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Don't know where to start

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  • #16
    Has your son mentioned to you what he thinks may have actually happened. Does he know which of the people there may have caused those injuries. naturally he will be very frightened and confused at the moment, he is just a child himself and this situation will make little sense to him.
    It's hard enough for an adult to grasp.
    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

    Numbers 32:23


    • #17
      Yes he has told me what happened but i am a little unsure of how much i can say on here but he told me what went on....thats the problem we do as there was 3 other males around and there was some time between him coming home and them going to the hospital...


      • #18
        Yes, you do have to be careful as to what you say. I would maybe ask a moderator to remove specifics like the girl's religion as it narrows it down quite a lot and this is a public forum.

        If your son has given a no comment interview, which in many cases is the best course of action, particularly when the accused is vulnerable and in a bit of a state like I imagine a 12 year old boy would be, then I assume he has not gotten this story across to the police?
        Are all of the males in the group related? if not, might the doctors who examined her have taken a DNA sample and be looking into that?
        "Be sure your sin will find you out"

        Numbers 32:23


        • #19
          Ok i shall do that straight away. In his 1st interview he gave a no comment but in his 2nd with his new solicitor and myself he told his part of the story but cudn't remember all of it just the last 2 hours......yes they are all related and yes they took samples from both her and my son


          • #20
            Hi to all....just a quick update on what has happened our solicitor phoned me the morning of my son's rebail and gave me the news that my son is to be re-bailed again until 2/04. I really don't know if this is good or bad thing I am so confused and scared as he is due 2 days before my birthday and 12 days after he is 13 yrs old, my son is withdrawn and scared and is begging me to bring him home and i can't because of my daughter. I am so angry at the moment all i want is to reunite my 2 children with their mother, hopefully soon.....My thoughts and prayers are with you all, i wish there was more i could do. Hugs x


            • #21
              Hi buttercup

              I really feel for you
              I'm a mum of a son that was falsely accused
              He was 12 when the accusers said it started

              There's lots of mums on here all going / gone through this so don't ever feel alone xx
              I live in hope it's over forever


              • #22
                Hi Buttercup

                You are going through a mixture of emotions, but I just want to reassure you that they are all normal. You will have days where all you want to do is cry and you will have days where you are filled with anger at what your son, you and the rest of your family are being put through. I just want to echo what Denise said that members on here will offer you advice/support in whatever capacity they are able to, so keep posting.

                My son (same age as your’s) is being affected by the ripple effect of what our accusers have done/said. He is so frightened, so I know as a mother you must be going through hell. We’ll do anything to protect our children – that’s instinct. Stay strong and keep coming back for support. xx


                • #23
                  Oh buttercup you must be devestated hang in there Hun and don't forget we are hear if you need a shoulder xxx my son is a lot older but I know how you feel and it's the pits but come on hear you will get comfort from it I drew a lot of strength from everyone hear sending big hugs xx


                  • #24
                    Don't see the rebail as a bad thing. It may be that they don't have enough evidence. The moment they have enough evidence, a charge will come.
                    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                    Numbers 32:23

