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DNA advice?

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  • DNA advice?

    Hi its me again, sorry

    i spoke to him today, he saw his Lawyer yesterday, he got told that the CPS are testing the condom for the 3rd time in 5 months for DNA ? Does anyone know why they would test this three times? i think it has come up with his markers but not a full DNA (what ever that means) and two other DNA samples are on it also??

    Why would they need to keep testing this for the 3rd time?

    i also got a call from the police yesterday with the day n time i have to be at court to be in the stand?

  • #2
    I am baffled as to why there would be three DNA profiles on the condom. Two is to be expected - his and hers. However a 3rd profile would indicate that someone else was present and actively engaged in sex as well. Unless the third profile was there via indirect contact, perhaps a snotty tissue in the bin?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Saffron View Post
      I am baffled as to why there would be three DNA profiles on the condom. Two is to be expected - his and hers. However a 3rd profile would indicate that someone else was present and actively engaged in sex as well. Unless the third profile was there via indirect contact, perhaps a snotty tissue in the bin?
      Hiya yea i dont get that either, she says it was just one person.... but ur expernation is prob the reason..

      Do you have any idea why the would test the condom 3 times, the latest being days before the trial starts? have they not found what they wanted?


      • #4
        Today is the day

        or the start anyway eeeeeeeek x


        • #5
          Very best wishes, be strong, calm & collected
          'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


          • #6
            head high and good luck.
            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


            • #7
              Good luck, be strong
              "Be sure your sin will find you out"

              Numbers 32:23


              • #8
                one day down....
                Thanks for your replys...

                i am a bit worried about something, i had a row with a police officer today as court ran on late for me to be called as a witness so when i told the witness team i would not be going tomorrow a officer rang me.

                During our row he said 'we know you have been visiting '''''''''' and you have spoken to the defence' and you will be nicked if you dont come.

                what i am worried about is i have not been told i could not see of speak to him, why would he say the above and will i get in trouble at court over it?


                • #9
                  If you have been subpoenad to appear at court and you do not attend you will be in contempt and could be arrested/charged.
                  However, from what you have said, the DC's tone is definitely bullying. Have you spoken to your Man's sol?
                  How was the first day of trial?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Saffron View Post
                    If you have been subpoenad to appear at court and you do not attend you will be in contempt and could be arrested/charged.
                    However, from what you have said, the DC's tone is definitely bullying. Have you spoken to your Man's sol?
                    How was the first day of trial?
                    Hi yea i felt like i was the person on trial after the way he spoke to me, yea i spoke to his lawyer once, where his lawyer explained he was not allowed to speak to me without the police present etc, but no one had told me i could not speak to him. i just dont understand why he said this to me over the phone, cos i said to the police man, i feel uphappy with being ignored by the witness people today when they was helping another witness and asking if she needed to sit somewhere else and to call them if she needed them, i was completly ignored, and after i said that thats when he said about they know i have spoken to ******* and also to his defence?

                    The trial i was not allowed in till after i been on the stand, but his father went in and i was waiting outside, he said that the girl could not remember hardly anything.. she remembered in detail what she had to drink that night, what she drank and who she spoke to, but when it came to the 'rape' she was 'unsure' ' i dont know' ' i dont remember' to the questions and then again perfect detail to what went on after.... So who knows

