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2 years and 4 months still being messed around.

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  • 2 years and 4 months still being messed around.

    hello partner was accused of raping my 18 year old daughter! this case beggers belief from lies,confusion and if it wasnt so serious i would laugh at the total mess the police and the pps have made of it.My partner reared my daughter since she was 3 years old,wen she turned 15 are world slowly and painfully fell apart.

    She started drinking,sneaking out at night,missing school the age of 17 she moved out 2 live with my step daughter and during that time she started drinking during the day and partying.To cut a long story short she got so out of control that on her 18 birthday i made her come back home to try and steer her down a better path in life.This was just not to be and she decided the best way to her own flat was to be a victim of a terrible crime.

    My partner was more than good to her and run around like her personal taxi dropping her and her friends of at their clubs ect..I wont go into anymore detail as yet on the before!! but heres how the nightmare began and how bad this system is for the accused......

    One week after she moved back in herself and her friends were heading out to a club.They had a lot to drink even before they left the house.Later that night around 130am they came back! my daughter was in the usual state when she drinks!shouting,crawling from room to room then violently sick just about everywer in the house.I was in bed and my partner sat down stairs with her and her friends holding the basin and wiping her mouth!as he usualy does when she drinks.He reapeatedly told her to get to bed but she was to drunk to even move.

    Anyway next morning we woke to find her gone,we both said to each other hmmm she,s done another runner.When i rang her she said! he raped me last night! I was horrified and felt sick to the stomach,she said he raped her on the sofa and made her do things.I asked her why didnt you wake your friend and she paused and said wat friend? Well here,s the funny part! her friend was laying beside her all night and was still sitting on the sofa as i was talking on the phone...Anyway went to see her at my step daughters and the first thing i said was get tour underwear and clothes into a bag and tie it up.

    I knew what she was telling me lies from the minute she opened her mouth.Her attitude was not that of a victim!.She gave me an ultimatum! leave my partner or she will go to the police,if i leave him we can just forget the whole thing??..I knew then she had planned something dispicable.For 3 days i questioned her and the story got bigger and bigger and more detailed.I,d had enough at this stage and told her to go to the police.

    Next day my partner coudnt take anymore so we headed to the police station and explained everything.They said they coudnt do anything onless she comes down,so i went and got her and took her down with her clothes!oh and she forgot to bring her under wear.She went into the interview room and my partner walked in and gave his name.The police took him outside onto the street,handcuffed him in front of school kids and read his rights.They sent him home later that night because even the detective said there was inconsistencies in her interview.

    He was bailed for 3 months then they were lifted,social services phoned me 4 months after that and told me there services arnt required anymore and that my kids wernt in any danger she also told me the the rape charges were not goin ahead.We were so relieved and started getting on with life untill 6 months later the police came with all the papers! yes it was going to the crown court.

    The dna and evidence states that there was nothin to be found.Anyay my partner sent his concent forms to release his medical records.We were due in court this month but after 2 visits the prosicusion had nothing.She never sent the release forms back so thers no medical records ect...Now we have learnt she can not be found!she has moved without contacting social services or police?? We hav another court date next month...sorry this was so long and boring but my partner and myself need answers that no1 can give us..THIS IS JUST MINOR DETAILS...thers much more! thanx for reading.
    Last edited by Saffron; 20 January 2012, 10:34 AM. Reason: Putting in paragraphs for ease of reading

  • #2
    Hi Mindboggles and welcome.

    Just to let you know, I have edited your post to put in some paragraphs. Reading a big block of text is difficult and confusing.

    I am confused as to how the prosecution are offering no evidence but you still have a court hearing. Have you got a solicitor on the case?

    Otghers will no doubt be along soon, but in the meantime welcome


    • #3
      thankyou saffron and yes we have a great team working with us! its so confusing.A friend of hers reported the social services that they believed she was telling lies because of a remark she made when she was drunk. also she claimed he took her virginity away that night yet she told her social worker he raped her just b4 her 16 birthday.Her story keeps changing and i think she knows all this will come out if she releases her records.


      • #4
        Originally posted by mindboggles View Post
        thankyou saffron and yes we have a great team working with us! its so confusing.A friend of hers reported the social services that they believed she was telling lies because of a remark she made when she was drunk. also she claimed he took her virginity away that night yet she told her social worker he raped her just b4 her 16 birthday.Her story keeps changing and i think she knows all this will come out if she releases her records.
        they have their own paper work but no records for my partners solicitor records.


        • #5

          This is such a difficult situation for you; your daughter accusing your partner.....

          I picked out one bit in your story:

          Originally posted by mindboggles View Post
          She gave me an ultimatum! leave my partner or she will go to the police,if i leave him we can just forget the whole thing??
          Does she have any contact with her biological father? I'm wondering if a motive for the accusation is in the hope you might return to him.

          If you are able to support your partner in court this will count as a huge positive.
          'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


          • #6
            Thanx casehardened! she knows ther is not a chance of us getting back,he was a pig.Plus he has his own family now.Im a pros witness but the statement i made was not the full statement we recieved.It was not recorded by the police.We are worried they may not use me in court because i support my partner.I m the main witness,also her friend is a witness and he doesnt believe her.


            • #7
              [QUOTE=mindboggles;23107]Thanx casehardened! she knows ther is not a chance of us getting back,he was a pig.Plus he has his own family now.Im a pros witness but the statement i made was not the full statement we recieved.It was not recorded by the police.We are worried they may not use me in court because i support my partner.I m the main witness,also her friend is a witness and he doesnt believe her.[/QUOTE ther is so much more to say about everything that happened and i believe there is 1 or 2 reasons why she done it!.


              • #8
                Do you mean that the written statement your partner's solicitor received is not what you remembered saying during your interview?

                The purpose of this statement is to give the CPS some facts to decide whether to prosecute and their barrister something to base his questions on, so it may be the written statement may omit bits which are deemed irrelevant to their case.

                To address your concerns, the jury won't get to see your statement, but they will listen to what you actually say in the witness box. I note you are worried that you might not be called and I suppose if you are going to be a 'hostile' witness (i.e. not helpful to the prosecution) this may happen.

                However I did find the following paragraph on the CPS website which suggests they should call you as a witness:

                Generally speaking the prosecution must call or offer to call all the witnesses whose statements have been served at committal.

                Prosecutors should therefore include in the statement bundle only the witnesses on whom the prosecution will rely at the trial. Serving inappropriate statements can weaken or damage a case

                'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                • #9
                  thankyou casehardened..u have been very helpfull bless you..i have replied a few times but it doesnt seem 2 be coming on here!hope 2 hear from u soon..I have probably done something wrong knowing me! Im still trying 2 find my way around this we site.thanx.


                  • #10
                    Hello again MB,

                    Unfortunately several of our members are in exactly your position; i.e. supporting a partner who about to go on trial through a false accusation (and this is especially hurtful when it is a family member who has made the accusation)

                    This does mean though that on here you will find understanding as well as advice (you may well find it difficult to talk about the case to your friends) so it's somewhere you can 'let off steam' so to speak. Also in a odd way it is helpful to realize that the same thing has happened to many others.

                    I've moved this thread into the Falsely Accused section of the forum as many members just visit this section; hopefully some of them will be along soon to offer support.
                    'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                    • #11
                      And along I come... Oh dear...

                      Does the prosecution keep seeking an adjournment in court or is it your own defense team?

                      What is the feedback from your defense team? Most defense teams would be looking to get a case as old as this struck off, not saying it's a definite but should be a consideration that they've raised. Is it your team that want the medical records?

                      The prosecution could've brought the case with the best of intentions (serving justice and things...) but realised that it was a no go and are simply going through the motions of kicking it into the long grass but unfortunately doing it in court! I can't quite grasp why they're playing around.

                      Although I feel genuine sorrow for your partner I believe you are the one that's going to be suffering the most. You're stuck between two individuals who are massive parts of your life, are YOU receiving any help dealing with what must be enormous pressures and pains?
                      Wow... A signature option!


                      • #12
                        Mindboggles, there is no property in a witness. this is a common trick played by the CPS - they will c all you as a prosecution witness, knowing that your testimony could be helpful to the defence, and then not use you. Your sol should be able to advise you on this. If you want to speak on your hubby's behalf, you are free to do so!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by lawlessone2009 View Post
                          And along I come... Oh dear...

                          Does the prosecution keep seeking an adjournment in court or is it your own defense team?

                          What is the feedback from your defense team? Most defense teams would be looking to get a case as old as this struck off, not saying it's a definite but should be a consideration that they've raised. Is it your team that want the medical records?

                          The prosecution could've brought the case with the best of intentions (serving justice and things...) but realised that it was a no go and are simply going through the motions of kicking it into the long grass but unfortunately doing it in court! I can't quite grasp why they're playing around.

                          Although I feel genuine sorrow for your partner I believe you are the one that's going to be suffering the most. You're stuck between two individuals who are massive parts of your life, are YOU receiving any help dealing with what must be enormous pressures and pains?
                          thanx lawlessone the cps came 2 court last week and said they cant find her and have no med records...the judge ordred them back in 2 days time.When they came back they wer still no further so the judge ordered them 2 hav all paper work competed ans sent 2 r sol. and set a date for 4 weeks....and yes i am suffering she was my we best friend before she started gettin out of control.As for the defence team! ther still confused how its even in court with all the evidence and witness statements.But must quote im in northern ireland and the law for rape has changed.womens rights hav put pressure on pps to bring more cases to court.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Casehardened View Post
                            Hello again MB,

                            Unfortunately several of our members are in exactly your position; i.e. supporting a partner who about to go on trial through a false accusation (and this is especially hurtful when it is a family member who has made the accusation)

                            This does mean though that on here you will find understanding as well as advice (you may well find it difficult to talk about the case to your friends) so it's somewhere you can 'let off steam' so to speak. Also in a odd way it is helpful to realize that the same thing has happened to many others.

                            I've moved this thread into the Falsely Accused section of the forum as many members just visit this section; hopefully some of them will be along soon to offer support.
                            thanku very much ch.ur great help.


                            • #15
                              Yeah, these bloody womens rights! Keep em in the kitchen and out of trouble is what I say... Not women, the bloody feminist groups!

                              Scotland's had a change recently too...

                              Sounds like the case is in a bit of a mess as far as the prosecution is concerned. I'd leave em too it! Keep working on your side.

                              Is the daughter determined to take the stand or is she hiding hoping it all vanishes?
                              Wow... A signature option!

