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Hello, new member

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  • Hello, new member

    hi everyone my names gary and just spent the last 7 months living a nightmare was accused of rape and today finally got NFA. Its been hell No apology from police and the accuser wont be prosecuted what a loop hole. The Officer Who was dealing with the case told me to get on with my life and put it down to bad experience and said she was to busy to talk. My accuser was my partner of 19 years first cousin and accused another man also so she accused me and another so she was saying it was gang rape we both never touched her . She tried to kiss me and I told her no that it wasn't right and later that evening she starts saying these things so I told her to call the police. I was treated like a rapist and have had to deal with all that comes with that it hasn't been easy. Your supposed to be innocent until proven guilty but your guilty until proven innocent when you are falsely accused . Then the police expect you to be happy about getting NFA why should I be happy I didn't do anything what's there to be happy about my life has been turned upside down and it has affected me for the rest of my life. My partner and I feel that there was no justice and are left angry and scarred for life it changes you as a person I have no faith in the Justice System and would like to see a change in the system that are allowing these woman to get away with it. No wonder False Allegations are on the rise as they are getting away with it. Be strong people you Know the man you are and that's what matters most with love Gary

  • #2
    I've started your thread for you, under your name!
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      thank you im finding it a bit difficult to work it all out .


      • #4
        Hi Gary and welcome

        I'm sorry you're struggling with this
        But happy you got NFA'd
        My son was falsely accused of horrendous things and multiple rape from an exes 2 daughters last year, our ordeal went on for 5 months before he was NFA'd

        It was all revenge for legal things going on still with me and their father
        My son is young and has decided to put all this behind him, because I had a lot Of input regarding statements and questioning and recalling our life back then it heavily affected me too
        To think that stupid immature sick girls could potentially lose my son his freedom really affected me

        I'm getting through this, I'll never forget it but I've decided they won't affect my life anymore than they already have and I do appreciate its not that easy for everyone

        You will get so much support here
        The amazing thing about this forum is that many members are still going through the legal system but give their time so kindly to others

        Even though they're suffering, they will get involved with other members celebrations

        I live in hope it's over forever


        • #5
          Thank you for your response and its comforting to know that there are others out there that can relate to how my family and me are feeling. I need to get rid of this anger and not let this affect our lives no longer but at the moment my partner and me are going through the aftermath of it all. Thank you for sharing your experience and I will take your strength and refuse to let this affect me and my family no more. My thoughts go out to everyone here and I think this site is great for support and has made my partner and me feel better. I think these sicko girls are ruthless human beings and need syciatric help and will have to live with what they have done. I am a true believer in what goes around comes around karma tables do turn with love denise
          ps it is my partner aswell as me writing on here we are on here together god bless x


          • #6
            It's really good you have each other
            My partner has been brilliant too through all our ordeal

            The best part of all is the falsely accused knowing that loved ones believe in them
            It gives then strength
            Our life was hell with our accusers all those years ago

            It is hard and when we were NFA'd I honestly thought I'd never get over it
            My son has been my strength, yes he's young and perhaps in his case ignorance is bliss because I hid all my emotions from him and didn't tell him my fears
            But he suffered health problems because of it
            But we talk lots about it (I'm sure he thinks I talk too much) but I need continued assurance he IS getting over it and I believe him

            So now I can get over it
            They will not beat us
            I live in hope it's over forever

