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We want it all over

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  • We want it all over

    Hi all
    i know im being selfish but our life at the moment without this bit added is just so good, why the hell do these things drag out for so long. me and my hubby want it all over one way or another so we know what is happening then try to move on, this has been going on since sept and court date due aug, i know thats not that long compared to some.
    i must just be having a bad day cos i just fell like screaming

  • #2
    We all have down days, Nohope. Don't feel bad about complaining, you are not being selfish!
    Take a step back for a few minutes and try doing something mindless. Go for a walk, clear out a cupboard, do some hoovering.
    Hang in there!


    • #3
      Avoid comparing your situation to others. It's not necessarily about how long it goes on...the fact that this has even happened to you gives you more than enough right to complain.
      Sometimes that injustice just hits without warning and is hard to shift...usually it will go the same way it came and give you a bit of respite. Stick together.

      "Be sure your sin will find you out"

      Numbers 32:23


      • #4
        Have a damned good rant!

        You've more than earned the right.

        Having a bad hour/day/week/month? Feel entirely free to let it all out.

        I suppose when you've built yourself up to a certain point of knowledge and insight you simply want things to reach their eventuality sooner rather than later. You re-enter that stage of uncertainty and anxiousness that no doubt brought you to the forum to begin with except this time the forum is here, the knowledge is in your head and the fight that is on the horizon is already won in your favour, if only things would hurry the hell up!!!

        It's a phase that I suppose everyone does go through... Counting down the time to the certainty of your future, it's cruel that things take so blooming long in the abyss but the system is the way that it is.
        Wow... A signature option!


        • #5
          I think it's normal to feel like that NH and certainly not selfish. I often feel like it's a bad groundhog day.

          Try and do something nice for yourself that will make you feel a bit better


          • #6
            thank you all

            i think im just having a bad day.
            we normaly start planning our holiday for feb march now but cant as we dont know what will happen in aug its just simple things like that that bring it all to a head again.
            it is also my fist day without a cigarette so thats not helping ha ha.


            • #7
              The grinding halt

              I had the same feeling and you are not selfish.
              Do you know about Carpe Diem (Seize the day),so try to enjoy each day,each moment.
              If you can go on holidays before August:Go!!!
              I remember and sorry but the nearer you will come to August the more you (or he)will restrain himself.
              I didn't buy a car,I stopped buying clothes or only to go to court and present well.
              The last week I even stopped buying food as I thought :What's the point if I go to will be lost.
              The best day I had during the trial was the last sunday as the judgment went on a bit more than a calendar week.
              I went to Brighton,I was just near the sea water and wished I could escape and was scared it would be the last time I see it.
              It meant freedom for me.
              So enjoy your time,nothing is finish,keep faith and eveything's gonna be all right.
              Non,je ne regrette rien.


              • #8
                Hiya, sorry you are having a **** day. Giving up smoking at this time is very admirable, prob. affecting your mood as well as everything else.

                I think planning a break away before August may help you have a little distance from the situation - even just for a few days.

                Best wishes to you

                False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


                • #9
                  sorry you are having a bad day. as we all know it is normal.. so just ride it out.. and the smoking thing must have added to it.. so just scream, maybe!?? and yes do enjoy life; forget about august; you will only regret it when august came and you lived a miserable life before it. I know it is hard to forget but you have to be :-) Hugs to you.. hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!


                  • #10
                    thank you all for your replies. yesterday was a bad day.
                    fingers crossed today is better and on the plus side day 2 with no smoking ( i must be mad ) but if i can give up now with the stress we are under then i know i can stick at it.

                    hope you all have a lovely productive day


                    • #11
                      I'm ashamed to say that after quitting smoking years ago, I am puffing like a chimney again, so you put me to shame!

                      Hope today's a better day x

