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Still waiting - update

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  • Still waiting - update

    I have been in contact today with the OIC and told that he has met with the CPS and is expecting a final decision by the middle of next week but is unalbe to indicate what that decision will be ????? not sure how to take that but I am now frightened stiff they make the wrong one.

    Is it so hard to find the truth and stop this unhumane torture.

    Although I have not been that vocal on this forum I visit daily and was gutted to hear another person charged and desperate to hear the ongoing trial comes back with the right verdict. Thank you to everyone that has been kind to me and offered advice and support and what ever the outcome I will let you all know.

  • #2
    Dear Barney, this period is terrible I know - I was there in March. I heard at stansted just before I flew off to Finland on a buisness trip that bail was now extended yet another three months when OIC had told us decision would be made by CPS a week before the towards the end of March bail date. Had to call my other half from airport to tell her the rotten news! Then terrible flight - stiff drinks.... Solicitor had no idea if this was good or bad news. Next few weeks were toughest till a call 3 weeks later saying NFA. I really sympathise....


    • #3
      Keep strong - head up and I hope that things go well for you.
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • #4
        Barney, the positive point is it has come to the point where CPS is making decision. I am hoping an NFA for you. Some people are told two weeks after CPS makes decision so middle of next week is better. Hang in there


        • #5
          Thanks, Feel like a complete emotional wreck but will keep going. Strange how fragile our worlds really are that one lie can cause so much devistation.

          Thanks for your support.


          • #6
            Hi Barney, not surprised you feel so awful. A tortuous time when you are innocent and having your whole world turned upside down for no good reason. Try and remain positive and see your GP if you feel depressed and anxious. Do you have people close to you who you can talk about stuff with?

            Kind regards to you
            False Accusers Beware: You have chosen to dine at the Karma Cafe. There is no menu: you will just get what you deserve.


            • #7
              I have the most amazing wife and family anyone could ever ask for so I do have a huge ammount of support. Thanks


              • #8
                May I recommend you have a little read at:


                It's a PDF file which might screw up your browser depending on which one you are using. Thought I would just let you know in case...

                The link lays out what the prosecution are 'supposed' to do when making their decision. You may already have read it in which case disregard it but if you haven't then it may give a little more info and relax your tensions slightly.

                Even after having read it you may still find you are unable to understand what they are doing and why it is taking so long...

                I personally think they toss a coin to decide whether to proceed or not...
                Wow... A signature option!


                • #9
                  Couple of fact for you that may explain why it can take a little longer (I do not condone their habit of keeping people hanging for months)

                  Not all CPS lawers can deal with a rape case, it has to be specially trained ones

                  If they decide to charge then that's the decision of one lawyer. If they NFA, then that has to be confirmed by a second specially trained lawyer.

                  I was speaking to a person who has been kept hanging around for months too - he is accused of drugs and conspiricy (I dont know the details) - the story is the same as most on here, they keep bailing him "waiting for lines of enquiry"

                  You and only you will know what the evedence for and against you is, rather than stress about this, use the time to get it all on paper and look through it, make notes about everything, ask questions, speak to friends - hopefully that will make you feel a bit better and ease the strain.


                  • #10
                    Just a minor elaboration. The specially trained rape case lawyers are few and far between. And rape cases have a habit of going to a "senior" desk before being NFA'd. There is huge pressure on CPS to prosecute even if OIC has reluctance.... Thus it often takes four to six weeks longer to NFA than the OIC expects...


                    • #11
                      And pressure is capital p Political


                      • #12
                        Thanks everyone for your replies, hopefully not long to go before and answer.

                        Take care


                        • #13
                          hopefully tomorrow I will get e decision. Every minuite now fels like a hour. God I hope this is over soon so I can see a smile on my amazing wonderful fantastic wifes face. Surely the truth has to win out.


                          • #14
                            I shall keep my fingers crossed for you.
                            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                            • #15
                              Good luck Barney! Hoping everythhing comes good for you x

