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Mental and emotional issues as a result of false accusations

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  • Mental and emotional issues as a result of false accusations

    Well for those keeping track I'm still in legal limbo.

    Presently I'm recovery from heart, lung and kidney failure at age 30 after I contracted a very rare virus. I was airlifted to the hospital in a coma, had pneumonia and I believe a heart attack. Now I'm unemployed again living off my tax returns till I recover because I can't get any assistance.

    Like many of you I went through depression after being falsely accused, anger, etc. etc. Had nightmares and anxiety, still do, and so forth. My head does not also work in the same way it once does. I can't remember things and I have a very difficult time putting into words things that once came easy for me. I easily lose myself in a train of thought as if I space out. Does anybody know if there may be a technical name for this conditional or could they point me in the correct direction as to who I should talk to?

    Thank you
    veritas, amore et spes

  • #2
    good grie - you have been through it, I hope you are getting back to better health now.

    I'm not sure about the technical term for it, but I do think you're right - that it all does affect your mind more than people would think.

    Being in the States I'm not sure where you'd go for help - here we'd just go to our GP and ask to be sent to a counsellor.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      ... or a psychiatrist/psychotherapist.


      • #4
        I think it may be post traumatic shock syndrome its a strange kind of depression I had it a few years ago after a real shock won't go into it but they sent me to counselling and I was medicated took a long while but I got there in the end after all you've been through I'm not at all surprised hope you feel better soon x


        • #5
          Mumsinastate is most likely correct or there abouts.

          You're suffering worse than most probably due to your health at present and also the lack of work.

          It's a hard thing to be falsely accused. You've not clearly indicated whether the case is closed or still ongoing (or maybe I'm not noticing). Without work and the opportunity to take your mind off it the thoughts begin to take over. It is also equally damaging if you have a period of illness or negativity on top of the accusation. You've clearly indicated the illness and no doubt as a result have had a period of negativity.

          I would recommend anything that keeps you busy and fills your day. I would also recommend pursuing anything that makes you feel positive be it a hobby or helping others. I have no doubt you will be in regular contact with a doctor, discuss it ALL with them. It's tempting to keep it all bottled up but you really need let some of it go.

          Do you have family and friends around? Someone to confide in?

          As you're in America I would imagine any form of medication is enough to bankrupt you and it can also be difficult to find one that helps in each given situation. It could be worth your while reading up on alternative medicines both to pass the time and find a more natural remedy to your current issues.
          Wow... A signature option!


          • #6
            Well believe it or not the state took care of my medical bills as I had no insurance at the time. Truth be told I'm not a believer in state run healthcare as it would not work in this country because our government never runs anything well and borrows 20 cents for every dollar we spend. Our proposed budget for this coming year is 1.3 trillion dollars in the red, not sure what that is in pounds but it is absolutely insane the stuff our government spends money on: Bridges for turtles, studies in China to get Chinese prostitutes to drink less. Soon as the guys in Washington get a dollar in their pockets it starts to burn a hole in their pants until they spend a dollar and 30 cents.

            Still, the state I live in did take care of my medical bills which were about a million dollars or so. But I digress.

            My legal stuff is over with I guess but the issue from child services isn't. I still need to go in and have a hearing/trial to clear my name but as all of us hear know, children services can really do whatever they want as one of their former investigators is the one presiding over the hearing. My attorney has expressed concern that going in for the hearing may create unnecessary problems and stir up the pot as they are really looking for anything incriminating no matter how small. I'm between a rock and a hard place as basically I almost live for the day when I'm cleared and its hard to even think about it not happening.
            veritas, amore et spes

