careful Lawless!! <Hoicks ample bosom and glares through narrowed eyes at Lawless>
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2 years and 4 months still being messed around.
Originally posted by lawlessone2009 View PostYeah, these bloody womens rights! Keep em in the kitchen and out of trouble is what I say... Not women, the bloody feminist groups!
Scotland's had a change recently too...
Sounds like the case is in a bit of a mess as far as the prosecution is concerned. I'd leave em too it! Keep working on your side.
Is the daughter determined to take the stand or is she hiding hoping it all vanishes?
just an update 2 my friends who helped me here.both legal teams wer b4 the judge 2day.unfortunatly we wont hear the out come untill 2morro.yep its 2.36 in the morning and iv just managed 2 settle him 2 bed...he has been a rollercoaster this week because we hoped it woud b all over by now...2 years 4 months then another trial date because prosecution dont hav anything as yet? wat the hell is happining 2 civilization and human rights?? im getting really angry now and im usually very so so sick of this system?im starting 2 hate the human race suddenly.
I can understand your anger mindboggles, here i am at 3.20 and cannot sleep also because I am feeling the anger and lying in bed is just making me crazy.
If the prosecution team cannot find anything or build a good case; the barrister I think could push for the trial to be squashed.. that is a good barrister. I dont know. I just remember our sol said if the prosecution team cannot build a good case, the defense team can take this as advantage. Unless the prosecution has a good reason why they have nothing!?? I might be wrong!Last edited by fighter; 26 January 2012, 03:30 AM.
the judge gave the defence another 15 days to hand over her medical records.the prosicution are lieing threw their teeth ther excuse now is arrestin officer has been ill in hospital! yet she was able to phone round the witnesses asking if they knew wer she was living? at the weekend!! its all 1 sided,we dont stand a chance with these people.
I wish the judge would also think the longer the process takes the longer the people involved have to suffer.But you know we have so many cases; so many crimes; and if the police and cps would be more decisive maybe some false allegations can have been NFAed. Hang in there mindboggles; as the solicitor said to ask; sorry we just have to go with the motion of the process.