Hello, I'm a mother whose son has been falsely accused.
Like you i also stumbled across this site when i was desperately trying to find information to help my son. It was such a 'relief' to find others in simular situations with all members offering such fabulous advice and encouragement which i need so much.
Like you both myself and my son have had many many times where thoughts have been extremely black and have felt the situation is hopeless but have drawn strength from this site. We are all at different stages in our fight but are all completely on the same page OUR FIGHT !!
My son is still on bail, we are hoping and praying our nightmare will be over at the end of April but are more than ready to go to court to prove that my son is innocent and to show the madam who has accused him for the liar she really is.
Good luck, keep up the fight !
Like you i also stumbled across this site when i was desperately trying to find information to help my son. It was such a 'relief' to find others in simular situations with all members offering such fabulous advice and encouragement which i need so much.
Like you both myself and my son have had many many times where thoughts have been extremely black and have felt the situation is hopeless but have drawn strength from this site. We are all at different stages in our fight but are all completely on the same page OUR FIGHT !!
My son is still on bail, we are hoping and praying our nightmare will be over at the end of April but are more than ready to go to court to prove that my son is innocent and to show the madam who has accused him for the liar she really is.
Good luck, keep up the fight !