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ok big news my accuser came to my door today befor i new it was her i had opend the door she started saying she was sorry she lied and she would tell police the truth
my wife saw her and she told her to **** *** slamming the door she then started shouting how sorry she was outside and that she admited to telling lies when we ignored her she shouted that she hated us all and rode off on her bike!!!!
all this was in front of my nosey next door neigbour he came round after and said he would tell the police his friend was there also he says he is ok if i give his details to the police
i told my sol he is meeting at police station tomoz for my rebail with the facebook evidence and now this
what do you guys think?? will the police pay any attention to this ????
It just reminds me of Victor Meldrew:"I don't believe it!" but in a positive way for you.
Ask your neighbour to have an interview with your solicitor or vice versa.
Don't inform the police.
At what time did she come exactly,what did she say?
Try to make your neighbour sign a statement,he could be the most important witness.
Take care.
Indeed. That's quite a weird but strange result.
I actually would inform the Police though as she has just implicated herself in a crime and you have ample witnesses to ensure a strong possibility of conviction and I also strongly believe it is in the publics interest. Don't take my word for it though, consider further posters opinions and also see how you feel about it all.
Can we now please have a general agreement that CCTV is a must for the FA crowd (with audio too) also phone recorders (everyone here bigs up screenshots post-event - why?).
You would have had all that lovely data to store off-site, on a disc, emailed to sols, Plod, You T ube, Goo gle, F B and T witter etc. Instead you have a possible witness and his mate.
I am really happy for you - your mind must be enjoying the breathing space.
Police and subsequently the CPS "take every piece of evidence and try to extract the most negative connotations for their presentations in court". It's their job to help Judges fill those jails.
ok so rebail till next month but on a really good not as soon as my sols gave them the fb evidence and the fact that neighbours heard her and are willing to make statments
there attitude to me changed even got a cuppa while they chatted to my sol
sols then informed me that they think it will be a nfa apparantly they was discussing in an event of nfa and my neigbours saying what they saw and the new fb messages along with the phone calls ect ect that they may persue her for making false aligations i was and still am sceptical becouse whats happend but if this is what happens ill be so happy hopefully this is the begining of the end of this
so hopefully there will be some bananas dancing on here for me
thx guys in advance for all your support as always ill keep you informed of anything
Sorry hon, I can't work out if the police were given the evidence in relation to the latest about the accuser?
Let's hope it is no-crimed as opposed to NFA especially if they have her for PCJ. I don't think making a false allegation of sexual abuse is a crime at the moment! It should be of course but then we do live in the UK.......
his solicitor gave the police the new evidence when he went to answer his bail.
And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..
he didnt promise no im looking at this in a good light yes i have statments going to sols on fri the police will also be speaking with them
also im asking for a no crime but will be happy with the nfa and for this to be finally over and if i can see a little of the worry she has coused my family goto her just so she can see how bad it is to do something like this
ok so here is an update since i last posted
phone calls and pizza deliveries have stopped but son has been attacked phoned the police they took statments and thats the last i have heard im going to call them this week
been bailed yet again thats 6 months now cant believe this nightmare has gone on this long
well there you go ill post again when i know more