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  • #16
    Yes it is a bit extreme and somewhat scaremongery to suggest the poster will have his face 'carved'
    Let's not forget that he has already spent two months on remand.

    Which, as Felix says, is quite extreme.

    I know of a case where a 24 year old who had a relationship with a 14 year old. It was fully sexual, as in all the way, and it was actually well known about the town. Even the mother was 'okay' with it. The school got wind and it went to the police.

    The guy only got a caution at the end of it and the relationship carries on. The girl is even now pregnant.
    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

    Numbers 32:23


    • #17
      good post Saffron, it always makes me smile when people trot the old things out, someone was mentioning that prison was like 'a holiday camp' on tv this morning. Our Lass and me looked at one another, raised an eyebrow and laughed!
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • #18
        Sorry if I've went too far, just concerned as I would be for anyone facing prison. Heard too many horror stories I suppose...

        Never seen those TV programs, don't really watch TV as it bores me.

        I find a stretch on remand and then a release a little odd if there are still charges pending but then maybe it took 2 months to get a hearing with regards bail?

        Speculation eh?
        Wow... A signature option!

