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Sorry!! Q&A anyone?

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  • Sorry!! Q&A anyone?

    I am really sorry if i am breaking any rules, by posting as much as i have today, its just i have not been able to talk about this to anyone as so many people judge and also i know both parties and anyone i speak to knows them too and i dont wanna people talking about it in gossip...

    i was wondering if anyone would mind, if i posted a few things that has lead me to the reason why i think he is not guilty of this, maybe and outside person can give me their view on the points i want to make? if anyone has some spare time to do this with me it would mean a lot.

    He has told me they both were happy to have sex, she has said it was rape.

    3 hours after he had left this girl he came back to my house, i had thrown his stuff out of the window and locked the doors, HE called the police cos i would not let him in.... if someon had just commited this serious crime, do you think they would call the police to come and help them hours later? in my mind i would have thought he be too scared?

    he knew personal things about her only she could have told him, but she says they did not speak..*chit chat* ... if i was with a strange man i was scared of i would have been to scared to tell him personal info i would have lied or said nothing.

    she remembers excatly how many drinks or what drinks she had that night, but she cant remember if she pulled her trousers down or him?

    he put the condom in the bin next to where they had sex.... would he not try to get rid of it far away if he felt he had done wrong?

    she says she had her arms round him 'snoggin' (her words) him back...

    these are some of the things that have been on my mind, not understanding... i really dont mean to cause any offence, by posting this and i fully understand if it gets removed, i just need some help getting my own mind round things, and would like to hear what someone thinks from the above who is not personally involved, where emotions and etc can over take you?

  • #2
    Sorry if I've missed something but what exactly are you wanting us to say?
    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

    Numbers 32:23


    • #3
      Originally posted by Faith View Post
      Sorry if I've missed something but what exactly are you wanting us to say?

      not really wanting you to say anything as such, just if the way i have looked at things are not good... sorry i guess i should have thought it through before, i just have not been able to talk to anyone about this before, and it has all built up inside me for months, and i guess its tumbling out in a big mess now, i am sorry just ignore me lol


      • #4
        No, please feel free to offload and rant, it helps

        I was just worried that you were after a particular response and i wasn't sure what it was.
        "Be sure your sin will find you out"

        Numbers 32:23


        • #5
          no, keep typing - i you haven't anyone to talk to in RL - you have to let it out somewhere or your head will explode!

          People can pass comment if they want, but it is cathartic to see it written down.
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #6
            Thank you, i wish i did not sound so jumbled up so i could explain things better...

            i think, i have lost a lot of friends because after i heard everything i choose to stand by him and beleive him when he said he did not rape her, and i have been judged so much but i know him more then anyone, and hearing what i have about it also makes me beleive him not just his word.

            i have spent so long going over everything, and trying to work it out, and i guess if people think from the above it could mean he done it, i can get a feel of what a jury would think? i dont know


            • #7
              The thing is, you can't second guess a jury. You never know who's going to be in it!
              "Be sure your sin will find you out"

              Numbers 32:23


              • #8
                i wrote this today, my feelings on everything...

                Feeling lost, nowhere to turn
                Feeling empty, no more to learn
                Always pain, drama and fights
                feeling your falling from such terrible heights
                no more peace, no quiet no calm
                forever fighting to stay out of harm
                panic feeling, heart beats to fast
                its never ending, this feeling will last
                to scared to cry, cant let it out
                feeling so hopeless, needing to shout
                silence and peace you need it to come
                you know what to do, it has to be done

                off topic or what eh!! lol


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Faith View Post
                  The thing is, you can't second guess a jury. You never know who's going to be in it!
                  Your right 100% right, i am worried for him if he gets guilty and for me, of course i still love him, he does not deserve this, i am trying to find some hope from somewhere i think it will be a case of fingers crossed lol


                  • #10
                    Seems perfectly on topic to me.
                    I write poetry to help me.
                    In fact, my main ambition is to become a writer...I've taken a step further and started to novelise my FA experience.
                    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                    Numbers 32:23


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Faith View Post
                      Seems perfectly on topic to me.
                      I write poetry to help me.
                      In fact, my main ambition is to become a writer...I've taken a step further and started to novelise my FA experience.
                      i also write a lot of poetry even tho my spelling leaves a lot to be desired lol

                      ohh i hope you do it, its sad what you had to go through to write about it but i would feel so much pride if i managed to turn it around and help others by writing a book.

