Hey guys i aint gonna give a brief account of the events i am gonna explain them in full so i can receive the correct advice on the subject....thank you.
So here it goes, me and my ex split up august 2011 we have a 3 year old son together so i was still going round to her address everyday from around 1pm till 8pm and we would make a effort as a family.
We were still sleeping together on occasion in the possibility we were to get back together anyways everything was going okay till there was a death in the extended family on the 9th feb my ex looked at her like a second mother so times became tough...
Now on the 9th my ex tried to get hold of me to no avail so she got her mother to babysit i had no idea and went to her address and found no one was there later finding out what happened and were our son was....moving on my son stayed at his mothers till Saturday 11th feb i had hung around with my ex as support through this time.
Anyway on the 11th it was agreed that i was to babysit our son while she went out for the day and did what she needed to do with the family but things got heated due to me wanting to take me son to me mothers which she disagreed with telling me he was too ill to go out (she has used this excuse before to stop me taking him out) so i questioned it a little and we started to argue and she stated that she will take him with her which fueled me because she previously told me that he was ill and needed to be home.
I arrived at the address as she was leaving and a huge argument started that scared our son she assaulted me in front of him which i was very upset about so i thought i would report it to have it on record and have her warned it was unacceptable behavior.
Moving on she wouldn't speak to me that night and i worried because my son wasn't home and her telling me he was ill i wanted to know were he was if he got any worse and that he was safe she wouldn't answer her phone so i rang her mothers and was threatened by her step dad which i reported and retired for the night.
The next morning a officer comes from a complaint of her saying i was harassing her so i signed a warning not to contact her (if i didn't he was gonna arrest me) he told me to take everything to the solicitors and that she would be warned too as well as her step dad.
Everything went well for the next day or so i tried to contact the police regarding the assault to see what had been done but they wouldn't tell me nothing
So to days later at 4am on valentines day i was arrested for 2 counts of rape 1 historical and 1 recent i was shocked not expecting that at all so i was taken in and locked up for 17 hours..
before i was taken into interview i was arrested again on another rape but the historical one wasn't mentioned after this so we (me and sol) gathered it was NFA on that one......
But the story goes.....on the 1st or 2nd of feb i was apparently at the address and coming into the bathroom asking stupid questions like were is his dummy and bottle etc and then after she was in the bath i apparently put our son in and then attacked her in view of him while he cut himself trying to shave.
The second accusation was on the 3rd i was supposed to have had a normal day and the later putting our son to bed earlier than normal then attacked her and he said "i wanna hit mammy too" then i was supposed to have left.
Okay on the 3rd we did sleep together was the first time since the 19th of jan
but on this occasion our son did attempt to shave when i placed him in the bath i caught him when returning from getting his PJ's (was a accident me or his mother didn't see the razor left under the sponge) i got him out the bath and checked his body for cuts and found 2 on his legs i showed his mam them and the got him ready and put him to bed.
Me and his mam slept together after that and at the end of it our son did say i wanna hit mammy she got upset and i went to him and told him that is very wrong.
we talked about it and agreed not to toy fight no more as this is when he normally says it as we were a happy fun fighty family...
As for the 1st and the 2nd our son was picked up by his nana at 3:30pm on the first and not returned till the 3rd and my ex went to her friends to drink with a new b/f she was hiding from me at 6pm both days i have convos on FB with us having convo while she is there and states she is there also the friends house she was at are willing to talk to the police to confirm.
so i couldn't have committed this first allegation since it was supposed to be in front of our son and at her address around 7pm she wasn't at her address and our son was at his nanas the evidence i supplied to the police (the convo) shows i wasn't around her till the 3rd...
On the 3rd i explained my side as above but the other evidence i handed in was the convo from FB regarding the 3rd as well were it shows i got home early and we discussed the events regarding our sons accident etc and then she went on to say "we shouldn't have done what we did we are supposed to be friends not f""" buddies" so we agreed not to sleep together again and put measures in place to avoid any more accidents then went on to talk about our feelings for each other.
And finally a further FB convo showing on the 10th that she asked me to come around alone at 9pm which i believed to be relevant...
What do you guys advise and what do you think will happen?
The FB convos clearly show lies will she be arrested for PCJ or will she get away with it?
Will they drop my bail then arrest her or will CPS decide first i don't understand what to expect...
Thank you
So here it goes, me and my ex split up august 2011 we have a 3 year old son together so i was still going round to her address everyday from around 1pm till 8pm and we would make a effort as a family.
We were still sleeping together on occasion in the possibility we were to get back together anyways everything was going okay till there was a death in the extended family on the 9th feb my ex looked at her like a second mother so times became tough...
Now on the 9th my ex tried to get hold of me to no avail so she got her mother to babysit i had no idea and went to her address and found no one was there later finding out what happened and were our son was....moving on my son stayed at his mothers till Saturday 11th feb i had hung around with my ex as support through this time.
Anyway on the 11th it was agreed that i was to babysit our son while she went out for the day and did what she needed to do with the family but things got heated due to me wanting to take me son to me mothers which she disagreed with telling me he was too ill to go out (she has used this excuse before to stop me taking him out) so i questioned it a little and we started to argue and she stated that she will take him with her which fueled me because she previously told me that he was ill and needed to be home.
I arrived at the address as she was leaving and a huge argument started that scared our son she assaulted me in front of him which i was very upset about so i thought i would report it to have it on record and have her warned it was unacceptable behavior.
Moving on she wouldn't speak to me that night and i worried because my son wasn't home and her telling me he was ill i wanted to know were he was if he got any worse and that he was safe she wouldn't answer her phone so i rang her mothers and was threatened by her step dad which i reported and retired for the night.
The next morning a officer comes from a complaint of her saying i was harassing her so i signed a warning not to contact her (if i didn't he was gonna arrest me) he told me to take everything to the solicitors and that she would be warned too as well as her step dad.
Everything went well for the next day or so i tried to contact the police regarding the assault to see what had been done but they wouldn't tell me nothing

So to days later at 4am on valentines day i was arrested for 2 counts of rape 1 historical and 1 recent i was shocked not expecting that at all so i was taken in and locked up for 17 hours..
before i was taken into interview i was arrested again on another rape but the historical one wasn't mentioned after this so we (me and sol) gathered it was NFA on that one......
But the story goes.....on the 1st or 2nd of feb i was apparently at the address and coming into the bathroom asking stupid questions like were is his dummy and bottle etc and then after she was in the bath i apparently put our son in and then attacked her in view of him while he cut himself trying to shave.
The second accusation was on the 3rd i was supposed to have had a normal day and the later putting our son to bed earlier than normal then attacked her and he said "i wanna hit mammy too" then i was supposed to have left.
Okay on the 3rd we did sleep together was the first time since the 19th of jan
but on this occasion our son did attempt to shave when i placed him in the bath i caught him when returning from getting his PJ's (was a accident me or his mother didn't see the razor left under the sponge) i got him out the bath and checked his body for cuts and found 2 on his legs i showed his mam them and the got him ready and put him to bed.
Me and his mam slept together after that and at the end of it our son did say i wanna hit mammy she got upset and i went to him and told him that is very wrong.
we talked about it and agreed not to toy fight no more as this is when he normally says it as we were a happy fun fighty family...
As for the 1st and the 2nd our son was picked up by his nana at 3:30pm on the first and not returned till the 3rd and my ex went to her friends to drink with a new b/f she was hiding from me at 6pm both days i have convos on FB with us having convo while she is there and states she is there also the friends house she was at are willing to talk to the police to confirm.
so i couldn't have committed this first allegation since it was supposed to be in front of our son and at her address around 7pm she wasn't at her address and our son was at his nanas the evidence i supplied to the police (the convo) shows i wasn't around her till the 3rd...
On the 3rd i explained my side as above but the other evidence i handed in was the convo from FB regarding the 3rd as well were it shows i got home early and we discussed the events regarding our sons accident etc and then she went on to say "we shouldn't have done what we did we are supposed to be friends not f""" buddies" so we agreed not to sleep together again and put measures in place to avoid any more accidents then went on to talk about our feelings for each other.
And finally a further FB convo showing on the 10th that she asked me to come around alone at 9pm which i believed to be relevant...
What do you guys advise and what do you think will happen?
The FB convos clearly show lies will she be arrested for PCJ or will she get away with it?
Will they drop my bail then arrest her or will CPS decide first i don't understand what to expect...
Thank you