was astonished when each shock my fiancees hand and kissed and hugged me and my children, telling us all that they had reached a not guilty verdict 2 days in to our side giving our evidence....they said it was very upsetting for them all to see the pain and distress that we all had been going through whilst the trial came to an end...at which point most of them, began to cry !!!!
I was lost for words, and yet so grateful that all 12 jurers saw the ex wife, her family and so called friends, for the sick twisted liars that they are!!
We are now a week on, and although my fiancee is relieved the nightmare is over, i know it will take time to forget... x
I wish everyone going through the same or similar nightmare all the best for an Innocent verdict......xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx